Уж не знаю по какой причине, но мито-групп на FtDNA активизировались.
Вот, что я получила от
HV*. Возможно, это кому-нибудь будет интересно. Помню, что у нас
HV* (кроме одного из моих кузенов) -
I am forwarding this message from Ted Kandell (
Ted_Kandell@yahoo.com), a fellow mtDNA HV5 match. He was asked the question why should people with mtDNA haplogroup HV order the Full Genomic Sequence (FGS); the answer he gave is below.
Judy Simon
"HV5" is a newer designation that has been officially adopted by http;//www.phylotree.org which is the official repository of the nomenclature for the mtDNA tree.
In fact, my sequence and Judy Simon's are both there in the official tree, as samples of HV5.
(In fact, I was the one who named it "HV5" in the genome repository - "GenBank" where all genetic sequences are stored - because HV1 through HV4 were already taken, and this was then became official.
) )
You aren't proven to be HV5 unless you test for 12133T, which is part of the mtDNA full sequence, so you are listed as "HV" (which means the larger branch HV, but without the smaller branches H, V, or HV1, which are actually tested for by FTDNA.) There is at least one person who is a high-resolution match (just the highly variable part of the mtDNA) but turned out to be HV4 (with the 7094C mutation) instead of HV5. However, this person's ancestors weren't at all Jewish.
Dubno is Dubno, Ukraine, right here:
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=50.416667,25.75&ie=UTF8&ll=50.416667,25.75&spn=8.529143,20.10498&z=6We also have people with ancestors from Suwalki as well:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Suwalki&sll=50.416667,25.75&sspn=8.529143,20.10498&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Gmina+Suwa%C5%82ki,+Suwa%C5%82ki,+Podlachia,+Poland&ll=54.111522,22.930788&spn=3.922582,10.05249&z=7And also Molodechno, Belarus:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Molodechno,+Belarus&sll=54.111522,22.930788&sspn=3.922582,10.05249&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Maladzie%C4%8Dna,+Belarus&ll=54.84499,26.949463&spn=7.710717,20.10498&z=6Almost every other person has a matrilineal ancestor from shtetls in the same general region.except one, whose ancestors come from somewhere in Hungary. There's also a single HV5 in an academic study from a Hungarian Jew from Budapest, but his ancestors might very well have originated in Ukraine and moved there under the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
We keep searching, but we haven't found anyone else who is HV5 besides Jews from this region, not even Ashkenazi Jews from other parts of Poland further west and south. Why?
We all belong to a very small group of closely related cousins from the shtetls of Greater Lithuania.