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https://elifesciences.org/content/6/e20983A molecular portrait of maternal sepsis from Byzantine Troy
Alison M Devault Tatum D Mortimer Andrew Kitchen Henrike Kiesewetter Jacob M Enk G Brian Golding John Southon Melanie Kuch Ana T Duggan William Aylward Shea N Gardner Jonathan E Allen Andrew M King Gerard Wright Makoto Kuroda Kengo Kato Derek EG Briggs Gino Fornaciari Edward C Holmes Hendrik N Poinar Caitlin S Pepperell
http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.20983Published January 10, 2017
Cite as eLife 2017;6:e20983
Pregnancy complications are poorly represented in the archeological record, despite their importance in contemporary and ancient societies. While excavating a Byzantine cemetery in Troy, we discovered calcified abscesses among a woman’s remains. Scanning electron microscopy of the tissue revealed ‘ghost cells’, resulting from dystrophic calcification, which preserved ancient maternal, fetal and bacterial DNA of a severe infection, likely chorioamnionitis. Gardnerella vaginalis and Staphylococcus saprophyticus dominated the abscesses. Phylogenomic analyses of ancient, historical, and contemporary data showed that G. vaginalis Troy fell within contemporary genetic diversity, whereas S. saprophyticus Troy belongs to a lineage that does not appear to be commonly associated with human disease today. We speculate that the ecology of S. saprophyticus infection may have differed in the ancient world as a result of close contacts between humans and domesticated animals. These results highlight the complex and dynamic interactions with our microbial milieu that underlie severe maternal infections.
Палеогенетики исследовали останки женщины, захороненной 800 лет назад около Трои, тогда это была территория Византии. Судя по всему она была беременна и погибла в результате родовых осложнений. При анализе ДНК удалось обнаружить ДНК бактерий Gardnerella vaginalis(вызывает бактериальный вагиноз) и Staphylococcus saprophyticus(распространенный возбудитель инфекций мочевых путей). Удалось также опеределить мтДНК женщины - U3b3. Авторы пишут что данная мтДНК встречается в основном на Кавказе и Ближнем Востоке, однако судя по картинке самые близкие современные образцы обнаружены в России и Украине:
From these data, we reconstructed a human mitochondrial genome at 30.1x unique read depth, the consensus of which belongs to haplotype U3b3. In phylogenetic analyses of the mitogenome from Troy and modern mitogenomes, the Troy sample groups most closely with those from the Caucasus and Middle East, both of which were within the eastern limits of Late Byzantine influence (Figure 1—figure supplement 6).