АвторТема: Corded Ware women more mobile than their men  (Прочитано 1868 раз)

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Corded Ware women more mobile than their men
« : 26 Май 2016, 21:35:58 »
Diet and Mobility in the Corded Ware of Central Europe

Karl-Göran Sjögren, T. Douglas Price, Kristian Kristiansen.

Published: May 25, 2016.


Isotopic investigations of two cemetery populations from the Corded Ware Culture in southern Germany reveal new information on the dating of these graves, human diet during this period, and individual mobility. Corded Ware Culture was present across much of temperate Europe ca. 2800-2200 cal. BC and is represented by distinctive artifacts and burial practices. Corded Ware was strongly influenced by the Yamnaya Culture that arose in the steppes of eastern Europe and western Eurasia after 3000 BC, as indicated by recent aDNA research. However, the development of CW on different chronological and spatial scales has to be evaluated. Examination of the CW burials from southern Germany supports an argument for substantial human mobility in this period. Several burials from gravefields and larger samples from two large cemeteries at Lauda-Königshofen "Wöllerspfad" and at Bergheinfeld“ Hühnerberg” contributed the human remains for our study of bone and tooth enamel from the Corded Ware Culture. Our results suggest that Corded Ware groups in this region at least were subsisting on a mix of plant and animal foods and were highly mobile, especially the women. We interpret this as indicating a pattern of female exogamy, involving different groups with differing economic strategies.

"The number and proportion of females with distinctive strontium isotope ratios is notable and suggests that women were more mobile than males in CW society. Such evidence fits well with recent genetic information documenting more varied haplogroups among CW females [14]. Müller et al. [2] suggest female exogamy as a means of maintaining lineage identify in the face of rapid, long-distance mobility. Haak et al. [25] also reported genetic and Sr isotope ratio differences between males and females at Eulau, Germany, suggesting female exogamy. The fact that such a difference is identifiable at all also suggests that males were largely stationary, at least in the sense that they were mostly born, raised and buried in the same locality. We suggest that this reflects a stable exogamic system where women moved to their husband’s settlements, existing at Bergrheinfeld for several generations. As no distinctions in burial treatment were associated with incoming women, either the exogamic exchange involved only CW groups, or incoming women were completely integrated into CW society".


Оффлайн Mich Glitch

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Re: Corded Ware women more mobile than their men
« Ответ #1 : 27 Май 2016, 10:48:49 »
Две моих гипотезы в тему:

1. Красивый обычай умыкания невесты.    :)

2. Во время локальных стычек (как-то неловко называть их войнами, сообразуясь с эпохой), мужчин-врагов убивали, а женщин и прочую домашнюю живность уводили с собой. (Пардон, если кто-то найдёт шутку слишком сексисткой.     :-X  )

*** Факт большего митогаплогруппного разнообразия (если хотите, отсутствие ярковыраженных максимумов) приметил очень давно.
Так что шутки-гипотезы можно полагать давней домашней заготовкой.     ::)

Оффлайн пенелопаАвтор темы

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Re: Corded Ware women more mobile than their men
« Ответ #2 : 27 Май 2016, 11:12:49 »
Те, кто напали на перечисленных в статье жителей (или на этих: http://forum.molgen.org/index.php/topic,1114.msg340700.html#msg340700), видимо, обычая умычек не придерживались: убитых женщин в захоронениях не меньше, чем мужчин... или они были немолоды и не представляли интереса...

Оффлайн Mich Glitch

  • Genus regis
  • Сообщений: 36935
  • Страна: ca
  • Рейтинг +3773/-48
  • Y-ДНК: J2b1
  • мтДНК: H6a1a5a
Re: Corded Ware women more mobile than their men
« Ответ #3 : 27 Май 2016, 11:22:21 »
Так женщин и должно быть больше, коль скоро их отцов-братьев поперебили.

Оффлайн Mich Glitch

  • Genus regis
  • Сообщений: 36935
  • Страна: ca
  • Рейтинг +3773/-48
  • Y-ДНК: J2b1
  • мтДНК: H6a1a5a
Re: Corded Ware women more mobile than their men
« Ответ #4 : 27 Май 2016, 11:27:31 »
Речь не идёт об отдельном регионе, или эпохе.
Достаточно посмотреть частоты субкладов по игреку и мито. Где угодно. По игреку имеем максимумы. По мито имеем гомогенную размазню.
Мачо (типа, Чинхиз-хана) может наплодить кучу детей. Репродуктивные же возможности женщин сильно ограничены.

Как говорят в фильмах, We live in man`s world, baby.    :)


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