Спасибо, интересно.
Если я правильно понял выводы авторов статьи, то они пришли к заключению, что
хотя анатомически современный человек родился и вышел из Африки, но колыбелью человечества откуда затем колонизировалась Евразия Океания и Новый свет была южная Сибирь.

Fig1. Geographic dispersal routes of (A)AMH out of Africa migration, and (B) secondary worldwide human expansions, deduced from the age and geographic localization of L3 and N(xR) mtDNA haplogroups including Lineages O and S from Australia.
Climatic marine isotope stages(MIS) and most probable places of genetic admixture with Neanderthals and Denisovans are depicted. Dotted lines in B mean probable gene flow between populations from different dispersals
An unique southern route for the AMH out of Africa migrations has been placed as the most probable path for the journey that drove our species to colonize the entire world. However, as this study demonstrates, an additional Levant northern route is more congruent with available multidisciplinary data. In addition, combined genetic, archaeological and bioclimatic evidence suggest that, although the early anatomically modern human was born in Africa, the nursery of the modern humans that colonized Eurasia, Oceania and the New World might be first at the south Siberia northwest China core and later in Southeast Asia.