Мы находимся на одной ветке с Лихтенштейнцами, интересно они наши прямые предки или просто родственники?
Ответ от Антониоса Коллиаса
I don't think so. The Lichtensteiners were tested Y12, only. (Very likely PH1237) We do not know their exact subgroup, but I was able to find two men, who live very close to the cave and do have subclade PH1237>PH2591. From my point of view, the Lichtensteiners are already PH2591, or a died out subclade of PH1237.
Nonetheless, PH2591 and Y31038 split about 3700 years ago and the Lichtensteiners died about 3000 years ago. therefore we are not too distant from them.