АвторТема: Nonmetric traits in Early Iron Age cranial series from Western and Southern Sibe  (Прочитано 2361 раз)

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Nonmetric traits in Early Iron Age cranial series from Western and Southern Siberia V. G. MoiseyevIntroduction
The origin and evolution of a number of related cultures representing the so-called Scytho-Siberian (Early Nomadic) ethno-cultural community is one of the key issues for understanding ethnic processes that occurred in the Northern Eurasian steppe belt during the Early Iron Age (most of the 1st millennium BC). So far, craniometry has been the only trait system regularly used by specialists studying prehistoric skeletal remains from these regions.
The objective of the present study is to introduce and analyze nonmetric cranial data concerning the Early Iron Age populations from Western and Southern Siberia and to compare these populations with others using the highly informative nonmetric traits proposed by A.G. Kozintsev (1988, 1992). I am thankful to T.A. Chikisheva, D.V. Pozdniakov, and M.P. Rykun for the possibility to study the cranial collections curated at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SO RAN in Novosibirsk and at Tomsk State University, and for their assistance.


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