PS кому интересно, новая статья по Куро-араксу:
The Kura-Araxes cultural tradition existed in the highlands of the South Caucasus from 3500 to 2450 BCE (before the Christian era). This tradition represented an adaptive regime and a symbolically encoded common identity spread over a broad area of patchy mountain environments. By 3000 BCE, groups bearing this identity had migrated southwest across a wide area from the Taurus Mountains down into the southern Levant, southeast along the Zagros Mountains, and north across the Caucasus Mountains. In these new places, they became effectively ethnic groups amid already heterogeneous societies. This paper addresses the place of migrants among local populations as ethnicities and the reasons for their disappearance in the diaspora after 2450 BCE.
Куро-аракс как культурный феномен обьединяюший индоевропейцев,протокартвел и хуррит?
Почему бы и нет.
Таким боком ht15 можно считать даже не кельтским,а иберо->иберийским.
Контакты индоевропейцев с семитами можно расположить в районе Эблы(Амук) и Малатии(Арслантепе) где идет боковая ветьв куро-аракса.