I leaned toward Balkan version because it's so obvious; just one jump from Anatolia to Balkans. But since Victor shared his autosome findings I have some concern
Therу is no historical logic in mix of Scythian, Ostrogoth and Balkan native population.
Moreover L1189 & subbraches look like scattered skittles across Europe. Yes, Rome Empire expansion can explain presence of L1189 in UK, Portugal, Balkan, Germany, East Europe but when was the set of skittles 6-7000 years ago..? I don't know
Major migrations came to Europe from Middle East and Asia but not directly through Balkan strait but across Stepe (Caspian See, North Black See). May be that was the predecessors of R1 in Eastern & Central Europe and small non-agressive tribes were destroyed and driven out to forests of Germany, mountains of Balkans and etc.
Scythian + Early Slav (4.773)
Ostrogoth + Early Slav (6.841)
Scythian + Kievan Rus (7.345)
Viking + Early Slav (7.509)
Kievan Rus + Early Slav (7.669)
Early Slav (8.914)
Kievan Rus (9.846)
Scythian (11.45)
Viking (14.92)
Ostrogoth (16.31)
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