830–980 гг Это время обретения венграми родины. Вторжение мадьяроязычных в Паннонию. В принципе все венгры по идеи должны были быть N1c... но почему то как у финнов не получилось...
Там написанно до-Скифская культура, Мадьяры были до Скифов?
At the southern edge of the settlement a pre-Scythian cemetery was excavated that
contained two groups of skeletons. The first, with 7 graves, was very poorly
preserved, while the second (with 12 graves) was better preserved. Grave 2638
(specimen IR1, a 4-6 years old child, Supplementary Table 1) belonged to the
second group 71. The skeleton of the child was lying on its back in an extended
position but the burial was disturbed by recent ploughing. The only excavated grave
good was one broken bronze pin, but in other graves within the cemetery both
ceramic and iron objects were excavated and these confirm the attribution of the
cemetery to the Early Iron Age Mezőcsát Culture.