АвторТема: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)  (Прочитано 767332 раз)

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Оффлайн FenriR

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Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1665 : 04 Сентябрь 2018, 03:13:23 »
не знаю, из последнего, что я слышал, была информация, что из образцов остался только один, приемлемого качества

Оффлайн rozenblatt

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Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1666 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 05:36:33 »
Опубликованы тезисы конференции “8th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology”, 18th–21st September in Jena, Germany.:


Некоторые особо интересные:

Оффлайн rozenblatt

  • Сообщений: 1626
  • Страна: kg
  • Рейтинг +2169/-0
  • Y-ДНК: C-ZQ31
  • мтДНК: M8a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1667 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 05:36:53 »
Генетика коренного населения российского Дальнего Востока:


    Gene geography of the Russian Far East populations – faces, genome-wide profiles, and Y-chromosomes

    O. Balanovsky1,2,3, Y. Bogunov1,2, E. Lukyanova1, A. Agdzhoyan1,2, V. Zaporozhchenko1,2, M. Zhabagin4, A. Maurer5E. Balanovska1,2,3

    Russian Far East is not only a remote area of Eurasia but also a link of the chain of Pacific coast regions, spanning from East Asia to Americas, and many prehistoric migrations are known along this chain. The Russian Far East is populated by numerous indigenous groups, speaking Tungusic, Turkic, Chukotko-Kamchatka, Eskimo-Aleut, and isolated languages. This linguistic and geographic variation opens question about the patterns of genetic variation in the region, which was significantly undersampled and received minor attention in the genetic literature to date. To fill in this gap we sampled Aleuts, Evenks, Evens, Itelmens, Kamchadals, Koryaks, Nanais, Negidals, Nivkhs, Orochi, Udegeis, Ulchi, and Yakuts. We also collected the demographic information of local populations, took physical anthropological photos, and measured the skin color. The photos resulted in the "synthetic portraits" of many studied groups, visualizing the main features of their faces.
    We genotyped 150 samples using the Illumina genome-wide SNP panels: 730k OmniExpress chip and the largest commercially available 4M Omni5Exome-4 chip.
    This dataset revealed the contrast between gene pools of populations from Amur basin, Chukotka-Kamchatka speakers, and Evenks/Evens. The Chukotka-Kamchatka populations are genetically very specific comparing with all other Eurasian groups. They demonstrated weak signals of similarity with Amerinds and might carry a portion of the Upper Paleolithic Beringian ancestry. The other Russian Far East groups carry mainly the Amur basin/Central Asian genetic component, traced back till the Neolithic aDNA samples from the Amur region, but also East Asian and North Siberian components.
    We also analyzed ~1,000 Y-chromosomes from the same indigenous groups. The subset was sequenced, resulting in the detailed phylogenetic tree with many newly revealed branches. The remained samples were genotyped by Y-SNPs, including those defining the new branches. The Y-chromosomal data confirmed the genetic peculiarity of the Asian north-easternmost populations. We also demonstrated that gene pool structure corresponds with the clan structure, and clans within the same group might have different origin.
    To conclude, we performed the molecular anthropological and physical anthropological study of the Russian Far East revealing the complex and ancient gene pools which are structured not only by geography, but also by language and clans.

Геномы охотников-собирателей и земледельцев из Северо-Восточного Китая:


    Genomic insight into the Neolithic transition peopling of Northeast Asia

    C. Ning1

    East Asian representing a large geographic region where around one fifth of the world populations live, has been an interesting place for population genetic studies. In contrast to Western Eurasia, East Asia has so far received little attention despite agriculture here evolved differently from elsewhere around the globe. To date, only very limited genomic studies from East Asia had been published, the genetic history of East Asia is still largely unknown. In this study, we shotgun sequenced six hunter-gatherer individuals from Houtaomuga site in Jilin, Northeast China, dated from 12000 to 2300 BP and, 3 farming individuals from Banlashan site in Liaoning, Northeast China, dated around 5300 BP. We find a high level of genetic continuity within northeast Asia Amur River Basin as far back to 12000 BP, a region where populations are speaking Tungusic languages. We also find our Compared with Houtaomuga hunter-gatherers, the Neolithic farming population harbors a larger proportion of ancestry from Houtaomuga related hunter-gathers as well as genetic ancestry from central or perhaps southern China. Our finding further suggests that the introduction of farming technology into Northeast Asia was probably introduced through demic diffusion.

Геномы из Монголии бронзового века:     O–MOB–03

    Bronze Age population dynamics and the rise of dairy pastoralism on the eastern Eurasian steppe

    C. Warinner1, C. Jeong1, S. Wilkin1, T. Amgalantugs1, A. Bouwman1, W. Taylor1, R. Hagan1, S. Bromage1, S. Tsolmon1C. Trachsel1, J. Grossmann1, J. Littleton1, C. Makarewicz1, J. Krigbaum1, M. Burri1, A. Scott1, G. Davaasambuu1, J. Wright1F. Irmer1, E. Myagmar1, N. Boivin1, M. Robbeets1, F. Rühli1, J. Krause1, B. Frohlich1, J. Hendy1

    Recent paleogenomic studies have shown that migrations of Western steppe herders (WSH), beginning in the Eneolithic (ca. 3300-2700 BCE), profoundly transformed the genes and cultures of Europe and Central Asia. Compared to Europe, the eastern extent of this WSH expansion is not well defined. Here we present genomic and proteomic data from 22 directly dated Bronze Age khirigsuur burials from Khövsgöl, Mongolia (ca. 1380-975 BCE). Only one individual showed evidence of WSH ancestry, despite the presence of WSH populations in the nearby Altai-Sayan region for more than a millennium. At the same time, LC-MS/MS analysis of dental calculus provides direct protein evidence of milk consumption from Western domesticated livestock in 7 of 9 individuals. Our results show that dairy pastoralism was adopted by Bronze Age Mongolians despite minimal genetic exchange with Western steppe herders.

Оффлайн rozenblatt

  • Сообщений: 1626
  • Страна: kg
  • Рейтинг +2169/-0
  • Y-ДНК: C-ZQ31
  • мтДНК: M8a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1668 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 05:46:40 »
Донеолитический геном из Анатолии:

The first Epipaleolithic genome from Anatolia suggests a limited role of demic diffusion in the development of farming in Anatolia

M. Feldman1, E. Fernández2, L. Reynolds3, R. Bianco1, C. Posth1, A. N. Goring-Morris4, J. Pearson5, H. May6,7, I. Hershkovitz6,7D. Baird5, C. Jeong1, J. Krause1

Anatolia was home to some of the earliest farming communities, which in the following millennia expanded into Europe and largely replaced local hunter-gatherers. The lack of genetic data from pre-farming Anatolians has so far limited demographic investigations of the Anatolian Neolithisation process. In particular, it has been unclear whether and to what extent the development of farming in central Anatolia involved the migration of farmers from earlier farming centres. Here we present the first genome-wide data from an Anatolian Epipaleolithic hunter-gatherer excavated at the site of Pınarbaşı, Turkey who lived ca 15,000 years ago, as well as from early farmers from Anatolia and the Levant. We find a high degree of genetic continuity between the hunter-gatherer and early farmers of Anatolia and detect two distinct ancestry waves entering central Anatolia during the Neolithic transition. Our results support models of cultural diffusion for the development of agriculture in Anatolia with only a limited role of population movement.

Геномы из Эстонии от бронзового века до средних веков:

Demographic processes in the territory of Estonia from the earliest inhabitants to modern times

K. Tambets1, L. Saag1,2, A. Kushniarevich1, L. Varul3, A. Kriiska4, M. Laneman4, V. Lang4, M. Malve4, H. Valk4, L. Saag1, S. Rootsi1A. Solnik1, T. Reisberg1, J. Parik1, C. L. Scheib1, T. Kivisild1,2,5, R. Villems1,2, M. Metspalu1

This interdisciplinary project deals with the studies of temporal population dynamics of the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, in the territory of present-day Estonia. We use the skeletal material from Estonian archaeological collections to characterize the genetic structure of the population in time series starting from the earliest layers of lithic cultures to the contemporary population. The sample consisted of 72 individuals – 24 from the Bronze Age stone-cist graves, 13 from the Iron Age tarand-graves and 35 from the Medieval rural and town cemeteries. We produced low-coverage Illumina whole-genome sequencing data. The resulting data was analyzed in a context of modern Estonian and European genetic variation.
Hgs N3 and R1a are the two most common chrY hgs among modern Estonians. While we have previously found that hg R1a appears in Estonia together with farmers of Neolithic Corded Ware culture (CWC) people, the arrival of hg N, which has been proposed to be connected with the arrival of Uralic languages to Europe, is yet to be studied. We found that the Iron Age individuals do in fact carry chrY hg N3 while all 18 Bronze Age males belong to R1a. Furthermore, based on their autosomal data, all of the studied individuals appear closer to hunter-gatherers and modern Estonians than Estonian CWC individuals do.
The Medieval period started in the eastern Baltic region much later than in Central Europe and in Scandinavia. The crusades and conquest in 13th century AD brought along vast social, economical and cultural changes, which presumably changed the structure of the local population. While the Medieval individuals buried in rural cemeteries are considered as the representatives of the local Estonian population, those of big towns can often be associated with the new wave of people who arrived, mostly from Western Europe, together with Christianity via the economical, cultural and political networks. We find that there is a clear difference between the genome-wide data of individuals belonging to Medieval urban and rural communities. The urban elite clusters genetically with modern Germans but the rural local class with modern Estonians. We did find a few individuals of mixed genetic ancestry, but the overall admixture between the two classes was limited.
Our results reveal several population shifts during the prehistory of the region and show a clear continuity of the population starting at least from the Iron Age.

Геномы из Якутии от 16 до 20 века:


    Exploring the genomic impact of colonization in north-eastern Siberia

    A. Seguin-Orlando1, K. Hanghøj1,2, C. Der Sarkissian1, C. Thèves1, S. Duchesne1, P. Gérard1, S. Fedorova3, A. Alexeev4C. Stepanoff5, L. Quintana-Murci6, E. Crubezy1, C. ANR LifeChange 1, L. Orlando1,2

    Yakutia is the coldest region in the northern hemisphere, with winter record temperatures below minus 70°C. The ability of Yakut people to adapt both culturally and biologically to extremely cold temperatures has been key to their subsistence. They are believed to descend from an ancestral population, which left its original homeland in the Lake Baykal area following the Mongol expansion between the 13th and 15th centuries AD. They originally developed a semi-nomadic lifestyle, based on horse and cattle breeding, providing transportation, primary clothing material, meat, and milk. The early colonization by Russians in the first half of the 17th century AD, and their further expansion, have massively impacted indigenous populations. It led not only to massive epidemiological outbreaks, but also to an important dietary shift increasingly relying on carbohydrate-rich resources, and a profound lifestyle transition with the gradual conversion from Shamanism to Christianity and the establishment of new marriage customs. Leveraging an exceptional archaeological collection of more than a hundred of bodies excavated by MAFSO (Mission Archéologique Française en Sibérie Orientale) over the last 15 years and naturally kept frozen by the extreme cold temperatures of Yakutia, we have started to characterize the (epi)genome of indigenous individuals who lived from the 16th to the 20th century AD. Current data include the genome sequence of approximately 50 individuals that lived prior to and after Russian contact, at a coverage from 2 to 40 fold. Combined with data from archaeology and physical anthropology, as well as microbial DNA preserved in the specimens, our unique dataset is aimed at assessing the biological consequences of the social and biological changes undergone by the Yakut people following their neolithisation by Russian colons.

Оффлайн rozenblatt

  • Сообщений: 1626
  • Страна: kg
  • Рейтинг +2169/-0
  • Y-ДНК: C-ZQ31
  • мтДНК: M8a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1669 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 05:57:35 »
В Англии нашли при раскопках колодец 12 века, а в нём останки 17 человек. По генетике они близки ашкеназам. Судя по всему - жертвы еврейского погрома:

    Why were 17 people buried in a well in 12th century Norwich? – genome-wide analysis of Medieval human remains from Chapelfield, Norwich, UK

    T. Booth1, S. Brace1, Y. Diekmann2, Z. Faltyskova2, M. Thomas2, I. Barnes1

    In 2004 human remains were recovered from a spoil heap of construction work on the Chapelfield shopping centre in Norwich, UK. Archaeological investigations discovered that the bones had come from a circular shaft that had probably constituted the bottom of a well. Excavation of the well shaft produced a disarticulated comingled assemblage of human remains representing at least 17 individuals (six adults and 11 children). The stratigraphic relationships between the skeletons combined with radiocarbon dating and pottery typology indicated that the bodies had been buried over a short period of time in 12th-13th Centuries AD, and possibly deposited in a single event. The well was located close to the Jewish quarter of the Medieval city,which may be significant given that late-12th Century Britain is notorious for documented incidents of violence towards Jewish communities. However, there were no detectable signs of trauma on the Chapelfield bones. Possible alternative explanations for this unusual burial event include a local epidemic, famine or a divergent form of funerary treatment afforded to certain individuals because of their economic, social or religious circumstances.
    Here we present genome-wide shotgun and capture data from the Chapelfield human remains. All individuals analysed show greatest affinities with modern Ashkenazi Jewish and Southern European populations. Chronological modelling of radiocarbon dates using Bayesian inferences produce a range centred on 1190 AD, the date of a historical massacre of Jews in Norwich. We infer that the individuals recovered from the Chapelfield site do indeed represent victims of a documented anti-Semitic pogrom. Most recent palaeogenomic studies have been concerned with demographic processes that took place over hundreds or thousands of years, but this result demonstrates their power in producing dramatic material evidence of single historical events. In providing information on a European Jewish people who lived before the Medieval population bottleneck, these data will also facilitate novel insight into their ancient population history, including admixture with other European groups.

Генетика западных и восточных скифов, а также культур предшествовавших и последовавшиз им. Подтверждается связь черняховцев с готами:

    Genetic continuity in the western Eurasian Steppe broken not due to Scythian dominance, but rather at the transition to the Chernyakhov culture (Ostrogoths)

    M. Järve1, C. L. Scheib1, L. Saag1, A. Kriiska2, I. Shramko3, S. Zadnikov3, N. Savelev4, O. Utevska5, L. Varul6, A. K. Pathak1L. Pagani1, J. R. Flores1, F. Montinaro1, L. Saag1, K. Tambets1, T. Kivisild1,7, R. Villems1

    The long-held archaeological view sees the Early Iron Age nomadic Scythians expanding west from their Altai region homeland across the Eurasian Steppe until they reached the Ponto-Caspian region north of the Black and Caspian Seas by around 2,900 BP1,2. However, the migration theory has not found support from ancient DNA evidence3, and it is still unclear how much of the Scythian dominance in the Eurasian Steppe was due to movements of people and how much reflected cultural diffusion and elite dominance. We present new whole-genome results of 31 ancient Western and Eastern Scythians as well as samples pre- and postdating them that allow us to set the Scythians in a temporal context by comparing the Western Scythians to samples before and after within the Ponto-Caspian region. We detect no significant contribution of the Scythians to the Early Iron Age Ponto-Caspian gene pool, inferring instead a genetic continuity in the western Eurasian Steppe that persisted from at least 4,800–4,400 cal BP to 2,700–2,100 cal BP (based on our radiocarbon dated samples), i.e. from the Yamnaya through the Scythian period.
    However, the transition from the Scythian to the Chernyakhov culture between 2,100 and 1,700 cal BP does mark a shift in the Ponto-Caspian genetic landscape, with various analyses showing that Chernyakhov culture samples share more drift and derived alleles with Bronze/Iron Age and modern Europeans, while the Scythians position outside modern European variation.
    Our results agree well with the Ostrogothic origins of the Chernyakhov culture and support the hypothesis that the Scythian dominance was cultural rather than achieved through population replacement.

Генетика древнего населения Казахстана:


    Paleogenetic study of ancient archaeological finds related to Kazakh ethnogenesis

    N. Nurzhibek1,2, R. Bianco3, C. Jeong3, A. Immel3, C. C. Wang3, O. Ixan1, S. Évinger4, V. Zaibert2, E. Khussainova1, B. Bekmanov1L. Djansugurova1, J. Krause3

    Ethnic history of the Kazakh people is rooted in the ancient period of settling the territory of modern Kazakhstan. The 1st archaeological finds in the territory of Kazakhstan belong to the Paleolithic period. According to archaeological and paleoanthropological data, the ancient tribes spread on the territory of Kazakhstan since the Bronze Age.
    We studied the genetic structure of the modern Kazakhs population based on the information about pedigree analysis (shezhire) and Y-chromosome (875 persons) and mtDNA characteristics (130 persons).
    The DNA-analysis of two important archaeological finds, which can provide the information about ancient Human migrations and Kazakh ethnogenesis, was conducted: 1) bone remains belonging to the object of Hun elite from Hungarian Natural History Museum, dated to the middle third of the V century CE; 2) a cranium of Eneolithic period human from Botai settlement dated IV-III millennium BC. To the paleo-DNAs analysis the historical data were studied, the archaeological and anthropological evidences were obtained.
    It was revealed that Hun period bone remains from Hungary are characterized by R1a haplotype of Y-chromosome and D4j12 haplotype of mtDNA, that testifies the Asian origin of ancient object"s paternal and maternal lines. The phylogenetic and bioinformation analysis determines the genetic proximity of the ancient Hun with ancient and modern populations from Asia and suggests the possibility of ancient people migrations from the Asia Minor to Central and East Asia via Tibet. Comparison of ancient object"s DNA with DNAs of modern descendants of the historically mixed protopopulation Argyn, considering intratribal clans, does not reject the genetic affinity of paternal lines between ancient object and the descendants of Argyn-Meiram (Suindyk and Karakesek) clan, and ancient maternal line with maternal lines of Argyn-Momyn-Sarzhetim clan descendants.
    Our results show that Eneolithic period man from settlement Botai, characterizes by Y-chromosome haplotype R1b1a1 and mtDNA haplotype K1b2 and the female individual is Z1mtDNA haplotype. The Eneolithic Botai individuals are closest to each other in the PC space than to any other ancient or present-day individual, and are in proximity to the upper Paleolithic Siberians from the Mal"ta or Afontova Gora archaeological sites. Botai represents a separate group that has genetic similarity with both European and Asian populations.

Оффлайн rozenblatt

  • Сообщений: 1626
  • Страна: kg
  • Рейтинг +2169/-0
  • Y-ДНК: C-ZQ31
  • мтДНК: M8a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1670 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 06:09:07 »
Древние митогеномы с Урала и Волго-Камского региона: 


    Investigation of mitochondrial genomes of medieval populations (6-12th centuries AD) lived in the Ural and Volga-Kama region in context with early Hungarian

    B. Szeifert1, V. Csáky2, B. Stégmár1, D. Gerber2,1, B. G. Mende2, A. Türk3, B. Egyed1, A. Szécsényi-Nagy2

Геномы древних народов степи:

Tracing the origin and expansion of the Turkic and Hunnic confederations

P. Flegontov1, E. Altınışık1, C. Jeong2, S. Schiffels2, M. D. Frachetti3, E. P. Kitov4, D. Voyakin5, B. G. Mende6, A. Szécsényi-Nagy6G. Csiky6, A. G. Sitdikov7, M. A. Ochir-Goryaeva7, L. A. Vyazov8, U. B. Brosseder9, I. Shingiray10, L. Gmyria11, S. Panteleev7J. Krause2, D. Reich12

Оффлайн asan-kaygy

  • ...
  • Сообщений: 9689
  • Страна: kz
  • Рейтинг +951/-5
  • Y-ДНК: R1a1a1b2a1a-L657+,Y9+,Y944+
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1671 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 06:58:46 »
Интересные сообщения

Оффлайн asan-kaygy

  • ...
  • Сообщений: 9689
  • Страна: kz
  • Рейтинг +951/-5
  • Y-ДНК: R1a1a1b2a1a-L657+,Y9+,Y944+
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1672 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 07:00:20 »
Генетика древнего населения Казахстана:


    Paleogenetic study of ancient archaeological finds related to Kazakh ethnogenesis

    N. Nurzhibek1,2, R. Bianco3, C. Jeong3, A. Immel3, C. C. Wang3, O. Ixan1, S. Évinger4, V. Zaibert2, E. Khussainova1, B. Bekmanov1L. Djansugurova1, J. Krause3

    Ethnic history of the Kazakh people is rooted in the ancient period of settling the territory of modern Kazakhstan. The 1st archaeological finds in the territory of Kazakhstan belong to the Paleolithic period. According to archaeological and paleoanthropological data, the ancient tribes spread on the territory of Kazakhstan since the Bronze Age.
    We studied the genetic structure of the modern Kazakhs population based on the information about pedigree analysis (shezhire) and Y-chromosome (875 persons) and mtDNA characteristics (130 persons).
    The DNA-analysis of two important archaeological finds, which can provide the information about ancient Human migrations and Kazakh ethnogenesis, was conducted: 1) bone remains belonging to the object of Hun elite from Hungarian Natural History Museum, dated to the middle third of the V century CE; 2) a cranium of Eneolithic period human from Botai settlement dated IV-III millennium BC. To the paleo-DNAs analysis the historical data were studied, the archaeological and anthropological evidences were obtained.
    It was revealed that Hun period bone remains from Hungary are characterized by R1a haplotype of Y-chromosome and D4j12 haplotype of mtDNA, that testifies the Asian origin of ancient object"s paternal and maternal lines. The phylogenetic and bioinformation analysis determines the genetic proximity of the ancient Hun with ancient and modern populations from Asia and suggests the possibility of ancient people migrations from the Asia Minor to Central and East Asia via Tibet. Comparison of ancient object"s DNA with DNAs of modern descendants of the historically mixed protopopulation Argyn, considering intratribal clans, does not reject the genetic affinity of paternal lines between ancient object and the descendants of Argyn-Meiram (Suindyk and Karakesek) clan, and ancient maternal line with maternal lines of Argyn-Momyn-Sarzhetim clan descendants.
    Our results show that Eneolithic period man from settlement Botai, characterizes by Y-chromosome haplotype R1b1a1 and mtDNA haplotype K1b2 and the female individual is Z1mtDNA haplotype. The Eneolithic Botai individuals are closest to each other in the PC space than to any other ancient or present-day individual, and are in proximity to the upper Paleolithic Siberians from the Mal"ta or Afontova Gora archaeological sites. Botai represents a separate group that has genetic similarity with both European and Asian populations.
Хорошо что признали что ошибались.
Гунн не из гаплогруппы L
Ботаец не из гаплогруппы О

Оффлайн Nimissin

  • Сообщений: 2421
  • Рейтинг +767/-0
  • Y-ДНК: N-M178 L839+ P298+ M2019+ M2118+ M1991+ M1988+
  • мтДНК: C4b12a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1673 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 07:52:06 »
Уважаемый rozenblatt, спасибо за интересные сообщения.

Оффлайн zastrug

  • ...
  • Сообщений: 11351
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  • Рейтинг +2942/-49
  • I2b1c(P78+)=I2a2a1b1a= I2a1b1a2a1a1( I-FTB32873)
  • Y-ДНК: I2b1c
  • мтДНК: T2a1a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1674 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 10:08:35 »
We detect no significant contribution of the Scythians to the Early Iron Age Ponto-Caspian gene pool, inferring instead a genetic continuity in the western Eurasian Steppe that persisted from at least 4,800–4,400 cal BP to 2,700–2,100 cal BP (based on our radiocarbon dated samples), i.e. from the Yamnaya through the Scythian period.
Интересно....Че, правда не кавказцы? ???

Оффлайн Finder

  • Сообщений: 95
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +52/-8
  • Y-ДНК: R1a-YP338* мтДНК: T2b
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1675 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 10:27:43 »
Древние митогеномы с Урала и Волго-Камского региона: 


    Investigation of mitochondrial genomes of medieval populations (6-12th centuries AD) lived in the Ural and Volga-Kama region in context with early Hungarian

    B. Szeifert1, V. Csáky2, B. Stégmár1, D. Gerber2,1, B. G. Mende2, A. Türk3, B. Egyed1, A. Szécsényi-Nagy2

  Предварительные результаты: популяции неоднородны, во всех из них появляются как европейские, так и азиатские гаплогруппы, но в
различных пропорциях. Уральские популяции показывают состав мтднк Центральной и Северо-Восточной Азии, в то время как западно-
Уральское население имеет больше связей с восточной Европой и Кавказом.
« Последнее редактирование: 06 Сентябрь 2018, 11:23:09 от Finder »

Оффлайн Fire

  • 100% child of stardust
  • Сообщений: 9685
  • Страна: gr
  • Рейтинг +904/-133
  • Y-dna G2a1a1a1a1a1b1 Z7947
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1676 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 12:14:41 »
We detect no significant contribution of the Scythians to the Early Iron Age Ponto-Caspian gene pool, inferring instead a genetic continuity in the western Eurasian Steppe that persisted from at least 4,800–4,400 cal BP to 2,700–2,100 cal BP (based on our radiocarbon dated samples), i.e. from the Yamnaya through the Scythian period.
Интересно....Че, правда не кавказцы? ???
Не Сибиряки, и не Европейцы, От Ямной до Скифов мало говорят изменений, а Ямная из Украины группировалась с Иранцем эпохи Бронзы, так что посмотрим.
Хотя странно если без изменений Срубная в Украину должна была принести Балтийские генны, Гиппемолги восточно-азиатские, Аорсы-Массагеты("Средние Сарматы") Сибирские и Среднеазиатские, Скифо-Сарматы Переднеазиатские.
« Последнее редактирование: 06 Сентябрь 2018, 12:24:17 от Fire »

Оффлайн zastrug

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  • мтДНК: T2a1a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1677 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 14:19:25 »
Скифо-Сарматы Переднеазиатские.
Во-во я как раз об этом - что-то не видно скифов из седьмого колена во главе с вождем Мойшей, который привел свой народ на Кавказ и основал там царство,а уже оттуда покорил Европу. Ну не буду сыпать соль на раны, вам  и так сейчас как-то свою модель перестраивать надо:
просто интересно, а европейских потомков КШК и Бикеров кто заместил?)
Индоевропейцы прибывшие с передней Азии и ее северных границ в эпохи раннего железа и поздней Бронзыв основном, оставившие больше генов у Европейцев чем Угры у Венгров .....От Ямной-Афанасьевской следа не оставили потомки КШК, а от потомков КШК , Срубной и Андроново культурного следа не оставили три волны , сначала позднея Бронза, потом Абии-Кобылодоители(Алтайцы? N1a) и позже Иранцы(Скифы Саки Савроматы Кангьюйцы-Согдийцы) и Уральцы(? Дахо-Масагеты? и предки Аорсов? которые смешивались с Иранцами Саками?)

Оффлайн zastrug

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  • Y-ДНК: I2b1c
  • мтДНК: T2a1a
Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1678 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 21:41:11 »
Ктати совсем недавно один товарищ в одной из тем на полном серьезе утверждал:

Повторю мою версию:
1. Скифы = готы
Это видно даже из названий обоих народов. Тот народ, которых прогнали готы и есть киммерийцы, которых прогнали скифы.

2. Сарматы = гунны
Легенды о происхождении  и тех и других практически идентичны.

Считается, что Иордан приписал историю скифов готам, так как не различает их между собой. Но, думаю, он просто рассказал нам настоящую историю, не искаженную греческими и византийскими историками.

Даешь больше исследований, хороших и разных, чтобы всей этой фолькхистори вообще места не было.

Оффлайн Fire

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Re: Re: Результаты исследований дДНК (обсуждение)
« Ответ #1679 : 06 Сентябрь 2018, 23:27:53 »
Скифо-Сарматы Переднеазиатские.
Во-во я как раз об этом - что-то не видно скифов из седьмого колена во главе с вождем Мойшей, который привел свой народ на Кавказ и основал там царство,а уже оттуда покорил Европу. Ну не буду сыпать соль на раны, вам  и так сейчас как-то свою модель перестраивать надо:
просто интересно, а европейских потомков КШК и Бикеров кто заместил?)
Индоевропейцы прибывшие с передней Азии и ее северных границ в эпохи раннего железа и поздней Бронзыв основном, оставившие больше генов у Европейцев чем Угры у Венгров .....От Ямной-Афанасьевской следа не оставили потомки КШК, а от потомков КШК , Срубной и Андроново культурного следа не оставили три волны , сначала позднея Бронза, потом Абии-Кобылодоители(Алтайцы? N1a) и позже Иранцы(Скифы Саки Савроматы Кангьюйцы-Согдийцы) и Уральцы(? Дахо-Масагеты? и предки Аорсов? которые смешивались с Иранцами Саками?)
Будет результат на Гиппемолги минус Срубная,  Скифы минус Срубная, Скифы минус Гиппемолги, вот тогда и поговорим.
Пока что Саки минус Андроновская = Переднея Азия + немного Восточная Азия
Тоже самое и для Европейцев , Европейцы минус Бронза Европы = Переднея Азия
И Венгерский Скиф минус Бронза Венгрии тоже = Переднея Азия
« Последнее редактирование: 06 Сентябрь 2018, 23:43:39 от Fire »


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