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Насчет принадлежности мандеев к Y-гаплогруппам. Удалось на ДНА-форумс найти упоминание про мандея, сдавшего тест на FTDNA. Его идентификатор в YSearch - Q7SRR.
Гаплогруппа H (М-69).
Картинка с Гениса про распределение H-M69
Мандейская традиция исходит из того, что их предки пришли с севера.
When I questioned the priests and got the answer 'We came from the North', I did not attach much literal value to the answer, for dwellers in the Middle East cannot distinguish between religion and race, and the divine ancestors naturally resided in the north, the seat of the gods.
But there seemed something more than this in their refusal to acknowledge Lower Iraq as the original home of the race. There is an arrogance, almost worthy of the present 'Nordic' propaganda, about the following, culled from the seventh fragment of the eleventh book of the Ginza Rba:
'All the word calls the north a highland and the south a lowland. For the worlds of darkness lie in the lowlands of the South....Whose dwelleth in the North is light of colour but those who live in the lowlands are black and their appearance is ugly like demons.'
Pinned down to detail, the Mandaean priests produced a hotch potch of legend and tradition, but the Mountain of the Maddai always figured in their accounts. When I pressed for information as to its whereabouts, answers differed. Some thought it must be identical with Mshunia Kushta, that ideal world which corresponds to our own. Others were more precise. 'It is, I think, in Iran, for Madia is in Iran.' One priest ventured, 'Some say the Tura d Maddai is in Turkestan, and I have heard that the Arabs call it Jebel Tai.' Significant was the remark of another Subbi when speaking of baptism: 'the Subba of old time were with the Persians in a place where there were springs which were hot in winter and cold in summer.' The Mountain of the Mandai described in one of the legends has an equable climate and hot springs. Less direct evidence is furnished by the references, so common in the texts, to 'black water' which 'burns like fire'. This can be nothing else but the black oil seepages and outcrops of burning oil and gas so common in oil-bearing districts.
Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran, E.S. Drower, Leiden, 1962
Там где сейчас живут мандеи...

На FTDNA есть геногеографический проект, изучающий арамейские (в том числе мандейские гаплотипы) -
Aramaic DNA Project.
Наряду с уже упомянутым Al Edani (H),
есть ещё несколько мандейских гаплотипов - E1b1b1, J2 (M172). Но для того, чтобы делать какие-либо выводы это явно мало:(
Интересно, что часть
болотных арабов исповедует мандеизм.
The majority of Marsh Arabs are Shī‘ī Muslims, though in the marshes small communities of Aramaic speaking non Arab ethnic Mandeans (often working as boat builders and craftsmen) lived alongside them. The inhabitants' long association with tribes within Persia may have influenced the spread of the Shī‘ī denomination within the marshes
Wilfred Thesiger, The Marsh Arabs, Penguin, 1967, p.127
Для меня болотные арабы интересны между прочим и тем, что среди них
выявили гаплогруппу Q1b. Правда о религиозно-этнической принадлежности тестируемых к сожалению не спрашивали...
Объемная (!) подборка информации по генетическим исследованиям мандеев с форума
Anthrocivitas -
Autosomal and Haplogroups studies:The Mandaeans.