АвторТема: L и арабский форум  (Прочитано 3493 раз)

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  • Страна: ua
  • Рейтинг +748/-2
  • R1a1a (P278.2*) / U5a1b1c
    • ДНК родословные исследования Чернигов-Нежин
L и арабский форум
« : 06 Январь 2014, 03:01:50 »
арабоязычный форум. Интересен местными интерпретациями по племенам.

также у них есть свой проект

форум можно читать через гугл перевод

и остальное http://www.dnaarab.com/archive/index.php/f-14.html
« Последнее редактирование: 06 Январь 2014, 03:12:45 от AppS »

Оффлайн AppSАвтор темы

  • Свідок ДНК 47 рівня
  • Сообщений: 4096
  • Страна: ua
  • Рейтинг +748/-2
  • R1a1a (P278.2*) / U5a1b1c
    • ДНК родословные исследования Чернигов-Нежин

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Re: L и арабский форум
« Ответ #2 : 13 Апрель 2015, 08:16:11 »
Sequence and analysis of a whole genome from Kuwaiti population subgroup of Persian ancestry

Gaurav Thareja et al. 2015

The 1000 Genome project paved the way for sequencing diverse human populations. New genome projects are being established to sequence underrepresented populations helping in understanding human genetic diversity. The Kuwait Genome Project an initiative to sequence individual genomes from the three subgroups of Kuwaiti population namely, Saudi Arabian tribe; “tent-dwelling” Bedouin; and Persian, attributing their ancestry to different regions in Arabian Peninsula and to modern-day Iran (West Asia). These subgroups were in line with settlement history and are confirmed by genetic studies. In this work, we report whole genome sequence of a Kuwaiti native from Persian subgroup at >37X coverage.

We document 3,573,824 SNPs, 404,090 insertions/deletions, and 11,138 structural variations. Out of the reported SNPs and indels, 85,939 are novel. We identify 295 ‘loss-of-function’ and 2,314 ’deleterious’ coding variants, some of which carry homozygous genotypes in the sequenced genome; the associated phenotypes include pharmacogenomic traits such as greater triglyceride lowering ability with fenofibrate treatment, and requirement of high warfarin dosage to elicit anticoagulation response. 6,328 non-coding SNPs associate with 811 phenotype traits: in congruence with medical history of the participant for Type 2 diabetes and β-Thalassemia, and of participant’s family for migraine, 72 (of 159 known) Type 2 diabetes, 3 (of 4) β-Thalassemia, and 76 (of 169) migraine variants are seen in the genome. Intergenome comparisons based on shared disease-causing variants, positions the sequenced genome between Asian and European genomes in congruence with geographical location of the region. On comparison, bead arrays perform better than sequencing platforms in correctly calling genotypes in low-coverage sequenced genome regions however in the event of novel SNP or indel near genotype calling position can lead to false calls using bead arrays.

We report, for the first time, reference genome resource for the population of Persian ancestry. The resource provides a starting point for designing large-scale genetic studies in Peninsula including Kuwait, and Persian population. Such efforts on populations under-represented in global genome variation surveys help augment current knowledge on human genome diversity.


Оффлайн AppSАвтор темы

  • Свідок ДНК 47 рівня
  • Сообщений: 4096
  • Страна: ua
  • Рейтинг +748/-2
  • R1a1a (P278.2*) / U5a1b1c
    • ДНК родословные исследования Чернигов-Нежин
Re: L и арабский форум
« Ответ #3 : 13 Апрель 2015, 13:50:31 »
Интересно. С учетом того, что L1, например, в Иране совсем не много.

Оффлайн AppSАвтор темы

  • Свідок ДНК 47 рівня
  • Сообщений: 4096
  • Страна: ua
  • Рейтинг +748/-2
  • R1a1a (P278.2*) / U5a1b1c
    • ДНК родословные исследования Чернигов-Нежин
Re: L и арабский форум
« Ответ #4 : 14 Июль 2015, 23:38:49 »
тут написано, что
(перевод на английский)

The royal family that ruled Hibekoh in the Persian land belongs to Matar Bin Rashid bin Suleiman bin bin equal Nashwan Marzouki, and where there are two consequences to this strain Amistirekaya on the branch L1.



Alemraziq rule vast areas of the «pre Knight» and Hibekoh nearly 216 years starting from the year 1169 to the year 1385 for Migration, about the following:

Rashid Bin Mattar Al Marzouki (1169 _ 1192) for Migration.
Suleiman bin Rashid Bin Mattar Al Marzouki (1192_ 1213) for Migration.
Mohammed bin Suleiman bin Rashid Bin Mattar Al Marzouki (1213_ 1240) for Migration.
Hussein Bin Mohammed bin Suleiman bin Mohammed Al Marzouki (1240 _ 1245) for Migration.
Suleiman bin Mohammed bin Suleiman bin Mohammed Al Marzouki (1245 _ 1280) for Migration ..
Hussein Bin Rashid bin Mohammed bin Salman Marzouki (1280 _ 1303) for Migration ..
Ahmed bin Rashid bin Hussein al-Marzouki (1303 _ 1348) for Migration ..
Sultan bin Ahmed bin Rashid Al Marzouki (1348 _ 1370) for Migration.
Ahmed bin Ali bin Ahmed bin Rashid Al Marzouki (1370 _ 1385) for Migration ..


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