Hello fellow DNA enthusiast,
David over at Eurogenes have started running a fastIBD run, but for now he has released only a teaser,
its a good way for us as a community to get our heads working on how to easiest represent and get the most out of the data supplied.
Last time Eurogenes released a fastIBD analysis,
a Canadian DNA cousin of mine created a easily readable office type file,
that gave people many advantages in interpreting the data without holding a Phd in Office tools, and i am hoping he will come to our rescue this time around too

Anyways, here: (
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2px46mrf07ovg4l/Chr1.zip ) is the new fastIBD file for chr 1, the rest will be released in the not to distant future if everything goes well.
Some basic instructions:Looking at the Main file for the matches, we see the matches in this fashion:
Orcadian_HG00118_a Norwegian_NO1_a 12855 13032 8.92E-012
If i remember correctly the E number indicates reliability level, while the number infront of the E indicates cM size and the other numbers the range of shared SNP's. Thus the match between the Orcadian and myself is 8,92cM, 177 SNP's and a reliability of 012, which is fairly low on a range between 10-120.