2. Several Waves of Georgia (Caucasus) Y-DNA SNP populationAnalyzing waves of Caucasus re-population after LGM (having in mind possible hiatus) using YFull database, for Georgia (Caucasus) specific Y-DNA SNPs. Timetable shows, that there were possible four important waves of re-population and invasions:
● Initial re-population J2a (J-SK1312 KK1) by Caucasian hunter-gatherers (CHG, Kotias Klde) colonists ~10-12K ybp
● G* Anatolian (? South-East European via North Caucasus) hunter-gatherers [herders?] (AHG) ~6-7K ybp
● J2a* Caucasus specific Fertile Crescent farmers SNPs (FCF) ~4-6K ybp and may be contained several sub-invasions — 6K and 4.5K (see table).
● R* herders invasion is not especially discussed here, as their invasion into Caucasus is better documented.
Previous researches have not mentioned two waves of J2a invasions intermediated by G* invasion.
Initial (CHG) and third (FCF) migrations most probably were via Euphrates — Çoruh corridor. Second wave of migration (G*) can be a) via North Caucasus (Black Sea shore or Aragvi — Terek corridor), or b) from East Anatolia via Euphrates — Kura-Araxes-Çoruh corridor. Migration of R* herders most probably was via North Caucasus (Aragvi — Terek corridor) or from the East Caucasus via Caspian Sea shore and then up Kura and Araxes rivers.