АвторТема: The History of Slavs Inferred from Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequences  (Прочитано 1708 раз)

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  • Y-ДНК: R-CTS9219
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Mielnik-Sikorska M, Daca P, Malyarchuk B, Derenko M, Skonieczna K, et al. (2013) The History of Slavs Inferred from Complete Mitochondrial Genome
Sequences. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54360. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054360

To shed more light on the processes leading to crystallization of a Slavic identity, we investigated variability of complete
mitochondrial genomes belonging to haplogroups H5 and H6 (63 mtDNA genomes) from the populations of Eastern and
Western Slavs, including new samples of Poles, Ukrainians and Czechs presented here. Molecular dating implies formation of
H5 approximately 11.5–16 thousand years ago (kya) in the areas of southern Europe. Within ancient haplogroup H6, dated
at around 15–28 kya, there is a subhaplogroup H6c, which probably survived the last glaciation in Europe and has
undergone expansion only 3–4 kya, together with the ancestors of some European groups, including the Slavs, because H6c
has been detected in Czechs, Poles and Slovaks. Detailed analysis of complete mtDNAs allowed us to identify a number of
lineages that seem specific for Central and Eastern Europe (H5a1f, H5a2, H5a1r, H5a1s, H5b4, H5e1a, H5u1, some
subbranches of H5a1a and H6a1a9). Some of them could possibly be traced back to at least ,4 kya, which indicates that
some of the ancestors of today’s Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians and Russians) inhabited areas of Central and
Eastern Europe much earlier than it was estimated on the basis of archaeological and historical data. We also sequenced
entire mitochondrial genomes of several non-European lineages (A, C, D, G, L) found in contemporary populations of Poland
and Ukraine. The analysis of these haplogroups confirms the presence of Siberian (C5c1, A8a1) and Ashkenazi-specific
(L2a1l2a) mtDNA lineages in Slavic populations. Moreover, we were able to pinpoint some lineages which could possibly
reflect the relatively recent contacts of Slavs with nomadic Altaic peoples (C4a1a, G2a, D5a2a1a1).



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