АвторТема: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)  (Прочитано 42612 раз)

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Оффлайн ШадАвтор темы

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  • Y-ДНК: Q-Y2750
  • мтДНК: J1c2z
дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« : 11 Январь 2013, 22:44:19 »
Похоже, что одна из таримских мумий была Q1b. В образце S5 имеется характерное для L275 значение маркёра GATA H4=9.
Источник информации - диссертация, защищенная в Jilin University в 2012 году.
Northern China is the hub of East Asia connecting North Asia, Central Asia and the European civilization, it is a vast variety of natural ecological environment, suitable for farming, nomadic, hunting and fishing and other economic lifestyle coexist, since ancient times is fertile ground for human life, many ancient ethnic groups in here thrive and leave a valuable intangible cultural heritage. Ancient ancestors of the region but also a number of occasions by force to seize power, large-scale war had thrown the history of the North China southward to accelerate China Southern, northern populations gene fusion. Part of the ancient nation even Expeditionary Europe, its descendants across the country to play a role in promoting the exchange of population of the entire Eurasian continent. These events northern populations occupy an important position in the history of human migration. Therefore, this region of the ancient population genetics research for the original genetic retrospective of the Chinese nation, and speculated Eurasia population migration, fusion mode has great significance. This study of 13 archaeological sites in northern China - Xinjiang river cemetery, Hami Tianshan Road cemetery, Barkol the black Gouliang cemetery, the Ning Xia Pengyang cemetery, Xining Tao Wangjiazai cemetery, of Shanxi Jiangxian cross Kitamura cemetery, Hebei Yuxian three hurdles cemetery, Temple Zaigou site Niuheliang site, Sahara Trench cemetery, DADIANZI site, large piedmont ruins, wells ditch sub cemetery - human remains unearthed parent molecular genetics research, summed up the various ancient population Y chromosome haplotype groups paternal genetic diversity of the distribution rules and characteristics, combined with related ancient the modern crowd molecular genetics data reveal ancient population of the different regions of northern China, to explore the genetic makeup of the different periods of the ancient population dynamic process, in order to clarify the north fusion between ethnic origin, flow and crowd differentiation provides evidence of molecular genetics. The results are as follows: First, five archaeological site northeast western Liaoning Province 78 males unearthed ancient human remains of 44 cases of samples Y-DNA results are attributed to the C, N and O three single haplotype groups. Haplogroup N in western Liaoning Province the ancient population for a long, extensive presence, and account for a large proportion, dated to 5500-3000 years ago, is the most important ingredient in the genetic composition of the area of the ancient population paternal; based on single frequency of the haplotype groups O ancient population of western Liaoning Province and their cultural attributes and lifestyle of the crowd, and the combination of the relevant ancient population Y-SNP findings, we speculate that the haplogroup O northward by the Central Plains, emigrated to the the ancient agricultural population of western Liaoning Province carried haplogroup. The emergence of haplogroup C may be related to the nomads of the south of the North Asia. These data suggest that paternal genetic structure of the indigenous populations of the western Liaoning Province while maintaining continuity, integration into the ancient Central Plains and North Asian populations paternal genetic component. , From 64 cases of the Northwest men of ancient human remains successful Y-DNA results of 46 cases of samples, attributable to four single haplotype N, O, Q and R groups. Paternal genetic make-up of the ancient population of the Northwest Territories has obvious geographical specificity, for example, the westernmost Creek crowd as the main western lineage of R1a1 haplogroup; the adjoining Inner Mongolia Pengyang crowd all individuals can be attributed to a single type groups Q, North Asian populations in the high-frequency haplogroup; while the the approaching the Central Plains Dow Wangjiazai crowd of paternal Y-DNA to the East Asian haplogroup O, similar to the modern Han population. Comprehensive analysis of the ancient population of the Northwest Territories paternal genetic structure, in the paternal genetic form of the ancient population of the Northwest Territories there are significantly different, the reason for these different genetic data obtained speculated, is mainly due to the different groups of people have different paternal origin, everyone group accepted by the ancestors of the crowd gene contribution is different, and the from Sire terms, fewer exchanges between people own unique genetic component, so that it is preserved. Third, the success obtained from ancient human remains of the 48 cases in North China's male Y-DNA results of 29 cases of samples, attributable to the N, O and Q three single haplotype groups. The largest proportion of haplogroup O, diversity highest in two archaeological sites of the ancient Central Plains region of North China have been found; the haplogroup Q high frequency existence of Shanxi was the ancient nomads " Di "active area; haplogroup N appears that there may be the exchange of genes between populations in the Central Plains and western Liaoning Province. Comprehensive analysis of the Y-DNA of the various regions of the ancient population study results, northwest and northeast regions of the ancient population of most East Asian specific single haplotype groups can be found in the ancient population of the Central Plains, Ancient crowd paternal genetic diversity high. Central Plains region, since the Shang and Zhou dynasties is the Huaxia their descendants Han settlements, so the characteristics of the ancient population genetic structure in the Central Plains region of North China from one side of corroboration ancestors of the Han - Huaxia the Source is diverse rather than a single the integration of the different sources of the ancient population genetic component in the process of its formation. Based on the above analysis of the results, the paternal genetic structure of the ancient population in northern China in different regions have different distribution patterns: Northeast western Liaoning Province, while maintaining continuity in the of indigenous populations paternal genetic, you can see that the foreign genetic component exists in the population of the region, the foreign genetic component is likely to come from the Central Plains and North Asia and other regions. About 3000-2500 years ago, and the increasing trend of foreign genetic component. Northwest Territories of paternal inheritance there are significant differences between different geographical area of ancient population. 5 northwest of the ancient population of this study, Y chromosome genetic data, the reasons for these differences may be due to different populations have different sources of paternal and less genetic exchange between different populations, so that the the inherent genetic structure is maintained; in North China, the the patrilineal genetic structure is located in the ancient Central Plains region of the ancient population with modern Han closest, the modern Han paternal genes contributors.


Оффлайн Farroukh

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #1 : 11 Январь 2013, 22:50:15 »
Вполне возможно, регион смежный. Правда, прошли тысячелетия

Оффлайн ШадАвтор темы

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  • Y-ДНК: Q-Y2750
  • мтДНК: J1c2z
Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #2 : 11 Январь 2013, 22:54:26 »
Вполне возможно, регион смежный. Правда, прошли тысячелетия


Ребекка считает, что это может быть P306 или L301.

Опять выскажу дикое недоумение - почему дДНК не разбирают по молекулам на все возможные тесты, а ограничиваются ограниченным количеством STR и SNP.
Отци - приятное исключение.

Оффлайн Nimissin

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #3 : 12 Январь 2013, 13:17:16 »
Похоже, что одна из таримских мумий была Q1b. В образце S5 имеется характерное для L275 значение маркёра GATA H4=9.
Источник информации - диссертация, защищенная в Jilin University в 2012 году.
Уважаемый Шад, а как можно добраться до Y-STR гаплотипов из этой диссертации?

Оффлайн ШадАвтор темы

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  • Рейтинг +1337/-4
  • Ex oriente lux
  • Y-ДНК: Q-Y2750
  • мтДНК: J1c2z
Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #4 : 12 Январь 2013, 16:24:17 »
Похоже, что одна из таримских мумий была Q1b. В образце S5 имеется характерное для L275 значение маркёра GATA H4=9.
Источник информации - диссертация, защищенная в Jilin University в 2012 году.
Уважаемый Шад, а как можно добраться до Y-STR гаплотипов из этой диссертации?

Могу выслать текст. Пишите e-mail на ЛС. Только там всё на китайском. Но цифры, слава Богу, арабские:)
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Оффлайн ШадАвтор темы

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  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +1337/-4
  • Ex oriente lux
  • Y-ДНК: Q-Y2750
  • мтДНК: J1c2z
Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #5 : 12 Январь 2013, 22:47:21 »
У китайцев тоже есть блоги (кто бы сомневался) на ДНК-генеалогическую тематику.
И вот что пишут по поводу означенной диссертации: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a4e1c6f01013x8d.html

Что касается Q то я со своим нулевым знанием мандаринского и Google Translation уяснил для себя следующее:
1. 6 Q1a и 4 Q1b найдены в могильнике Black Gouliang к востоку от Баркольской котловины, на развалинах города Хами. Это где-то здесь.

Всё это расположено ожидаемо вдоль Великого Шелкового пути: Хами располагался как раз перед Турфаном, а до Турфана был Хотан (Яркенд).
2. Датируются они временем ранней (западной) Хань. Это 2-1 века до нашей эры.

Таким образом, имеем ещё одно косвенное подтверждение связи Q1b с тохарами (юэчжами).
В пользу этой гипотезы говорит индоевропейское происхождение тохар, а также то, что их дальнейшая миграция (кушаны) также хорошо ложится на существующую географию распространения Q1b (Афганистан, Север Индии).

« Последнее редактирование: 13 Январь 2013, 20:27:42 от Шад »

Оффлайн Yurgan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #6 : 13 Январь 2013, 02:19:41 »
У китайцев тоже есть блоги (кто бы сомневался) на ДНК-генеалогическую тематику.
И вот что пишут по поводу означенной диссертации: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a4e1c6f01013x8d.html

Я там не понял, что насчет N1b - P43  отмечена какая то мутация F - N*(xN1a, N1c) - или не смогли определить.

Оффлайн Yurgan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #7 : 13 Январь 2013, 07:02:27 »
Северо-Западный Китай.

Синьцзян Сяохэ XH 新疆小河墓地 -  R1a1 - 11 образцов, K* - 1 образец

Хами Тяньшань HM 哈密天山北路墓地  - N (xN1a,xN1c) - 5 образцов, С* - 1 образец,

Barkol the black Gouliang cemetery HGL 巴里坤黑沟梁墓地 - Q1a - 6, Q1b - 4, Q - 2,

PM 宁夏彭阳墓地  - Q1a1 - 4  (правда, не указаны те снипы, которые указывают именно на это субклад).

TJZ - O3a - 12 образцов.

У каждой культуры - свои гаплогруппы.
Т.е. могут быть не связаны между собой и представлять совершенно разные миграции.

У кого-то из Чжоу кажется было Q1a1?

Barkol the black Gouliang cemetery - кажется - это хунну

« Последнее редактирование: 13 Январь 2013, 07:14:26 от Yurgan »

Оффлайн sahaliyan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #8 : 13 Январь 2013, 08:24:21 »
In the Heigouliang case,one thing is interesting,some slave sacrifice victims were Q1a,non of the slave sacrifice victims was Q1b.

Оффлайн Yurgan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #9 : 13 Январь 2013, 11:03:19 »
In the Heigouliang case,one thing is interesting,some slave sacrifice victims were Q1a,non of the slave sacrifice victims was Q1b.

Very interesting.

Please transfer all the names of the cultures of the work and give the English equivalent.

Оффлайн sahaliyan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #10 : 13 Январь 2013, 11:36:41 »
Northeast,all the sites located in southeast inner Mongolia
Niuheliang,hongshan culture,5000 YBP,4 N,1 C*,1 O
Halahaigou,Hongshan-Xiaoheyan culture,4500 YBP, all N
Dadianzi,lower Xiajiadian culture,3600 YBP,3 N,2 O3
Dashanqian,upper Xiajiadian culture,3000 YBP,1 C,3 N1c,1 N,2 O3-M117,2 O3-M324
Jinggouzi,2500 YBP,all C
Xiaohe,Xinjiang,3500-4000 YBP,11 R1a1a,1 K*
Tianshan Beilu,Hami,Xinjiang,3300-4000 YBP,5 N,1 C,this site is related to Siba culture of Gansu
Heigouliang,Xinjiang,2000 YBP,6 Q1a*, 4 Q1b,2 Q
Pengyang,Ningxia,2500 YBP,all Q1a1-M120
Taojiazhai,Qinghai,1500 YBP,all O3-M324
Miaozigou,central-south Inner Mongolia,Yangshao culture,5500 YBP,all N
Sanguan site,Yu county,Hebei,lower Xiajiadian culture,3400-3800 YBP,all O3
Hengbei site,Jiang county,Shanxi,2800-3000 YBP,this site belongs to a vassal state of Jin,the vassal state named as Peng,it's ruler had the title count,9 Q1a1,2 O2a-M95, 1 N,4 O3a2-P201,2 O3,4 O*.

Оффлайн Yurgan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #11 : 13 Январь 2013, 11:46:04 »
Northeast,all the sites located in southeast inner Mongolia
Niuheliang,hongshan culture,5000 YBP,4 N,1 C*,1 O
Halahaigou,Hongshan-Xiaoheyan culture,4500 YBP, all N
Dadianzi,lower Xiajiadian culture,3600 YBP,3 N,2 O3
Dashanqian,upper Xiajiadian culture,3000 YBP,1 C,3 N1c,1 N,2 O3-M117,2 O3-M324
Jinggouzi,2500 YBP,all C
Xiaohe,Xinjiang,3500-4000 YBP,11 R1a1a,1 K*
Tianshan Beilu,Hami,Xinjiang,3300-4000 YBP,5 N,1 C,this site is related to Siba culture of Gansu
Heigouliang,Xinjiang,2000 YBP,6 Q1a*, 4 Q1b,2 Q
Pengyang,Ningxia,2500 YBP,all Q1a1-M120
Taojiazhai,Qinghai,1500 YBP,all O3-M324
Miaozigou,central-south Inner Mongolia,Yangshao culture,5500 YBP,all N
Sanguan site,Yu county,Hebei,lower Xiajiadian culture,3400-3800 YBP,all O3
Hengbei site,Jiang county,Shanxi,2800-3000 YBP,this site belongs to a vassal state of Jin,the vassal state named as Peng,it's ruler had the title count,9 Q1a1,2 O2a-M95, 1 N,4 O3a2-P201,2 O3,4 O*.

thank you so much
Please write near the Chinese version

Оффлайн sahaliyan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #12 : 13 Январь 2013, 11:58:34 »
Genetic snapshot from ancient nomads of Xinjiang.

Nomads of the Eurasian steppes are known to have played an important role in the transfer commodities and culture among East Asia, Central Asia, and Europe. However, the organization of nomadic societies and initial population genetic composition of nomads were still poorly understood because of few archaeological materials and written history.
In this study, the genetic snapshot of nomads was emerged by examining mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome DNA of 30 human remains from Heigouliang (HGL) site in the eastern of Xinjiang, which dated 2000 years ago and associated to the nomadic culture by archaeological studies. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that the HGL population included both East Eurasian haplogroups (A, C, D, G, F and Z) and West Eurasian haplogroups (H, K, J, M5 and H). The component of Eastern haplogroups is dominant. The distribution frequency and Fst values of Eastern haplogroups indicated the HGL population presented close genetic affinity to the nearby region modern populations of Gansu and Qinghai, while those of western haplogroups showed similar with Mongolia and Siberia populations. The results implied various maternal lineages were introduced into the HGL population. Regarding the Y chromosomal DNA analysis, nearly all samples belonged to haplogroup Q which is thought to be the mark of the Northern Asian nomads. We identified paternal kinship among three individuals at the same tomb by Y-STR marker.
Combined with archaeological and anthropological investigations, we inferred that the gene flow from the neighboring regions was possibly associated with the expansion of Xiongnu Empire.


Оффлайн Yurgan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #13 : 13 Январь 2013, 12:12:26 »
Genetic snapshot from ancient nomads of Xinjiang.

Похоже все Q - хунну.

Оффлайн sahaliyan

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Re: дДНК (гаплогруппа Q)
« Ответ #14 : 13 Январь 2013, 12:35:28 »
Genetic snapshot from ancient nomads of Xinjiang.

Похоже все Q - хунну.
What about Q1b,it's extrem rare in Mongolia,if they are Xiongnu,then why Q1b not found in Mongols?


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