Красивые животные. Посмотрела последние публикации -
"Prehistoric genomes reveal the genetic foundation and cost of horse domestication"
Mikkel Schuberta, Hákon Jónssona, Dan Changb, Clio Der Sarkissiana, Luca Erminia, Aurélien Ginolhaca,... A Beth Shapirob,and Ludovic Orlandoa
PNAS | Published online December 15, 2014
"Evolutionary Genomics and Conservation of the Endangered Przewalski’s Horse"
Clio Der Sarkissian, Luca Ermini, Mikkel Schubert, ..., Tosso Leeb,Montgomery Slatkin, Ludovic Orlando
Current Biology 25, 2577–2583, October 5, 2015