Что говорят гаплотипы о крайнем предке?
Добрый день, уважаемый Farroukh!
В общем нас там уже 10 человек по Y-12. Из 10-ти: по 111 - двое; по 67 - трое; по 37 - четверо и по 25 - шестеро.
Based on a Genetic Distance of 9 at the Y-111 test level, Джагалбайлы and Mr.
X are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 950 and 1650 CE. The most likely year is rounded to 1350 CE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only.
Based on a Genetic Distance of 5 at the Y-67 test level, Джагалбайлы and
X are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 900 and 1750 CE. The most likely year is rounded to 1400 CE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only.
Based on a Genetic Distance of 3 at the Y-37 test level, Джагалбайлы and Mr.
X are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 1000 and 1800 CE. The most likely year is rounded to 1500 CE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only.
Based on a Genetic Distance of 0 at the Y-25 test level, Джагалбайлы and Mr.
X are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 1400 and 1950 CE. The most likely year is rounded to
1750 CE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only.
Based on a Genetic Distance of 0 at the Y-12 test level, Джагалбайлы and Mr.
X are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 950 and 1950 CE. The most likely year is rounded to
1600 CE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only.
По Y-12 здесь 1600 год, а по Y-25 1750 год. На первый взгляд наоборот должно же быть?