Еще одна группа разработчиков занялась использованием Рrincipal Сomponents Аnalysis для анализа данных 23андме.
Просят присылать данные для отладки.
From: Raphael PETIT [mailto:raphaelpetit@wanadoo.fr]
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 9:50 AM
Subject: Fw: Structure program using 23andme data
> Hi,
> I think you could be interested by the following analysis we are doing
> with some members of DnaFroums that have tested with 23andme. We run our
> 23andme data through the STRUCTURE program that allow us to know the
> different component of our ancestry. This is based on 3516 SNP that are
> especially selected for European and Middle-Eastern ancestry.
> So if you want to participate it would be great