АвторТема: Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Mig  (Прочитано 6173 раз)

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Оффлайн sahaliyanАвтор темы

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Longli Kang et al
The eastern Himalayas are located near the southern entrance through which early modern humans expanded into East Asia. The genetic structure in this region is therefore of great importance in the study of East Asian origins. However, few genetic studies have been performed on the Sino-Tibetan populations (Luoba and Deng) in this region. Here, we analyzed the Y-chromosome diversity of the two populations. The Luoba possessed haplogroups D, N, O, J, Q, and R, indicating gene flow from Tibetans, as well as the western and northern Eurasians. The Deng exhibited haplogroups O, D, N, and C, similar to most Sino-Tibetan populations in the east. Short tandem repeat (STR) diversity within the dominant haplogroup O3 in Sino-Tibetan populations showed that the Luoba are genetically close to Tibetans and the Deng are close to the Qiang. The Qiang had the greatest diversity of Sino-Tibetan populations, supporting the view of this population being the oldest in the family. The lowest diversity occurred in the eastern Himalayas, suggesting that this area was an endpoint for the expansion of Sino-Tibetan people. Thus, we have shown that populations with haplogroup O3 moved into the eastern Himalayas through at least two routes.


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Оффлайн sahaliyanАвтор темы

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Table S1 General information of the population samples analyzed in this paper.

Table S2 SNP haplogroups and STR diversities of Luoba and Deng.

Figure S1 STR networks for the O3 samples of the East Asians.

Figure S2 O3-M117 STR structure of the East Asians estimated by STRUCTURE software.

Figure S3 O3-M134 STR structure of the East Asians estimated by STRUCTURE software.

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Оффлайн Nimissin

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  • Y-ДНК: N-M178 L839+ P298+ M2019+ M2118+ M1991+ M1988+
  • мтДНК: C4b12a
Уважаемый Mouglley, обратите внимание:
Лоба (Luoba), Восточные Гималаи
D* 1/109 = 0.9 %
D1-M15 2/109 = 1.8 %
D3a-P47 17/109 = 15.6 %
J-M304 1/109 = 0.9 %
N1-LLY22g 39/109 = 35.8 %
O*-M175 2/109 = 1.8 %
O3*-M122 1/109 = 0.9 %
O3a3c*-M134 3/109 = 2.8 %
O3a3c1-M117 33/109 = 30.3 %
Q-M242 1/109 = 0.9 %
R*-M306 3/109 = 2.8 %
R1-M173 1/109 = 0.9 %
R1a1-M17 5/109 = 4.6 %


Оффлайн Nimissin

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  • Y-ДНК: N-M178 L839+ P298+ M2019+ M2118+ M1991+ M1988+
  • мтДНК: C4b12a
При более внимательном рассмотрении оказалось, что гаплотипы  R*-M306 на самом деле R2-M124

Оффлайн mouglley

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  • Я знаю, что познаю всё.
    • Записки Маугли
  • Y-ДНК: N1c1-L1025
  • мтДНК: J1c3
Я так вижу, что они проверяли по снипам: (Haplogroup N), M231, M214, LLY22g, M128, M46/Tat, P63, P119, P105, P43, M178.
А нашли только LLY22g.
То есть N1*.

По предиктору:
Sample   Hg   SNP   Haplogroup   Probability
DB98   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   94%
LB106   N1*   LLY22g   R1b-M343   51%
LB107   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   86%
LB108   N1*   LLY22g   P-M45   93%
LB129   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB131   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   93%
LB132   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB133   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   93%
LB134   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB136   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   93%
LB149   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   93%
LB151   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB159   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   89%
LB160   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB166   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB173   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   98%
LB194   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB200   N1*   LLY22g   R1b1*-P25*(xP297)   59%
LB216   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB217   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB219   N1*   LLY22g   _IJ-M429   72%
LB232   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   61%
LB240   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   61%
LB241   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB243   N1*   LLY22g   Q-M242   97%
LB244   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   78%
LB249   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   98%
LB260   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB264   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   94%
LB272   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB285   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   82%
LB290   N1*   LLY22g   P-M45   93%
LB291   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB293   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   82%
LB306   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB324   N1*      Q1a-MEH2   98%
LB341   N1*   LLY22g   J2a-M410   55%
LB344   N1*   LLY22g   O3-M122   75%
LB345   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   92%
LB348   N1*   LLY22g   Q1a-MEH2   94%

Оффлайн Nimissin

  • Сообщений: 2413
  • Рейтинг +763/-0
  • Y-ДНК: N-M178 L839+ P298+ M2019+ M2118+ M1991+ M1988+
  • мтДНК: C4b12a
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Оффлайн mouglley

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  • Я знаю, что познаю всё.
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  • Y-ДНК: N1c1-L1025
  • мтДНК: J1c3
Уважаемый Mouglley, обратите внимание:
Лоба (Luoba), Восточные Гималаи
N1-LLY22g 39/109 = 35.8 %
Максимальные значения N1* в мире.

Оффлайн mouglley

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  • Y-ДНК: N1c1-L1025
  • мтДНК: J1c3
DYS385-a=12, DYS438=11, DYS393=13, DYS439=12, DYS388=14, DYS426=12 у N1c1 редкость.
« Последнее редактирование: 24 Ноябрь 2011, 15:42:52 от mouglley »

Оффлайн Nimissin

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  • Y-ДНК: N-M178 L839+ P298+ M2019+ M2118+ M1991+ M1988+
  • мтДНК: C4b12a
Полагаю, что DYS388 все же равен 12. Локус измерен в какой-то другой системе с отличием +2.

Оффлайн sahaliyanАвтор темы

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Re: Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Mig
« Ответ #10 : 24 Ноябрь 2011, 15:33:43 »
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It seems there are some error in their STR work,for example,all their DYS426 of O is 12(should be 11 instead),and their DYS426 of R,Q is 13

Оффлайн Nimissin

  • Сообщений: 2413
  • Рейтинг +763/-0
  • Y-ДНК: N-M178 L839+ P298+ M2019+ M2118+ M1991+ M1988+
  • мтДНК: C4b12a
Re: Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Mig
« Ответ #11 : 24 Ноябрь 2011, 15:35:43 »
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It seems there are some error in their STR work,for example,all their DYS426 of O is 12(should be 11 instead),and their DYS426 of R,Q is 13
You are right.

Оффлайн sahaliyanАвтор темы

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Re: Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Mig
« Ответ #12 : 24 Ноябрь 2011, 15:45:15 »
It seems M134* is very low frequecy in most Sino-Tibetan population,but Tangut-Qiangic population and northern Han Chinese is exception,I'm very interested in the origin of this branch

Оффлайн Centurion

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Re: Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Mig
« Ответ #13 : 24 Ноябрь 2011, 16:36:14 »
Каково разнообразие этих N1*?

Оффлайн sahaliyanАвтор темы

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Re: Y-chromosome O3 Haplogroup Diversity in Sino-Tibetan Populations Reveals Two Mig
« Ответ #14 : 24 Ноябрь 2011, 19:22:28 »
Current N1(XN1a,N1b,N1c)
Luoba 39/109 = 35.8 %
Yi of Sichuan 13/43= 30.2%
Han of Guangdong 6/40=15.0%
Hani   4/34=11.8%
Xibe  4/41=9.8%
Han of Shanxi  3/44=6.8%
Tujia  2/49=4.1%
Han of Taiwan  3/84=3.6%


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