Господа разъясните плиз, что это значит???

Единственное, что понял М283-
Hi Gulmamad,
The SNP results came in, and it seems that you are in fact negative for M283, which is the SNP that all the Pashtuns share (as well as a Burusho, and a single Kalmyk who is within the Pashtun clade). . It doesn't seem that your lineage is of Pashtun origin at all, but something much earlier, as we could guess from the relationship between the Pamiris and the Pashtuns.
It seems that in fact you may form a clade with a certain South Italian family, with an ancestor from Salerno of unknown (adopted) origin. We've seen one of these in the Boatini et al. (2013) study of the Y-DNA of Italy:
SampleID Population HG (ISOGG 2009) DYS393 DYS390 DYS19 DYS391 DYS385a DYS385b DYS426 DYS388 DYS439 DYS389I DYS392 DYS389II DYS458 DYS437 DYS448 GATAH4 DYS456 DYS438 DYS635
539 Benevento G2b1-M377 13 23 15 10 13 16 11 12 11 14 11 30 18 16 21 13 15 10 24
Here is also a rather unusual G2b1-M377 from Zhong et al. (2010), a Han Chinese from Liaoning in northeast China (Manchuria!):
Reference Geographic Region Population Marker Haplogroup DYS393 DYS390 DYS19 DYS391 DYS385 DYS426 DYS388 DYS439 DYS389I DYS392 DYD389II
This study Liaoning Han G2b1-M377 G2c 13 23 15 10 12 13 11 31
Everything about G is old. There are "matches" to Europeans found among Pakistanis and Chinese that are in what seem to be low-level G subclades, but in fact are much older than all of R1b1a2-M269 or R1a1a-M417. It could be that yours represents a much earlier clade that spread both eastward and westward around 8000 years ago.
We know early forms of G-M377 are found from Spain to Italy to Lebanon, Armenia, Daghestan and Azerbaijan, and Central and South Asia, but hardly any in Iran (except one in Iranian Azerbaijan). Unlike other G clades, the only G-M377s up north are in the Ashkenazi Jewish clade, and these are almost all in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, although there are a couple in Sicily as well.
G2b1-M377 seems to have the same "East-West" distribution pattern as other G clades, where members of different "lower level" G clades are found in Central / South Asia, and in the Mediterranean region and Europe. This would seem to indicate a spread with the Early Neolithic Farmers, around 8000 years ago, in both directions.
What we can do for your haplotype is perhaps order 37 STRs, and see how that comes out, an d whether indeed you are a closer match to Colonell
- from Salerno than to everyone else in G-M377.
Then, we have to figure out which SNPs to test .. we know that the Ashkenazi Jewish and Pashtun clades share a long series of SNPs compared to G2b2-Z8030 the sister clade of G2b1-M377.
The problem is that we cannot know which SNPs to test first, although there may be a way to do this.
The Big Y may not cover enough of these SNPs to sort things out
Let me see what we can order first ...
This is pretty exciting. I'll review what I have about the dates for the breakup of G-M377, and see if it's right for the First Farmers. I'll get back to you about 37 STRs ...