Yes, I have been able to put together a family tree going back to Vaso.
As I mentioned, the family tradition is incorrect about the first couple of centuries, which is understandable. Otherwise, this is what I have:
Vaso - Rajo - Djuro - Milicko - Djuka - Vukasin - Stanj - Vuk - Uros - Cukan ...
Cukan is my great-great-great-great-greatgrandfather. That means, I'm Vaso's 16th generation down the tree. At 35 years between generations, that means Vaso lived about 600 years ago (17 x 35). That puts him at about 1400 or so...
Well, I think it's reasonable to expect that Vaso lived at least 100 years before that, since Vassoevichs were already formed as a clan by 1444. And you probably need at least 30-50 men under arms in a clan to be noticed. I'm guessing that would have meant Vaso was born by 1300, likely earlier.
BTW, my closets genetic relative did turn out to be one Petar Bojovic (DNA Heritage), also of Vassoevich line. According to family tradition, Milicko, a great-grandson of Vaso, is our common ancestor (supposedly, Milicko's children were: Nerad, Golub, Djuka, Bojo & Stojan). At 35 years between generations, and 13 generations back (plus mine), family tradition puts as at 1520 A.D. for a common ancestor. I don't have his haplotype at the fingertips right now, but, if I remember it correctly, it placed me at about 1500 A.D. for TMRCA with him using McGee's calculator.
The next closest relative I found was Vladimir Odavic (FTDNA), who knows his earliest ancestors lived in the historic region of Herzegovina (Trebinje). Our TMRCA came out to be around 750 A.D.
I have Mr Bojovic on my messenger, and I'll invite him to the forum.
Mr Goran Pesic of the Byelopavlic clan wrote an article a few years ago in which he presented DNA heritage of the Balkans... However, he theorized E-V13 was somehow Slavic with roots north of the Black Sea, which does not have much scientific evidence to support it.
I know one Radoncic from Gusinje (Sancak region), part of the Kuchi clan, tested as E-V13 via FTDNA as well.