АвторТема: Lu - The tRNAMet 4435A>G mutation in the mitochondrial haplogroup G2a1 is respon  (Прочитано 1828 раз)

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The tRNAMet 4435A>G mutation in the mitochondrial haplogroup G2a1 is responsible for maternally inherited hypertension in a Chinese pedigree // European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication 22 June 2011;   doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2011.111

Lu et al.

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been associated with hypertension in several pedigrees with maternal inheritance. However, the pathophysiology of maternally inherited hypertension remains poorly understood. We reported here clinical, genetic evaluations and molecular analysis of mtDNA in a three-generation Han Chinese family with essential hypertension. Eight of 17 matrilineal relatives exhibited a wide range of severity in essential hypertension, whereas none of the offsprings of the affected father had hypertension. The age-at-onset of hypertension in the maternal kindred varied from 31 to 65 years, with an average of 52 years. Sequence analysis of mtDNA in this pedigree identified the known homoplasmic 4435A>G mutation, which is located at immediately 3′ end to the anticodon, corresponding to the conventional position 37 of tRNAMet, and 41 variants belonging to the Asian haplogroup G2a1. In contrast, the 4435A>G mutation occurred among mtDNA haplogroups B5a, D, M7a2 and J. The adenine (A37) at this position of tRNAMet is extraordinarily conserved from bacteria to human mitochondria. This modified A37 was shown to contribute to the high fidelity of codon recognition, structural formation and stabilization of functional tRNAs. However, 41 other mtDNA variants in this pedigree were the known polymorphisms. The occurrence of the 4435A>G mutation in two genetically unrelated families affected by hypertension indicates that this mutation is involved in hypertension. Our present investigations further supported our previous findings that the 4435A>G mutation acted as an inherited risk factor for the development of hypertension. Our findings will be helpful for counseling families of maternally inherited hypertension.



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