Есть вероятность что моя прабабушка - Маланья Алпиевна Ребенок - тоже с Черниговщины. Мито U3b.
А в какой лаборатории делали тесты?
Вот прогнал свой raw data file через утилиту.
Markers found (shown as differences to rCRS):
HVR2: 73G 150T 263G
CR: 750G 1438G 1811G 2706G 4188G 4640T 4769G 6734A 7028T 9656C 11467G 11719A 12308G 12372A 12720G 13743C 14139G 14766T 15454C
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above marker list is almost certainly incomplete due to limitations of genotyping technology and is not comparable to mtDNA sequencing results. It should not be used with services or tools that expect sequencing results, such as mitosearch.
Best mtDNA Haplogroup Matches:
1) U3b1b
Defining Markers for haplogroup U3b1b:
HVR2: 73G 150T 263G
CR: 750G 1438G 1811G 2706G 3546A 4188G 4640A 4769G 6359G 7028T 8860G 9656C 11467G 11719A 12308G 12372A 12720G 13743C 14139G 14766T 15326G 15454C
HVR1: 16343G
Marker path from rCRS to haplogroup U3b1b (plus extra markers):
H2a2a1(rCRS) ⇨ 263G ⇨ H2a2a ⇨ 8860G 15326G ⇨ H2a2 ⇨ 750G ⇨ H2a ⇨ 4769G ⇨ H2 ⇨ 1438G ⇨ H ⇨ 2706G 7028T ⇨ HV ⇨ 14766T ⇨ R0 ⇨ 73G 11719A ⇨ R ⇨ 11467G 12308G 12372A ⇨ U ⇨ 1811G ⇨ U2'3'4'7'8'9 ⇨ 150T 14139G 15454C 16343G ⇨ U3 ⇨ 4188G 4640A 9656C 13743C ⇨ U3b ⇨ 3546A ⇨ U3b1 ⇨ 6359G 12720G ⇨ U3b1b ⇨ 6734A
Imperfect Match. Your results contained differences with this haplogroup:
Matches(20): 73G 150T 263G 750G 1438G 1811G 2706G 4188G 4769G 7028T 9656C 11467G 11719A 12308G 12372A 12720G 13743C 14139G 14766T 15454C
Flips(1): 4640T
Extras(1): 6734A
No-Calls(3): 6359G 8860G 16343G
Untested(2): 3546 15326