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Оффлайн I2a1aАвтор темы

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I2b1 и пикты
« : 23 Август 2010, 23:20:21 »
Интересное мнение форумчанина Yorkie c ссылкой на мнение авторитетнейших популяционных генетиков о происхождении пиктов

There have been attempts to link I2b1a with Picts recently [Bradley and McEvoy], and I2a2b-Isles with the Irish version of the Picts; the Cruthin [Ian Adamson and Tim Owen], and Bryan Sykes has pondered whether haplotypes in G2a might be echoes of the Picts, but as far as I am aware, there have been no serious attempts to link the Picts with I1.

Some, like Kevin Campbell, have conjectured that the Picts were majority R1b

1] The Ian Adamson and Tim Owen reference is to Ian Adamson's [2010] recent Impala blog, 'Genes of the Cruthin'. Adamson has written mainly on the Cruthin/Northern Ireland, and Owen on Sociology.

2] The Kevin Campbell reference is to the author's [2007] paper, 'Geographic Patterns of Haplogroup R1b in the British Isles', in the online Journal of Genetic Genealogy [April 07].

3] The McEvoy/Bradley reference is to Brian McEvoy and Dan Bradley [2010] 'Irish Genetics and Celts', in John T.Koch's [2010] Celtic From the West. They appear to identify I2b1a as a La Tene marker in families such as Maguinness and MacArtan, which have legends of Cruthin/Pictish ancestry. In an earlier paper [2005], nicknamed 'The Trinity Study' their sponsor, Patrick Guinness claimed that McEvoy and Bradley had 'unmasked the Cruthin dynasty'. In this earlier paper, the authors appear to associate both old I1c [I2b1] and old I1b1 [I2a2] with the Cruthin/Picts.

4] The Bryan Sykes reference is to private email correspondence between Sykes and I. I asked Bryan if he still believed that the pockets of ancient I haplogroup he mentions in Blood of the Isles are possibly genetic echoes of the Picts [they were located by Sykes in the 'Pictish' areas of Scotland and in Wales]. He is now of the view that these short haplotypes belong in G2a.

Hopefully this is of help.


Оффлайн Eugen Hartmann

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Re: I2b1 и пикты
« Ответ #1 : 24 Август 2010, 07:44:14 »
оффтопик: Та тема целиком интересна. Если смотреть на карты расселения древних германцев и кельтов, и сравнить их с современным распространением гаплогрупп, очень уж хочется поверить, что R1b* в Скандинавии появились ближе к средневековью (если не позже).

Нисколько не удивлюсь, если Пикты - I2b1a.

Одна из субклад гаплогруппы I2b1, а именно I2b1a (M284), обнаружена почти исключительно у населения Великобритании, что может говорить о его длительной истории существования на Британских островах...Специфически британская ветвь I2b1a выделилась из I2b1 приблизительно 3 тысячелетия назад.
« Последнее редактирование: 24 Август 2010, 07:53:28 от Eugen Hartmann »

Оффлайн Farroukh

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