Новости проекта I2b1/M223:
" Our I2b1 Roots donor's WTY results are in, and unfortunately he is also L181+ and has no other new SNPs. Because he shares this L181 with our Continental donor, it does not split the Roots and Continental branches as we had hoped it might. These results now place L181 upstream of I2b1 Roots and Continental, and per previous I2* WTY results, downstream of I2*.
What we need to do now is wait for the I2b2 donor's WTY results and see where he stands. If he's also positive for L181, then it's not even unique to I2b1. If he's negative, then we'll go about selectively having other I2b1 people test for it "
Я правильно понял, что снип L181+ ничего нового не дал для определения новых субкладов I2b1 и уходит на более высокий уровень I2*? И теперь надо протестировать I2b2 и если тест будет положителен и для них, то этот снип может оказаться и вовсе не уникальным для i2b1.
Да, похоже промахнулись.