И есть линия между ними которая идёт через другой Шахрисохте и узбекскую бронзу.
То есть то что между это смесь первых двух.
https://i.imgur.com/Bzs2Gw8.pngОчевидно .что вся проекция КуроАракса по серединной линии передвинут к ШехГабиНеолит/АкнаШен .а вся проекция средней бронзы к ШахриСохтеБронза.
ШехГаби и Годин это по сути одна территория.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godin_TepeТо есть. Гипотетически в районе Година в бронзе во времена Шумер и Элама увеличилась доля шахрисохте.отсюда передвижение населения в Армению в среднюю бронзу и привело к сдвигу в эту сторону.
1.ШехГаБиНеолит[Халаф]>Акнашен[Шулавер] >Эн.Кавказ[ДаркветиМешоко]
The earliest pottery found was of the painted pottery traditions, including J ware (Godin pre-XI) related to Halaf culture pottery.[2]
2.Шахрисохте [Убейд>Урук>ШехГабиVII-V]> [АрслантепеЭнеолит] > Арени
Level VIII is dated 4200–4000 BC, contemporary with Terminal Ubaid period. According to Mitchell Rothman, at this time, during the Late Chalcolithic 1 period (LC 1), some substantial trading networks emerged in the area for trade in metals, and in precious or semi-precious stones,
The pottery of level V show influences from the Uruk culture, with parallels at Susa, Uruk (IV) and Nippur[8] The typical Jemdet Nasr tall storage jars, known from Nippur, and the bevelled rim bowls of Uruk are missing however.[9]
Шахрисохте+ (ШехГабиНеолит>Акнашен/Дарквети)=Майкоп/Беркабер[КуроАракс]>[ШехГабиIV]
Level IV (3000–2650 BC) represents the "invasion" of the northern Yanik-culture (or "Transcaucasian Early Bronze I culture", also known as Kura–Araxes culture), well known from Yanik Tepe, Iran, near Lake Urmia. (Nevertheless, some other Kura-Araxes potsherds were found in yet deeper layers going back to late fourth millennium BC.)[15]
3.Шахрисохте + [ШехГабиIV] =Годин.[КуроАракс-ШехГабиIII]>Ср.бронза[Триалети]
Level III (c. 2600–1500/1400 BC) shows connections with Susa and most of Luristan, and it has been suggested that it belonged to the Elamite confederacy. [18] [19] A pottery link to Lagash has been established which may affect the chronology of this layer.[20] Near 1400 BC, Godin Tepe was abandoned and was not re-occupied until c. 750 BC.