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Large-Scale Assessment of the Iranian population
« : 25 Март 2024, 07:11:11 »
Large-Scale Assessment of the Iranian population structure of Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome Haplogroups

Our analysis focused on the frequency of ancestral haplogroups in Iran through the examination of large-scale whole-exome sequencing (WES) and SNP microarray data from 18,184 individuals.

The analysis of Y-chromosome haplogroup frequencies revealed the presence of 14 distinct super haplogroups within the Iranian population, with the predominant haplogroups being J, R, G, T, and Q. Specifically, the J2 subclade, including J-L26, was the most prevalent at a frequency of 35.64%, followed by R1a (14.68%), E1 (11.61%), J1 (11.01%), G2 (6.71%), R1b (5.13%), and T1 (4.42%).

« Последнее редактирование: 25 Март 2024, 07:19:54 от User »


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