Готов БигИгрек для Malessa.
Вот объемный комментарий от ув. Michal Milewski на этот счет (письмо пришло еще 13 мая, но почему-то угодило в спам):
Hello Anton,
my BIG-Y results are finished after only 28 days, I copy you the mail I´ve got from Michal
Hi Florian,
We have performed an initial analysis of your Big Y results. Apart from testing positive for L1280 (and many additional SNPs from the same L1280 level), you have been also found positive for three downstream SNPs named FGC19283, FGC19284 and FGC19286 that are absent in members of the two parallel subclades YP611 and FGC11555. You share thsese three SNPs with #E4464/YF02007 (tested with a "more compete" NGS-based test called Y Elite) and with #265495 who is also positive for a more downstream SNP named YP1701 (shared with the Ukrainian sample from a recently published research study). Both you and #E4464 are negative for YP1701 (although your negative result should be additionally confirmed by the analysis of the raw data). In other words, you and #E4464 are currently classified as FGC19283* (ie. positive for FGC19283 but negative for all known downstream non-private SNPs), while #265495 is classified as FGC19283>YP1701.
As I have mentioned, we need to verify your negative result for YP1701. This can be done by analyzing your Big Y "raw data", more specifically the BED and VCF files that are available for download for customers (but not for the project admins). If you download those VCF/BED files and send them to me (in the original zipped format), I will check whether you are indeed negative for YP1701, as suggested by your FTDNAA report (thus ruling out the possibility that you lack the YP1701+ result because your Big Y test did not cover this particular position).
Based on your STR results, you are predicted to be a member of a specific subclade under FGC19283 that corresponds to the so-called "North Vistulan" cluster FGC19283-A. Therefore, we suspect that some of your "private" SNPs downstream of FGC19283 will turn out to define this new potential subclade downstream of FGC19283. However, identifying these specific subclade-defiining SNPs will be possible only after another member of cluster FGC19283-A is tested with Big Y (or with Y Elite).
We have been able to extract 16 reliable "private" SNPs (ie. non-shared SNPs downstream of FGC19283) from the list of your 144 "novel variants" reported by FTDNA:
2760295 G>A
5852931 G>A
7193396 G>T
7795336 A>G
8489726 T>C
9417619 A>G
14854154 G>C
14979004 A>G
16076727 T>C
16898383 C>A
19217867 C>T
19322308 T>C
19466434 A>G
22437122 A>T
23505640 G>A
23529946 T>C
As mentioned above, some of those "private" SNPs are likely to be shared with other FGC19283-A members, while the remaining ones are specific for your patrilineage only. I would roughly estimate that the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all FGC19283 members lived about 2000 years ago, but the MRCA of all FGC19283-A members should have lived more recently (and we need more Big Y results for cluster FGC19283-A to estimate this with more precision).
Attached please find some of our BigY-based schemes/trees for Z280 (or CTS3402) that include both L1280 and FGC19283. They were created a couple of months ago, so they need to be updated.
I would also recommend asking FTDNA for an access to your Big Y BAM file (a much larger file containing the raw data) and then submitting it (as a link) for aditional analysis to another company YFull (which costs $49). The YFull team will significantly refine your results by searching for SNPs that are overlooked by FTDNA, extracting about 300 additional STR results and placing you on their experimental YFull tree for haplogroup R1a. Finally, they will present your results in a much more user-friendly way. After joining their R1a group (for free), you will also get an access to their large database with the NGS results for haplogroup R1a. Most BigY-tested members of our FTDNA project have already submitted their raw data (BAM files) to YFull.
I suspect you have already realized that the official haplotree maintained by FTDNA, or a similar, tghough more detailed, haplotree maintained by ISOGG, are not updated frequently enough to include all recently discovered crucial SNPs that have been produced by thousands of NGS-based tests (like Big Y and Y Elite). Thus, you shouldn't expect that your FGC19283+ result will be reflected in your official status at FTDNA (at least not in the nearest future).