АвторТема: My autosomal matches are from Russia  (Прочитано 18170 раз)

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Оффлайн napobo3Автор темы

  • Сообщений: 1259
  • Страна: il
  • Рейтинг +348/-2
  • Y-ДНК: J-FGC5231
  • мтДНК: N1b2
Re: My autosomal matches are from Russia
« Ответ #30 : 19 Декабрь 2011, 16:39:57 »

Genka Kostova is my mother.
She is from Bulgaria. Her mother was Jewish and her father was Macedonian (or Serbian).
On the Jewish side,
   - my mother's grandfather (Yosif Finkelstein)'s ancestry appears to be mostly from Ukraine according to Relative Finder, though Lithuania comes often as ancestry place as well; according to family legends he came from "somewhere in Russia".
   - We do not have any additional history on my mother's maternal grandmother (Oro Eshkenazi, maiden name), who was born in Bulgaria.

Tanya, welcome to the forum. Please visit other threads as well.
I can say that most of your mother's matches are from her father's side (Ashkenazi). Her mother was Sephardi, which are underrepresented on 23andme.


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