Лично мне в этом исследовании очень нравится подтверждение (ну или установление) того факта, что у большинства образцов четко прослеживается южно-итальянское происхождение.
Вот тут есть альтернативный обзор результатов
http://dispatchesfromturtleisland.blogspot.com/2022/05/ancient-dna-insight-into-ashkenazi.htmlMost of the models with a South-Italian source were plausible (P-value >0.05; Table S7), which would be consistent with historical models pointing to the Italian peninsula as the source for the AJ population. The mean admixture proportions (over all of our plausible models; Table S7) were 68% South-EU, 17% ME, and 15% East-EU (Figure 2A)
Across the board, a
Southern Italian source for Erfurt Jews (who are basically ancestral to modern Ashkenazi Jews except that their Eastern European/East Asian ancestral component is not yet as homogenous) is
strongly preferred over a Northern Italian source, even though a Northern Italian source isn't entirely ruled out in the case of a Lebanese Middle Eastern population and a Russian European population.
The preference for a Southern Italian source over a Northern Italian source is supported by the historical record.
То есть, как бы да, то что ашкеназы изначально вышли из Италии - было известно, но теперь это подтверждено генетически. Более того - уточнение насчет Южной очень важно.
В обсуждениях к блогу на eurogenes так же была высказана интересная теория:
3) Erfurt2: this is the one that I find most fascinating because it introduces a new aspect to the history which I had not thought about until now: a wave of Jewish migrants coming from the Southern Italian Peninsula seem to have acquired Avar-Longobardic genes since the time when the Longobards and their Avar allies invaded those territories. I am not too clear on the exact historical exigencies that brought this group to N. Europe, nor when the migration may have occured, but I believe that the data support a period of Jewish-Avar hybridization in Southern Italy (and possibly N. Italy as well) from about 650 CE until 1000 CE.
I really don’t know too much about the Avars, besides their Uralic linguistic affinities, but I suppose they could be the vector bringing the unusual East Asian genes into the Erfurt samples, via the Longobards in S. Central Italy. According to this recent study:
https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.19.476915, the Avars received Xiongnu genes before coming into the Pannonian Plain. According to Amorim, et al, (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06024-4) the Avars became allies of the Longobards (the sample SZ1 which is on the scatter is a later burial from a Longobard cemetery in the Pannonian area, reported in this paper). Amorim goes on to say: “
the Longobard duchies of Spoleto and Benevento ruled much of the inland areas of the [Italian] peninsula…” This would have been the time of the Lombard princes Pandulf and Landulf.
It is known that Benevento was a Jewish population center during this period (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benevento#Jewish_history), so there appears to have been an opportunity for introgression.
Почему именно Беневенто привлекло мое внимание ?
В моем топике про исследования субклада Q-2780 я писал об одном сампле, который является моим "соседом" по группе - при этом ничего в его семейной генеалогии не говорится об еврейских предках
https://forum.molgen.org/index.php/topic,14206.msg546884.html#msg546884Это семейство Gianturco, членом которого был, например, этот министр юстиции
https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emanuele_Gianturco - вполне отслеживается документально до 1700х годов и они все из Avigliano, где жили явно минимум несколько столетий до. Эти земли как раз исторически входили в Benevento.
В общем, какое-то количество еврейских семей видимо как раз оттуда и переселились в центральную Европу. А оставшиеся впали в католицизм и полностью отпали от диаспоры.