АвторТема: Тунгуские народы и С2а  (Прочитано 1084 раз)

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Оффлайн ArameАвтор темы

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Тунгуские народы и С2а
« : 13 Декабрь 2021, 17:36:51 »
The distribution map of C2a-M48 indicated the most probable area of origin and diffusion route of this paternal lineage in North Eurasia. Most C2a-M86 samples from Tungusic-speaking populations belonged to the sublineage C2a-F5484, which emerged about 3300 years ago. We identified six unique sublineages corresponding to the Manchu, Evenks, Evens, Oroqen, and Daurpopulations; these sublineages diverged gradually over the past 1900 years. Notably, we observed a clear north-south dichotomous structure for sublineages derived from C2a-F5484, consistent with the internal north-south divergence of Tungusic languages and ethnic groups.

We identified the important founding paternal haplogroup, C2a-F5484, for Tungusic-speaking populations as well as numerous unique subgroups of this haplogroup. We propose that the timeframe for the divergence of C2a-F5484 corresponds with the early differentiation of ancestral Tungusic-speaking populations.


Оффлайн Asmat headhunter

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  • И того казака те тунгусы пальмами тут искололи
Re: Тунгуские народы и С2а
« Ответ #1 : 13 Декабрь 2021, 17:39:06 »
Manchu, Evenks, Evens, Oroqen, and Daur
Дауры по языку монголы. Значит, они частично экс-тунгусы? :)


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