АвторТема: Позднея Новосвободненская(Кавказ) Животиловская(Степь) и Гординешти II(Карпаты)  (Прочитано 2531 раз)

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Типологически это культура самого начала бронзового века в Северном Причерноморье. Датируется второй половиной IV тыс. — началом III тыс. до н. э. Сейчас известно более 70 погребений этого типа от Нижнего Дуная до Нижнего Дона в степи и лесостепи. 
Она почти сплошь составная, причем из весьма известных культур – майкопско -новосвободненской и позднетрипольской, хотя вполне самостоятельная.

The general historic-cultural situation changed dramatically in the last quarter of the4
 millennium BC. Precisely in this period of time a series of particular archaeological siteshad stretched across the south of Eastern Europe from the Northern Caucasus almost tothe Eastern Carpathians. The sites exemplify a totally new kind of cultural relations thatcrossed existing regional and cultural borders and united earlier isolated cultural areas.The first material belonging to this phenomenon was uncovered as early as the 1930s ofthe last century at Zhivotilovka (modern Novomoskovsk) in the Lower Dnieper region
Area, peculiarities of distribution and attribution
At present more than 70 sites of the Zhivotilovka type are known (fig. 1). As a matter of facttheir number could be much more, but many of sites were not included in this study becau-se of incomplete information, for instance, the sites of Brăiliţa, Vişan, Râşeşti, Grumezoaiain Rumania, etc.
 They are distributed quite evenly across the steppe zone between the Lo-wer Don and the Lower Danube rivers, although their special concentration is registered inseparate parts of this area. Isolated graves were also uncovered west of the Prut River. Ac-tually all sites are situated in areas of other Late Eneolithic cultures, and this circumstancecan cause some additional problems with their cultural attribution. In the forest-steppezone of the Carpathian-Dniester region they occupy the area of the Horodiştea-Gordineştigroup

Животиловская в основном потомок  поздней Новосвободненской-Майкопской и частичноно поздней Трипольской заняла и территории частичных родствеников территории культуры Horodiştea-Erbiceni/Gordineşti https://forum.molgen.org/index.php?topic=3283.msg534770#msg534770
 (Horodiştea-Erbiceni/Gordineşti, Horodiştea-Gordineşti, и Horodiştea-Erbiceni это все одно и то же)

Гординешти II (в которой самая ранея лошадь из кластера DOM2)
The ceramic material collected both from the
excavation and from the surface allowed the
site to be attributed to the Late Eneolithic,
which later served as a  documentary basis
for the notion of the Late Eneolithic group of
the Gordineşti type (Дергачев 1973, 90–100;
It has analogies in the complexes char-
acteristic of the Horodiştea-Erbiceni culture
(Romania) (Dinu 1977; Dumitroaia 2000;
Burtănescu 2002)
The closest analogies of amphorae shapes
and stylistic elements are found in the Horo-
culture area (Dumitrescu 1945,
fig. 4: 2–4, 6; 5: 1; 7: 8; Dinu 1977; Dumitroaia
2000; Burtănescu 2002)
Analogies to the round weights can be
found in the Horodiştea-Erbiceni culture
The decor is depressed motifs made ex-
clusively on the rim. The stylistic elements are
composed of: alveoli of different size made on
the outer part of the rim (fig. 6: 1, 3–7, 11, 17,
19); pinches also on the outer part of the rim
(fig. 6: 12–13); net of punctures covering the
top of the rim (fig. 6: 9, 18); inclined corded
ornament on the outside of the rim (fig. 6: 15–
16). One specimen also has a stripe of imprint-
ed rhombuses below the lip (fig. 6: 17).
The closest analogies can be found in the
Horodişte-Erbiceni culture area,
« Последнее редактирование: 14 Ноябрь 2021, 13:17:40 от Fire »


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