Скандинавская женщина
lau001 из богатого захоронения Вендельской эпохи...
Deep Dive видит ее как что-то среднее между Норвежскими и Шведскими викингами
Отмечу родичей
- в Уппсале и Сигтуне (включая прото-Рюрика 84001),
- среди свеев, погибших на Сааремаа,
в Старой Ладоге VK18 (со скандинавской R1a-z284) и VK221 c I1-L22 - в Исландии,
- cреди Лонгобардов,
- среди более древних товарищей в Богемии и среди Bell Beaker
Женская линия U5a1b1h - характерна для современных жителей Финляндии, Швеции и России...
Детали захоронения -
Gannor in Lau parish in south-eastern Gotland (Sweden) is situated in the northern part of “Lau backar”, a huge burial ground with many destroyed graves, with c. 500 grave monuments still visible. A chamber burial was accidentally found when a large stone was removed by a local farmer.83 Based on archaeological and osteological evidence, the remains (lau001) found in the burial cist were identified as a female, buried c. 600 CE. She was found in a crouched position with the remains of an infant placed on her left shoulder, her left hand placed at the infant’s head and her right hand at the infant's feet. The woman was placed on a bear skin, while the infant was wrapped in a lynx skin. She was furnished with two bronze needles placed by her head, two animal brooches at her shoulders and a unique gilded crab brooch at the neck.83,84 The well-furnished woman would likely have had a prominent position at the farm. An earlier study has shown that the mitochondrial DNA sequence of the child was incomplete, but shared sufficiently many mutations with the mtDNA of the woman that it is most likely that the two were mother and daughter; nevertheless, they could also represent other types of close maternal relationships (e.g. that of a grandmother and a grandchild85).
Close by was a similar grave of another individual, osteologically determined as a probable female and archaeologically gendered as such (lau003). Her burial was not as richly furnished as lau001, and she had only received one animal head brooch and 20 large beads. Like lau001, she was buried in a crouched position c. 600 CE.83 She was determined to be c. 20 years of age (grave 284).
The richly-furnished woman (lau001) belonged to a mtDNA haplogroup (U5a1b1h) that was different from that of the woman (lau003) in the less well-furnished grave (H2a1). Consequently, they cannot have had the same mother, nor can the older woman be the mother of the younger woman.85
Samples: lau001 (XX) = grave A1, lau003 (XX) = grave A2
Curated at: Gotland’s museum