VK494 - из захоронения в Польше причем по обряду Скандинавии и Руси....
MTA указывает на двойное происхождение образца. С одной стороны Славяне тут беспорно есть. Плюс мужская линия также характерная именно Северным Славянам.
С другой стороны - Шведские (+Датские и даже Исландские) Викинги, Остроготы и примеси прочих Германцев.
Возможно по отцу один, а по матери другой... Женская линия (по ftdna) уходит во Францию, Англию, Шотландию, Португалию... Но есть и в Дании...
(На yfull как всегда не загрузили... Лодыри или cкупердяи?...)
Описание захоронения из приложения к статье по викингам -
(Prepared by Monika Bajka, "Trzy Epoki" Archaeological Service, and Marek Florek, Institute of
Archaeology, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin)
The inhumation cemetery is situated on the left bank of the Vistula River, in the northern part of the
Town Hill of Sandomierz (geo coordinates: N: 50°40’53,56’’; E: 21°44’57,08’’). The Town Hill
occupies the edge of the Sandomierz upland loess area, which is c. 50 m above the level of the Vistula.
In the medieval period (since the end of the 10th century CE), Sandomierz was the main centre of the
Sandomierz Region, and constituted the second centre (after Cracow) of the historical Lesser Poland.
In the 12th century CE, Sandomierz, together with Cracow and Wroclaw, was called sedes regni
Recent work indicates that Sandomierz was established after the annexation of the northern part of
Lesser Poland (Sandomierz Region) to the State of the Piasts (the family ruling the tribe of Polanie,
which was from Greater Poland) in around the year 970 CE. The new incomers from Greater Poland
(the centre of the Piast state) had the greatest influence on the creation of the town.
The cemetery encompasses the central and the northern part of the Town Hill. Because the site is
mostly in a built-up area, the site is known mainly from casual findings. In the years 2013-2015, in
the northern part of the Town Hill, nine graves were found. They represent the oldest part of the
Because of their shape (large, rectangular grave pits with walls covered with boards and
wooden vaults, and with wooden coffins inside) some of them are associated with the ‘chamber
graves’ from Scandinavia, northeastern Europe, and northern and central Poland (Pomerania,
Kuyavia, Greater Poland). The chamber of grave No. 9 was additionally surrounded with a circular
palisade. Some of the graves (including all the graves of chamber-like construction) were equipped
with the following items: clay vessels, an iron axe, dress elements (horseshoe-shaped bronze buckles),
silver and bronze decorations (silver rings, temple rings), and equipment for making fire (flint strikea-lights, iron firesteels, etc.)
Chronology: Based on the equipment (pottery, metal objects), the graves discovered in the years
2013-2015 should be dated to the time between the end of the 10th century CE and the middle of the
11th century CE. Radiocarbon dating of bones from graves No. 8 and No. 9 was carried out. Grave 8
was dated to 1070+/-35 BP, which after calibration is 938-1022 CE; grave No. 9 was dated to 1090+/-
35 BP, which after calibration is 888-1018 CE. These dates are in line with the date based on the
There are several reasons to believe that some persons buried in the graves that were excavated in the
years 2013-2015 were of foreign origin:
● Some of the graves resemble t chamber graves, which generally do not occur in the
Sandomierz Region and in Lesser Poland.
● The vessels found in the graves have no analogies in the local pottery from the 10th and 11th
centuries CE; their forms refer to the pottery from Greater Poland and central Poland
● Horseshoe-shaped bronze buckles (from graves Nos. 7 and 9) which represent a garment
element characteristic mainly of the region of the Baltic coast and northeastern Europe (Rus’).
An axe from grave No. 7, which has the closest analogy to the finds from the cemeteries of
the Varangian and Rus’ cemeteries from eastern Europe.●
A key from grave No. 9 that was secondarily used as a firesteel; it has the closest analogy to
finds from Scandinavian and Russian sites.● The results of the analysis of strontium content in the teeth of the persons buried in the
The furnishing of the graves is of high standard in comparison to other graves from the same period
from Sandomierz and its neighbourhood. The form of the graves and their furnishing indicate that
they were created for the local elites of foreign origin, who had arrived here from other territories,
probably from Greater Poland, after the annexation of the Sandomierz Region to the State of Polanie
(the State of the Piasts).
The equipment elements (horseshoe-shaped bronze buckles, axe, key used
as firesteels) and the form of the graves might indicate that Varangians and Rus' people were also
buried in the cemetery. They were at the service of the Piasts, e. g. as the members of the princely
squads or as merchants.Sample used for DNA analysis:
VK494 Poland_Sandomierz 1/13Enjoy!
PS: Добавлю, что этот Викинг оказался Deep Dive родичем Варягов из Ладоги (VK19, VK408) , Гнездово (VK272, VK466, VK254), Бодзии (VK157), Сигтуны (включая Пара-Рюрика 84001), Оксфорда, Готланда, Скары, Дании и т.д. Но отмечу также несколько общих сегментов с образцами из Kivutkalns (что редко для викингов), что объясняет небольщую Балтийскую примесь...
PPS: Удалось создать новый кит VK540 - ещё одна чистая скандинавка Руси из Шестовицы, скоро выложу детальный разбор…