АвторТема: NyuWa Genome Resource  (Прочитано 1070 раз)

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Оффлайн NimissinАвтор темы

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NyuWa Genome Resource
« : 20 Январь 2021, 12:03:21 »
NyuWa Genome Resource: Deep Whole Genome Sequencing Based Chinese Population Variation Profile and Reference Panel

Peng Zhang, Huaxia Luo, Yanyan Li, You Wang, Jiajia Wang, Yu Zheng, Yiwei Niu, Yirong Shi, Honghong Zhou, Tingrui Song, Quan Kang, The Han100K Initiative, Tao Xu, Shunmin He


The lack of Chinese population specific haplotype reference panel and whole genome sequencing resources has greatly hindered the genetics studies in the world’s largest population. Here we presented the NyuWa genome resource based on deep (26.2X) sequencing of 2,999 Chinese individuals, and constructed NyuWa reference panel of 5,804 haplotypes and 19.3M variants, which is the first publicly available Chinese population specific reference panel with thousands of samples. Compared with other panels, NyuWa reference panel reduces the Han Chinese imputation error rate by the range of 30% to 51%. Population structure and imputation simulation tests supported the applicability of one integrated reference panel for both northern and southern Chinese. In addition, a total of 22,504 loss-of-function variants in coding and noncoding genes were identified, including 11,493 novel variants. These results highlight the value of NyuWa genome resource to facilitate genetics research in Chinese and Asian populations.

Оффлайн Valery

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Re: NyuWa Genome Resource
« Ответ #1 : 20 Январь 2021, 19:04:25 »
страничка http://bigdata.ibp.ac.cn/NyuWa грузится так медленно, что резонный вопрос - с какой стороны стены этот ресурс?

сайты *.cn могут лежать с обех сторон, вообще говоря


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