Ancient genomes reveal Avar-Hungarian transformations in the 9th-10th centuries CE Carpathian BasinKOZ18
Grave 83 - Grave goods: bow handle bone brace, silver ball button, arrowhead, animal bone.
Anthropological and genetic sex: Male; 50-59 years old.
East-Eurasian mixed (Conqueror cluster)
Grave 77/95 - No grave goods; below feature 55/95, in the filling of the 'great ditch'. Genetic
sex: Male; 2-3 years old.
Grave 6/00 - No grave goods; above grave 8/00 - early; also feature 1/2000, dug in the filling
of the bell-founding pit, theoretically roughly contemporary with grave 8/00, only the
orientation of 6/00 is the same as that of the church. Anthropological and genetic sex: Male;
30-40 years old.
Grave 284/88-90 - Grave goods: spur set. Anthropological and genetic sex: Male; 30-35 years
E1b1b > V13
Grave 12/12 - No grave goods; the head of the grave pit is next to the eastern wall of the
Arnulf Palace, built in the 880s, the palace was already in ruins when the grave was dug.
Anthropological and genetic sex: Male; 35-45 years old.
Grave 197/99 - No grave goods. Anthropological and genetic sex: Male; 25-30 years old
E1b1b > V13
Grave 74/03 - No grave goods; early Árpádian period, possibly 10th century CE.
Anthropological and genetic sex: Male; 45-50 years old.
East-Eurasian mixed
Grave 4 - Grave goods: trapezoid and rectangular iron buckles, animal bone; dated to the
8th-9th centuries CE. Anthropological and genetic sex: Male; 50-54 years old.
European cline 3.2
At the Bodajk – Homoki-dűlő site, we identified two first-degree relationships: AHP204
(Grave 4, 50-54 year old male) and AHP206 (Grave 19, 30-39 year old male) are brothers,
sharing both maternal and paternal lines (T2b5a, E1b1b1a1b1a), and another between
AHP207 (Grave 23, 40-44 year old male) and AHP208 (Grave 40, age 40-x female) as
parent-child, specifically mother-son, with matching mitochondrial lineage (D4j8).
Grave 19 - Grave goods: amorphous iron object, bronze strap ends, rectangular iron buckle,
iron knife, bone comb, iron hoop, animal bone, boat-shaped iron plate, bronze plates, bronze
hoop; dated to the middle third of the 7th century CE. Anthropological and genetic sex: Male;
30-39 years old.
Grave 23 - No grave goods; dated to the 8th-9th centuries CE. Anthropological and genetic
sex: Male; 40-44 years old.
Cauc/N_East mixed
Grave 350 - Grave goods: iron knives, iron hoop, iron chisel, a fire-stone, a piece of iron, and
a pebbled-lined, thick-walled, ovoid-bodied, narrow mouth, flared, flanged rim, ring handles,
unturned, reddish-gray pot and a small pot with a jagged rim, is blackish-yellowish-gray
color; dated to the last third of the 6th - first half of the 7th centuries CE. Anthropological
sex: Female; Genetic sex: Male; 53-59 years old.
Cauc/N_East mixed
Grave 19 – Grave goods: hen's egg, animal bones, brownish-grey vessel with medium silt,
slightly curved rim, split in the upper two-thirds, thick, wide wavy line decoration in the
upper part; dated to the 8th century CE. Genetic sex: Male; Juvenis age.
East-Eurasian mixed