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http://www.economist.com/news/obituary/21571379-richard-plantagenet-englands-most-controversial-king-was-officially-rediscovered-februaryЕсли судить по общей благообразности персонажа -- Жозефина Тэй и иже с ней нынче уже мейнстрим?
Судя по всему Ричард III оказался J1c2c.http://blog.jameslick.com/?p=1335Кстати, как выяснилось он был отнюдь не злодеем, а жертвой черного PR со стороны Тюдоров.
King Richard III and his mitochondrial DNA haplogroup J1c2c3. New paper on people with mtDNA matches to Richard III
AbstractKing Richard III has been a controversial figure for centuries and the finding of his skeletal remains under a car park in 2012 has only raised his profile. But what is generally unknown is that he belongs to an exceedingly uncommon mitochondrial haplogroup, J1c2c3. Two maternal descendants of his extended family have already been traced by orthodox genealogical methods, but no other possible descendants have been found in Europe. In our study we have identified a total of seven lineages containing people in haplogroup J1c2c3 through the use of direct-to-customer DNA testing. All the lineages are American, and unfortunately they do not link back to King Richard III, as yet. However, we do suggest that because of the small size of haplogroup J1c2c3 the people we have identified may well be descendants of the immediate family of King Richard III.
Over the past sixteen years, our knowledge of the structure of haplogroup J has expanded greatly and the latest version (mtDNA tree Build17)21 of the mtDNA phylogenetic tree describes haplogroup J as having 234 subgroups – each defined by a distinctive set of mutations. ThemtDNA of King Richard III is described with the label J1c2c3, which means he is in haplogroup J, and in turn, in haplogroup J1 defined by theadditional mutations C462T and G3010A, haplogroup J1c by G185A, G228A and T14798C, haplogroup J1c2 by A188G, haplogroup J1c2c byT146C, G10685A, T13281C, A13933G, and finally to haplogroup J1c2c3 which has the additional distinctive mutation A12397G. Note that ateach stage a smaller number of people are in a particular haplogroup; so if the population size of haplogroup J and all its subgroups is takento be around 9% of Europeans, a pro rata method would suggest that there are about three million persons in haplogroup J1c2c and itssubgroups, with nearly everyone being in haplogroups J1c2c1 and J1c2c2. The possible population size of haplogroup J1c2c3 is estimated inthis article to be at most just a few hundreds
23 andme пишут, что общий предок 13 000 лет назад, но они дают только j1c2c в то время как фтдна дает J1c2c1, моя пра пра бабушка J1c2c1 турецко поданная, попала на территорию России со стороны Турции во время Русско-Турецкой войны, после освобождения из плена проживала в станице Курчанской, Темрюкского района, Краснодарского края.
Kit Number 47177Name DzhugashviliHaplogroup JHVR1 Mutations C16069T, T16126C, A16129G, T16187C, C16189T, T16223C, G16230A, T16278C, C16311T, C16519T
Как поняла это не полный тест mtFull Sequence или ещё надо подождать окончательные результаты?