он венгр и пропагандирует что земли занятые мадьярами были пустынны
Да в том-то и дело, что не были пустынны. Венгерские археологи пишут, что там жили уцелевшие авары.
Gábor Lorinczy, Péter Straub und Attila Türk. Changing power relations west of the confluence of the river Maros (southern Hungary) in the 9
th and 10th century in the light of archaeological evidence
Changing power relations west of the confluence of the river Maros (southern Hungary) in the 9 th and 10th century in the light of archaeological evidence
Transformations in power relations, as reflected in the history or the archaeology of a given region, have long been the concern of archaeological research. One such process – the question of Avar survival and the appearance of the conquering Hungarians at the end of the 9th century – has been addressed by Hungarian researchers in particular. In the area under study, Avar-period settlement by groups of diverse origins can be identified from the middle of the 7th century onwards. The region between the rivers Tisza and Danube later presumably acted as a buffer zone between the Frankish and Bulgarian empires. The arrival of the Hungarians at the end of the 9th century brought about a change in the military and political configuration, although the actual Hungarian occupation of the region took place only gradually, and as late as during the latter third of the 10th century. It has been possible to investigate the relationship between the Avar population groups and the population of the 10th–11th century, in terms of the anthropological and genetic evidence for these people, but a definitive assessment of this phenomenon will require further research. Over the last two decades rescue excavations west of the confluence of the river Maros with the Tisza have revealed several cemeteries and groups of burials dated to the conquest period; some 40 such sites are known to date. The local evidence for the 10th century consists of single burials and small cemeteries where mainly mature and senile men were inhumed and where a large proportion of quivers with iron fittings and horse burials have been found. The confluence of the river Maros with the Tisza can indeed be seen as a strategically important territory at the interface of trade and/or military routes, and controlling it was of fundamental importance. Assuming that the chronology of the burials presented here is accurate, it becomes possible to cite archaeological evidence (in addition to historical documents) in support of the course that the Hungarian conquest followed from the 860s–870s AD onwards. The results of radiocarbon dating submitted here are in remarkable agreement with the written source
Изменение соотношения сил к западу от устья реки Марош (южная Венгрия) в 9-м и 10-м веке в свете археологических свидетельств
Преобразования во властных отношениях, что так или иначе находит отражение в истории и археологии данного региона, уже давно являются предметом интереса археологических исследований. Один из таких процессов - вопрос выживания аварского населения и появления завоевателей венгров в конце 9-го века - непосредственно обращён к венгерским исследователям, в частности. В изучаемом регионе памятники аварского периода, оставленные различными по происхождению группами, обнаруживаются начиная с середины 7 века и далее. Область между реками Тиса и Дунай в более позднее время предположительно играла роль буферной зоны между империями франков и булгар. Прибытие венгров в конце 9-го века привело к изменению военной и политической конфигурации, хотя фактическая оккупация венграми региона совершалась постепенно в течение последней трети 10-го века. Связь между аварскими группами населения и населением 10-го - 11-го веков исследовалась на основе антропологических и генетических свидетельств, но для окончательных выводов требуются дальнейшие исследования. За последние два десятилетия спасательные раскопки к западу от слияния реки Марош с Тисой выявили несколько кладбищ и групп захоронений, датируемых периодом завоевания; около 40 таких участков известно на сегодняшний день. Материалы 10-го века включают одиночные погребения и небольшие кладбища, где были похоронены главным образом зрелые и пожилые мужчины и где была найдена большая часть колчанов с железной оковкой и где были обнаружены конские захоронения. Точка слияние реки Марош с Тисой может рассматриваться как стратегически важная территория на пересечении торговых и/или военных маршрутов, контроль над которой имел основополагающее значение. Если предположить, что хронология погребений, рассматриваемых нами, является точной, становится возможным привести археологические свидетельства (в дополнение к историческим документам) в поддержку точки зрения, что венгерское завоевание имело место в 860-870 гг. н.э. и сразу вслед за этим. Результаты радиоуглеродного датирования, представленные здесь, замечательно согласуются с письменными источниками.
https://www.academia.edu/11572264/Die_Umstrukturierung_der_Herrschaftsverh%C3%A4ltnisse_an_der_Marosm%C3%BCndung_zu_Beginn_des_10._Jahrhunderts_anhand_der_arch%C3%A4ologischen_QuellenЕщё одна статья (не буду уже переводить абстракт):
The change of power in the 9th-10thcentury history of the settlement on the West side of the mouth of the River Maros in the light of archaeological finds
Experts dealing with either theoretical or practical questions of archaeology have long been interested in the effect of the change of power in the history of a geographical region on archaeology. In the Hungarian research, fundamental aspects are the Avar survival as well as the appearance of the conquering Hungarians, i.e. the change of power and the settlement at the end of the 9th–10th century. During rescue and earlier excavations, in several places on the west side of the mouth of the River Maros, so far unknown graves and cemeteries from the age of the Hungarian Conquest were disclosed in the last two decades. The newly found finds and the detailed examination at the excavations make it necessary to publish the up-to-date results about the finds uncovered earlier and their new interpretation as well. The Avar–Hungarian change of power on the west side of the mouth of the River Maros took place continuously in the last third of the a 9th century. Tough it was possible to identify the traces of the population during the Avar period – with both traditional anthropological and archaeo-genetical methods – in the 10th–11th-century population, further research is necessary to provide an anthropological explanation for the process of the transition. To answer the question of the survival of the Avars more exactly, further research may be of great help in the region between the Danube and the Tisza in the southern part of the Great Plain. The mouth of the River Maros was a strategically important area, its possession was of vital importance as it was in the junction of a ford, commercial and/or military roads. This idea seems to be supported by the large number of 10th-century graves which were found with weapon grave-goods; similarly concentrated groups of graves were disclosed in the Szeged region and in the Upper Tisza area. However, the radiocarbon data mentioned here surprisingly correlate with the written data about the appearance of the Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin. If the introduced chronology of the graves is accurate, with the help of archaeological finds we will be able to reason that the Hungarian Conquest was a process between about 860 and 907