АвторТема: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380  (Прочитано 7549 раз)

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Оффлайн nedim443Автор темы

  • Сообщений: 7
  • Страна: ba
  • Рейтинг +4/-0
  • Y-ДНК: Y4380
New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« : 02 Декабрь 2017, 01:05:11 »

Since this is my first post here, I'll just say that this is a great resource. Thanks guys! And thanks to google translate :)

I learned from Astrid at YSeq today that I am R1a > Z280 > Y2902 > Y4380.  The Y4382 test still processing.  I have the Y111 on order and have joined the R1a project on FTDNA, you should see me there at some point as B225822.  Depending on the results of Y111, I may order the BigY, but I am looking at you guys to give me advice if that is going to be useful (not so much for me, but for science!).

While I live in the USA, my family roots are from eastern Bosnia, a place of many troubles. There is a family lure that we came from someplace, most often mentioned was Bulgaria.  I can trace my ancestors to about 1800; there literally is no trace before that, other than that around my oldest ancestor there are graves that sound somewhat Russian (Samokovlija = Samokov?).  I am really curious what Y111 will show.
« Последнее редактирование: 02 Декабрь 2017, 17:44:15 от nedim443 »

Оффлайн Semargl

  • "El sueño de la razón produce monstruos" ©
  • Сообщений: 6229
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +4567/-5
  • www.semargl.me
    • www.semargl.me
  • Y-ДНК: R1a [CTS3402+]
  • мтДНК: U4a2g
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #1 : 04 Декабрь 2017, 07:49:38 »
Welcome to the forum.
The geography of the R-Y4380 branch is quite extensive - Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Russia. Most likely it is one of the Slavic markers.
In this topic, there is a discussion about Y2902.

Now 4 Big Y for R-Y4380 is done.
If you also order BigY, then maybe you can form a new branch with someone from the four.

Samokovlija - probably it is Samokov Ilija? Ilija is a Russian name.
Samokov - also a city in Bulgaria.

Оффлайн Yaroslav

  • Сообщений: 19343
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  • 76% East Europe + 17% Finland
  • Y-ДНК: J1a2b1a ZS3067, ЖМ: I2a1a2b1a1a1a1 FT37540, МЖМ: G2a2b1a1a1a2b2a FT159945
  • мтДНК: K1b1a1 T199C, МЖ: H13a1a1d
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #2 : 04 Декабрь 2017, 08:44:00 »
Isak Samokovlija was a Bosnian writer of the Jewish Sephardic origin.
« Последнее редактирование: 04 Декабрь 2017, 10:57:18 от Yaroslav »

Оффлайн nedim443Автор темы

  • Сообщений: 7
  • Страна: ba
  • Рейтинг +4/-0
  • Y-ДНК: Y4380
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #3 : 04 Декабрь 2017, 18:42:27 »
The geography of the R-Y4380 branch is quite extensive - Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Russia. Most likely it is one of the Slavic markers.
In this topic, there is a discussion about Y2902.

Thanks for the pointer, good read, as much as I could understand.  Maybe I bother my wife one of these days to help me out, she is part Russian.

One thing about the map posted there, Y2902 ends in Bosnia.  You are quite possibly aware of the serbian Poreklo project.  I am not sure what to think about their methodology, as ideology runs strong in some of their forum posts. Nevertheless, they list 28 people as being Y2902, representing 1-2% of their overall sample.  I threw them on a map.  I am not an expert to agree or disagree with any of those findings or to state if there is enough fidelity in there to find out one way or another if any of them are Y4380.

As for the BigY, I know myself, I am going to wait for the Y111 results and if it is at all likely that I would form a new branch, likely order it.


Оффлайн Semargl

  • "El sueño de la razón produce monstruos" ©
  • Сообщений: 6229
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +4567/-5
  • www.semargl.me
    • www.semargl.me
  • Y-ДНК: R1a [CTS3402+]
  • мтДНК: U4a2g
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #4 : 05 Декабрь 2017, 09:41:33 »
One thing about the map posted there, Y2902 ends in Bosnia.  You are quite possibly aware of the serbian Poreklo project.  I am not sure what to think about their methodology, as ideology runs strong in some of their forum posts. Nevertheless, they list 28 people as being Y2902, representing 1-2% of their overall sample.  I threw them on a map.  I am not an expert to agree or disagree with any of those findings or to state if there is enough fidelity in there to find out one way or another if any of them are Y4380.
Very interesting map. Unfortunately, very few markers to determine the samples YP4380+
One can only say that the groups: В, Г, Г2, Ђ, З, Ј, К, Л and Љ belong to the subclade Y2902->Y3226.

Оффлайн Mark

  • Сообщений: 93
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  • Y-ДНК: R1a-YP582>YP578
  • мтДНК: T2b
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #5 : 05 Декабрь 2017, 18:39:27 »

Since this is my first post here, I'll just say that this is a great resource. Thanks guys! And thanks to google translate :)

I learned from Astrid at YSeq today that I am R1a > Z280 > Y2902 > Y4380.  The Y4382 test still processing.  I have the Y111 on order and have joined the R1a project on FTDNA, you should see me there at some point as B225822.  Depending on the results of Y111, I may order the BigY, but I am looking at you guys to give me advice if that is going to be useful (not so much for me, but for science!).

While I live in the USA, my family roots are from eastern Bosnia, a place of many troubles. There is a family lure that we came from someplace, most often mentioned was Bulgaria.  I can trace my ancestors to about 1800; there literally is no trace before that, other than that around my oldest ancestor there are graves that sound somewhat Russian (Samokovlija = Samokov?).  I am really curious what Y111 will show.

Welcome to this forum!

I administer one R-Y4380 kit #486486, also previously referenced by Semargl on YFull tree: id:YF08394, who hasn't created new subbranch yet. Without new Big Y's there's no way that the new branches could form.

I await for your results with great interest, but obviously Big Y is the best Y-DNA test from FTDNA's offerings and during this holiday campaign you'll get upgrade to Y111 for free with Big Y. Maybe it's not too late to modify order.

Оффлайн nedim443Автор темы

  • Сообщений: 7
  • Страна: ba
  • Рейтинг +4/-0
  • Y-ДНК: Y4380
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #6 : 26 Январь 2018, 04:06:07 »
Hello, an update. My Y111 result is in; I am still waiting on the BigY. The kit # is B225822 -- it is not yet sorted into Y4380, but I wrote to the group admins.

How do I get my results on http://www.semargl.me/tools/build-tree-and-asd-pairs/  to estimate the distance to others? Also, any insights you guys can give me with these results? They seem far away from everyone and everything.

Оффлайн Semargl

  • "El sueño de la razón produce monstruos" ©
  • Сообщений: 6229
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +4567/-5
  • www.semargl.me
    • www.semargl.me
  • Y-ДНК: R1a [CTS3402+]
  • мтДНК: U4a2g
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #7 : 26 Январь 2018, 07:41:23 »
Hello, an update. My Y111 result is in; I am still waiting on the BigY. The kit # is B225822 -- it is not yet sorted into Y4380, but I wrote to the group admins.

How do I get my results on http://www.semargl.me/tools/build-tree-and-asd-pairs/  to estimate the distance to others? Also, any insights you guys can give me with these results? They seem far away from everyone and everything.

Оффлайн RomanS

  • Сообщений: 2389
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Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #8 : 26 Январь 2018, 11:13:41 »
Hello, an update. My Y111 result is in; I am still waiting on the BigY. The kit # is B225822 -- it is not yet sorted into Y4380, but I wrote to the group admins.

How do I get my results on http://www.semargl.me/tools/build-tree-and-asd-pairs/  to estimate the distance to others? Also, any insights you guys can give me with these results? They seem far away from everyone and everything.

Good news, brother!   

Do you recieved results test of Y4382 snip? I have the Y4382+.

Best regards!
« Последнее редактирование: 26 Январь 2018, 12:32:10 от RomanS »

Оффлайн nedim443Автор темы

  • Сообщений: 7
  • Страна: ba
  • Рейтинг +4/-0
  • Y-ДНК: Y4380
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #9 : 26 Январь 2018, 16:48:48 »
Do you recieved results test of Y4382 snip? I have the Y4382+.

Best regards!

Yes I have tested and unfortunately it is negative Y4382-. We are close, but not that close :)  While none are really close, the closest matches I have are all in Russia; I better learn some Russian? Kit#238574 (also Y4382) is my second closest. Is it possible to estimate TMRCA / number of generations separating? I am waiting on BigY and will submit to YFull so maybe that will help.

Оффлайн RomanS

  • Сообщений: 2389
  • Страна: cx
  • Рейтинг +543/-0
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #10 : 26 Январь 2018, 17:51:08 »
Do you recieved results test of Y4382 snip? I have the Y4382+.

Best regards!

Yes I have tested and unfortunately it is negative Y4382-. We are close, but not that close :)  While none are really close, the closest matches I have are all in Russia; I better learn some Russian? Kit#238574 (also Y4382) is my second closest. Is it possible to estimate TMRCA / number of generations separating? I am waiting on BigY and will submit to YFull so maybe that will help.

No, there are two Americans of German descent among the carriers of Y4380, one Lithuanian, so it's not just a Russian snap. But the Y4382 is still yes, only Russian. Kit # 238574 is my relative. At us the direct man's ancestor was born approximately in 1570. Yes, Big Y and YFull should help to define more accurately, as well as the Semargle base.

Оффлайн nedim443Автор темы

  • Сообщений: 7
  • Страна: ba
  • Рейтинг +4/-0
  • Y-ДНК: Y4380
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #11 : 02 Апрель 2018, 19:11:36 »

My BigY is here and I see you and your cousin R.A. as my closest/only matches in Y4380.

I submitted my VCF file to YFull. I logged a request for the BAM file but have been told "soon" by FTDNA which is unsatisfactory. I feel they are holding my file hostage. I'd really like to know the historical timeframe this link happened.

I also see I have a shared private SNP. Any idea how to find out who it is? When would YFull name this variant?


Оффлайн Semargl

  • "El sueño de la razón produce monstruos" ©
  • Сообщений: 6229
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +4567/-5
  • www.semargl.me
    • www.semargl.me
  • Y-ДНК: R1a [CTS3402+]
  • мтДНК: U4a2g
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #12 : 02 Апрель 2018, 19:46:37 »
I also see I have a shared private SNP. Any idea how to find out who it is? When would YFull name this variant?

Hi Nedim
Y143179 - shared with other haplogroup (R1b). So this mutation remains your private mutation, which also occurred in another person. This sometimes happens.

Оффлайн nedim443Автор темы

  • Сообщений: 7
  • Страна: ba
  • Рейтинг +4/-0
  • Y-ДНК: Y4380
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #13 : 02 Апрель 2018, 20:02:50 »
I also see I have a shared private SNP. Any idea how to find out who it is? When would YFull name this variant?

Hi Nedim
Y143179 - shared with other haplogroup (R1b). So this mutation remains your private mutation, which also occurred in another person. This sometimes happens.

Makes sense -- thank you.

If I may ask another question; would the fact that I do not have one of the five defining Y4380 SNP's mean that the tree would split right there? I see that Y4379 is declared lower quality.

Оффлайн Semargl

  • "El sueño de la razón produce monstruos" ©
  • Сообщений: 6229
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +4567/-5
  • www.semargl.me
    • www.semargl.me
  • Y-ДНК: R1a [CTS3402+]
  • мтДНК: U4a2g
Re: New R1a > Z80 > Y4380
« Ответ #14 : 02 Апрель 2018, 20:17:17 »
If I may ask another question; would the fact that I do not have one of the five defining Y4380 SNP's mean that the tree would split right there? I see that Y4379 is declared lower quality.
You're right. Y4379 has a very low quality and maybe he will be removed from the tree.
We can accurately confirm the negative value of Y4379 only by using the BAM file.


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