The geography of the R-Y4380 branch is quite extensive - Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Russia. Most likely it is one of the Slavic markers.
In this topic, there is a discussion about Y2902.
Thanks for the pointer, good read, as much as I could understand. Maybe I bother my wife one of these days to help me out, she is part Russian.
One thing about the map posted there, Y2902 ends in Bosnia. You are quite possibly aware of the serbian Poreklo project. I am not sure what to think about their methodology, as ideology runs strong in some of their forum posts. Nevertheless, they list
28 people as being Y2902, representing 1-2% of their overall sample. I threw them on a
map. I am not an expert to agree or disagree with any of those findings or to state if there is enough fidelity in there to find out one way or another if any of them are Y4380.
As for the BigY, I know myself, I am going to wait for the Y111 results and if it is at all likely that I would form a new branch, likely order it.