АвторТема: Популяционная генетика мира викингов(препринт, 2019)  (Прочитано 87605 раз)

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Оффлайн Ринат

  • Сообщений: 2573
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +417/-6
  • I1 M227
VK223   Россия Гнездово 10-11 в.в. (с-в Швеции)  P109?    I1 L22 Y3549 S25633 BY67763 Скандинавский

Сколько ни искал VK223 на yfull - так и не нашёл...

Образец:  VK223 / Россия_Гнездово 75-140
Местоположение:  Гнездово, Россия
Возраст:  викинги 10-11 века н.э.
Y-ДНК:  I-BY67763
мтДНК:  H13a1a1c

На yfull есть не все образцы.

Оффлайн Ринат

  • Сообщений: 2573
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +417/-6
  • I1 M227
На DNAeXplained тоже проанализировали образец VK539 / Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8870-97

Он оказался совсем в другой ветке чем на YFull

Общий только узел I1-DF29 с TMRCA 4600 ybp    :o

Да, такое случается, на моей практике это уже третий случай, стараюсь придерживаться YFull.

Оффлайн Nicola_Canadian

  • Сообщений: 874
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +371/-4
  • А больную кровь да в лесу людском чуять русичу ...
  • Y-ДНК: I1-L22-P109 (I-S14887a*)
  • мтДНК: HV9b1a
VK223   Россия Гнездово 10-11 в.в. (с-в Швеции)  P109?    I1 L22 Y3549 S25633 BY67763 Скандинавский

Сколько ни искал VK223 на yfull - так и не нашёл...

Образец:  VK223 / Россия_Гнездово 75-140
Местоположение:  Гнездово, Россия
Возраст:  викинги 10-11 века н.э.
Y-ДНК:  I-BY67763
мтДНК:  H13a1a1c

На yfull есть не все образцы.

Интересно почему не все? Хотя бы те, что нашли в России могли бы протестировать и все... тем более что их не так уж и много...

Оффлайн Feroce

  • Сообщений: 1907
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +608/-0
  • Потомок помещичьих крестьян Бессоновых(Безсоновых)
    • Бессоновы/Безсоновы
  • Y-ДНК: R1a-Z92 (YP569>>Y11268>>>>Y86309/FT74365)
  • мтДНК: мтДНК в ожидании
VK223   Россия Гнездово 10-11 в.в. (с-в Швеции)  P109?    I1 L22 Y3549 S25633 BY67763 Скандинавский

Сколько ни искал VK223 на yfull - так и не нашёл...

Образец:  VK223 / Россия_Гнездово 75-140
Местоположение:  Гнездово, Россия
Возраст:  викинги 10-11 века н.э.
Y-ДНК:  I-BY67763
мтДНК:  H13a1a1c

На yfull есть не все образцы.

Интересно почему не все? Хотя бы те, что нашли в России могли бы протестировать и все... тем более что их не так уж и много...
Все упирается в качество
« Последнее редактирование: 02 Октябрь 2020, 13:47:47 от Feroce »

Оффлайн Yaroslav

  • Сообщений: 18728
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +4703/-14
  • 76% East Europe + 17% Finland
  • Y-ДНК: J1a2b1a ZS3067, ЖМ: I2a1a2b1a1a1a1 FT37540, МЖМ: G2a2b1a1a1a2b2a FT159945
  • мтДНК: K1b1a1 T199C, МЖ: H13a1a1d
Eurogenes Blog

Viking world open analysis and discussion thread

Global25 and Celtic vs Germanic coordinates for most of the samples from the recent Margaryan et al. Viking paper are now available HERE and HERE, respectively. Look for the VK2020 prefix.

Feel free to put them through their paces and let me know what you find. Below are a couple of examples of what can be done with these coordinates using Vahaduo Global25 Views.

Оффлайн i.vet

  • Сообщений: 117
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +48/-0
  • Y-ДНК: N-FGC14542
Никто случайно не делал аутосомный кит викингов из Италии? Очень уж хотелось бы иметь у себя в коллекции средневекового "итальянца" :)

Оффлайн Rarog

  • Сообщений: 45
  • Рейтинг +6/-0
  • Y-ДНК: R1a-Z92-YP4460
  • мтДНК: Rarog
Наконец , YFull внес на дерево двух викингов vk156 & vk 64 они оказались Ra-YP351 возможно даже  Y9081.
один образец из Польши другой из Швеции. подскажите где можно про эти образцы почитать? и как провести сравнение с моим YP4460?

Оффлайн mikhail a.

  • Сообщений: 1474
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +472/-0
  • Y-ДНК: J2a-PF5252
  • мтДНК: T2b
Наконец , YFull внес на дерево двух викингов vk156 & vk 64 они оказались Ra-YP351 возможно даже  Y9081.
один образец из Польши другой из Швеции. подскажите где можно про эти образцы почитать? и как провести сравнение с моим YP4460?
Информация в самой статье и приложениях. Например:
"Bodzia, Poland
(Prepared by Wieslaw Bogdanowicz, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Bodzia, located in the north-central part of Poland, approximately 40 km southeast of the city of
Toruń, is one of the most fascinating archaeological sites dating back to the time of origin of the
Polish state. The main discovery connected with this site relates to an early medieval cemetery found
in 2007 during rescue excavations carried out by the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the
Polish Academy of Sciences along the route of the A1 motorway. The discovery encompassed 50
chamber-like graves dated to the late 10th and early 11th centuries CE; along with eight belonging to
a second phase dating to between the second half of the 11th century CE and the early 12th century
CE. The unique character of this burial ground mainly lies in the fact that members of a small elite
population were buried there. Furthermore, almost all the dead were orientated north-south, which
was uncommon in Mediaeval Europe.
The layout of the cemetery has no analogies in Europe. It was formed of rows of graves with large
burial pits placed in quadrangular burial spaces. The burial field was divided into rectangular
sepulchral spaces, marked on the surface, and arranged into four rows oriented along the east-west
axis. Some of these plots were adjacent, especially those in the northern row, with the shape of a
trapezium narrowing down to the east. The others, located more to the south, were arranged in smaller
clusters or individually, retaining the same orientation as the rest. The burials were located compactly
and contiguously, thereby ensuring a clear delimitation of the cemetery boundaries.
Equally unique were the rich grave goods, which may be linked mainly with Scandinavia and Kievan
Rus’, but also with southern and western Europe. A characteristic feature of all the burials was the
bountiful presence of a range of items, including weapons (e.g. sword, langsax, spearhead, Khazariantype
pickaxe) in the case of men, and numerous ornaments (e.g. rings, pendants, amulets, kaptorgas,
necklaces) in the case of women. There were also abundant coins: 67 items from 58 graves. These
relate to the Holy Roman Empire, England, the Premyslid State, and Poland. These and many other
features make the cemetery at Bodzia a very specific example highlighting Europe’s past.
Analyses of strontium isotopes111 and aDNA112 have indicated that a part of the population buried at
Bodzia was not local, but was probably of Scandinavian and/or Rus-Varangian origin. A special role
is played here by the tomb of a young warrior (E864/I) buried together with three young women; one
of them was placed below him, in what is a two-level burial pit. In his tomb, a ceremonial sword was
folded, ornamented in the Mammen style. On the strap-end there is a bident – the tamga of Prince
Sviatopolk the Accursed (1015-1019 CE), who was the son of Vladimir the Great and husband of a
daughter of Polish king Boleslav I (the Brave).
The cemetery extends back to the period when the Polish State originated, and also relates to unknown
episodes in that state formation, and to the emergence of elites in the early state under the Piasts. The
aforementioned features (as well as others) ensure this site’s unique status where Europe’s past is
Bone remains of five individuals were sample for the present study (see the inventory of the burials
and their contents after Sobkowiak-Tabaka113; with dating after Buko and Kara114):
● E63 – Young adult male, incomplete skeleton, head of a Type 1 axe found near right femur;
dated 978-1016 CE;
● E864/I – Adult male, weapons including an iron Petersen Type Z sword ( swords of this type
mainly date to the first half and middle of the 11th century CE, i.e. the late VA115; dated 1010-
1020 CE;
● E58 – Adult male maturus, incomplete skeleton, weapons including a battle-knife of the
langsax type, and tools and iron knife placed near the left arm, and another iron knife placed
near the right femur;
● E37 – Young adult female, incomplete skeleton, iron bucket hoop near the feet; in a row of
graves dated between 980/990 and 1030/1035 CE;
● E870 – Adult female (20-25 years old), incomplete skeleton, among grave goods are a few
coins and a whorl made of Volhynian slate; dated 1017-1023 CE.
Samples used for DNA analysis:
VK153 Poland_Bodzia E63
VK154 Poland_Bodzia E37
VK155 Poland_Bodzia E870
VK156 Poland_Bodzia E58
VK157 Poland_Bodzia E864/I"

Fröjel parish, RAÄ 188:1, Gotland, Sweden
(Prepared by Sabine Sten, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University -
Campus Gotland)
Gotland’s position in the Baltic Sea and its long coasts (800 km) have been of great importance to
the people on the island for centuries, especially in connection with fishing, seal and bird hunting,
and marine commerce. A large number of fishing hamlets and larger harbors have been located along
the coasts. Fröjel, Bottarve/Nymans, placed on the western coast of the island of Gotland, was one of
the largest and most important harbours and commerce sites during the VA and early Middle Ages.
Other important contemporary places of commerce in the Baltic Sea area were Birka in Uppland,
Sweden, Hedeby in northern Germany, Wolin in northern Poland, and Grobin in south west Lithuania.
xcavation of the Fröjel site was initiated in the late 1980s and proceeded for many years under the
management of Dr. Dan Carlsson, Centre for Baltic Sea Studies, University of Gotland. The
excavations revealed the remains of both a harbour and a place of commerce, with remnants of house
structures from the 500s CE to the 1180s CE (Fig. S1.3). The archaeological finds include weight
scales, balances, and silver coins, mainly Arabic and German, that indicated long distance trade.
Other finds included raw materials and semi-manufactured objects of metal, bone, and antler, and
others that imply the presence of handicrafts (e.g. combs and needles). Vast finds of animal bones
indicate animal husbandry in the area, and finds of fish net sinkers indicate that the population
engaged in fishing. A VA grave field was also excavated in the area, and contained finds of jewelry
and fine details of garments. It is also evident that a church was built at the site in the early 1000s
CE88,89. The archaeological finds and the archaeological skeletal remains are stored at the County
Museum Gotland.
Samples used for DNA analysis:
VK56 Gotland_Frojel-001A98
VK57 Gotland_Frojel-03601
VK58 Gotland_Frojel-03604
VK60 Gotland_Frojel-00702
VK63 Gotland_Frojel-01499
VK64 Gotland_Frojel-03504
и тд."

Ранее здесь на форуме по аутосомам VK156 была информация (на 50% поляк+25 % фин):
"Бодзя, Северная Польша. Взрослый мужчина. Тот же могильник
Прижизненная потеря зубов, погребение с оружием
British-like.North Atlantic" / Denmark/ Sweden / Norway /Polish / Italy / Finland
0,001/ 0,013/ 0,20/ 0,00/0,513/0,006/0,258"
« Последнее редактирование: 02 Октябрь 2020, 15:30:07 от mikhail a. »

Оффлайн Nicola_Canadian

  • Сообщений: 874
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +371/-4
  • А больную кровь да в лесу людском чуять русичу ...
  • Y-ДНК: I1-L22-P109 (I-S14887a*)
  • мтДНК: HV9b1a
Создал кит в mytrueancestry.com для одного из моих ближайших викингов - VK509
Deep Dive -
Swedish Vikings - 64.6%
Longobards - 13.5%
Saxons - 8.68%
Balari - 4.59% ???
Vandals - 4.55%
Ostrogoths - 3.91%

У него в родичах указан другой викинг VK507
Совпадение практически по всем хромосомам...
Это что брат близнец что ли?
И почему его нет на yfull?

также в родичах у VK509 (хотя и не в таких близких как VK507) указаны следующие викинги - VK506, VK517, VK483

а также - V2P, urm045, kal006, V11P, gtm021, V7P, stg021, Sigtuna 84001.

Оффлайн Rarog

  • Сообщений: 45
  • Рейтинг +6/-0
  • Y-ДНК: R1a-Z92-YP4460
  • мтДНК: Rarog
Наконец , YFull внес на дерево двух викингов vk156 & vk 64 они оказались Ra-YP351 возможно даже  Y9081.
один образец из Польши другой из Швеции. подскажите где можно про эти образцы почитать? и как провести сравнение с моим YP4460?
Информация в самой статье и приложениях. Например:
большое спасибо
надеялся что мои.
но увы, кузены.
 2100 лет назад до общего предка.

Оффлайн varang

  • Сообщений: 5364
  • Страна: fi
  • Рейтинг +1823/-8
    • Проект "R1a-Y417 & Subclades" (M458>L1029>YP417)
  • Y-ДНК: R1a-L1029-A14777
  • мтДНК: H2a1
Резюме из аннотации также стоит просто запомнить (и часто это именно так и по результатам коммерческого тестирования) : 
- норвежские викинги смешивались в Ирландии, Исландии и Гренландии,
-  датские викинги -  в Англии,
- шведские викинги - на Балтике.

Оффлайн krotx

  • Сообщений: 30
  • Страна: ca
  • Рейтинг +25/-0
  • Y-ДНК: R-Y33
Никто случайно не делал аутосомный кит викингов из Италии? Очень уж хотелось бы иметь у себя в коллекции средневекового "итальянца" :)
536 и 538, интересно что у меня на Oracle VK538 выходит на 2/3 итальянец а на 1/3 славянин

Mixed Mode:
1 68.36% Tuscan + 31.64% Estonian_Polish @ 2.219
2 67.58% Tuscan + 32.42% Southwest_Russian @ 2.760
3 69.14% Tuscan + 30.86% Kargopol_Russian @ 2.767
4 66.80% Tuscan + 33.20% Russian_Smolensk @ 2.777
5 68.36% Tuscan + 31.64% Belorussian @ 2.796
6 66.02% Tuscan + 33.98% Polish @ 2.879
7 66.80% Tuscan + 33.20% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 3.045
8 52.73% Tuscan + 47.27% Croatian @ 3.140
9 50.39% Croatian + 49.61% Tuscan @ 3.285
10 70.70% Tuscan + 29.30% Erzya @ 3.292

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Serbian  @ 7.040
2 100% Romanian  @ 7.229
3 100% Bulgarian  @ 8.079
4 100% North_Italian  @ 12.273
5 100% Tuscan  @ 13.357
6 100% Austrian  @ 13.409
7 100% Greek_Thessaly  @ 13.771
8 100% Greek  @ 14.091
9 100% Moldavian  @ 14.441
10 100% Croatian  @ 15.039

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% Tuscan + 50% Croatian  @ 3.254
2 50% Croatian + 50% West_Sicilian  @ 4.160
3 50% Tuscan + 50% Moldavian  @ 4.281
4 50% Tuscan + 50% Austrian  @ 4.702
5 50% West_Sicilian + 50% East_German  @ 4.762
6 50% West_Sicilian + 50% South_Polish  @ 4.786
7 50% North_Italian + 50% Moldavian  @ 4.796
8 50% Austrian + 50% Greek  @ 4.912
9 50% Serbian + 50% North_Italian  @ 4.939
10 50% Greek + 50% East_German  @ 4.995

Using 3 populations approximation
1 33% Spanish_Andalucia + 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Ukrainian  @ 2.204
2 33% Spanish_Andalucia + 33% Ashkenazi + 33% South_Polish  @ 2.264
3 33% Spanish_Andalucia + 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Southwest_Russian  @ 2.275
4 33% Spanish_Andalucia + 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Polish  @ 2.287
5 33% Tuscan + 33% Tuscan + 33% Estonian_Polish  @ 2.325
6 33% Spanish_Andalucia + 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Ukrainian_Belgorod  @ 2.354
7 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 33% Ukrainian_Belgorod  @ 2.422
8 33% Spanish_Andalucia + 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Russian_Smolensk  @ 2.437
9 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 33% Southwest_Russian  @ 2.465
10 33% Spanish_Valencia + 33% Ashkenazi + 33% Ukrainian  @ 2.519

Using 4 populations approximation
1 25% Croatian + 25% Croatian + 25% Portuguese + 25% Sephardic_Jewish  @ 2.130
2 25% Croatian + 25% Croatian + 25% Portuguese + 25% Algerian_Jewish  @ 2.336
3 25% Croatian + 25% Croatian + 25% Portuguese + 25% Italian_Jewish  @ 2.556
4 25% Croatian + 25% Croatian + 25% Portuguese + 25% Tunisian_Jewish  @ 2.723
5 25% North_Italian + 25% North_Italian + 25% Tuscan + 25% Erzya  @ 3.135
6 25% East_Sicilian + 25% East_Sicilian + 25% Southwest_French + 25% Estonian_Polish  @ 3.166
7 25% East_Sicilian + 25% East_Sicilian + 25% Southwest_French + 25% Kargopol_Russian  @ 3.246
8 25% East_Sicilian + 25% East_Sicilian + 25% Southwest_French + 25% Estonian  @ 3.272
9 25% Croatian + 25% Croatian + 25% Portuguese + 25% South_Italian  @ 3.358
10 25% East_Sicilian + 25% East_Sicilian + 25% Spanish_Cantabria + 25% Estonian_Polish  @ 3.406

Оффлайн pashka_1604

  • берегите лес, негде будет партизанить
  • Сообщений: 449
  • Страна: ru
  • Рейтинг +289/-0
  • FTDNA: B486274 GEDmatch: HD652233 YFull: YF67527
  • Y-ДНК: R-Z92 (YP-569*> R-BY84206 / R-Y85137)
  • мтДНК: H6a1a (H6a1a21)
Кем были Викинги с точки зрения генетики. Генетическая история Скандинавии. Текст читает Александр Личман.
События эпохи викингов изменили не только политическую и культурную карту Европы, но также повлияли и на демографическую ситуацию. Скандинавские группы возводили поселения и развивали торговые пути, которые простирались от Америки до азиатских степей. И все эти взаимодействия сопровождались определённой долей культурного влияния. Через эти контакты передавались идеи, технологии, язык, обычаи и конечно же гены. Поэтому в новом, довольно крупном, исследовании, чтобы изучить геномную историю эпохи викингов, было проанализировано 442 образца древней ДНК от бронзового века, около 2400 г. до н.э., до 1600 г. н.э. А в географическом плане от Гренландии, до Италии, России и Украины. Генетические данные этих древних людей были проанализированы вместе с опубликованными данными 3855 современных людей.

Генетическое наследие викингов в современных популяциях.
В Скандинавии большинство современного населения похоже на своих предков эпохи викингов. Исключение составляют шведские викинги, следы которых в наши дни встречается с частотой 15–30%. Один из кластеров Швеции ближе к древним финским популяциям, а второй более тесно связан с датскими и норвежскими. Датские предковые линии в настоящее время широко распространены во всём регионе.
А за пределами Скандинавии генетическое наследие популяций эпохи викингов стабильно, хотя и ограничено. До 5% скандинавского происхождения присутствует в Польше. На Британских островах этот вклад трудно оценить, ведь часть датского происхождения связана с ранее существовавшим англосаксонским происхождением, но вклад со времён викингов, скорее всего, не превышает 6%.
Хотя некоторые североатлантические жители Оркнейских островов, культурно, а не генетически стали скандинавами, а другие оказались в Исландии, Норвегии и за её пределами, они всё же оставили свой вклад. У современных норвежцев от 12 до 25%, а у шведов более 10%.

Оффлайн Uruzaner

  • Сообщений: 166
  • Страна: 00
  • Рейтинг +27/-1
  • Y-ДНК: I-FT372314

Sample Laboratory_ID Country MajorDivision MinorDivision Finer_age AvgDepth(X) Sex Y_haplogroup mtDNA_haplogroup
VK1 Greenland_677 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø64 10-11th centuries CE 11.771 Female N/A J1c3g
VK6 Greenland_678 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø64 10-11th centuries CE 2.974 Female N/A T2a1a
VK9 Greenland_530 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø64 10-11th centuries CE 0.095 Female N/A J1c3g
VK11 Greenland_532 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø64 10-11th centuries CE 0.082 Female N/A J1c3g
VK14 Russia_Ladoga_5680-12 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.162 Male I1 J1c1a
VK15 Russia_Ladoga_5680-16 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 1.223 Female N/A J1b1a1
VK16 Russia_Ladoga_5680-2 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 1111+-27 0.228 Male I1 X2b4
VK17 Russia_Ladoga_5680-17 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.522 Male T1a1a U5a2a1b
VK18 Russia_Ladoga_5680-3 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.773 Male R1a1a1b1a3a H1b1
VK19 Russia_Ladoga_5757-1 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.629 Female N/A J1c
VK20 Russia_Ladoga_5680-1 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 1062 ± 27 0.496 Male I1 H6c
VK21 Russia_Ladoga_5680-18 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.177 Female N/A H5a1
VK22 Russia_Ladoga_5680-13 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.122 Male I T2b
VK23 Russia_Ladoga_5680-9 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.325 Male I1 U4a1a
VK24 Faroe_AS34/Panum Faroes Faroes Hvalba 11th century 0.188 Male R1b1a1b1a1 J1b1a1a
VK25 Faroe_1 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 1.892 Male R1b1a1b1a1a3b1a H3a1a
VK27 Faroe_10 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.248 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a2 U5a1g1
VK29 Sweden_Skara 17 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 3.208 Male I1 T2b3b
VK30 Sweden_Skara 105 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.571 Male R1a1a1 U5b1c2b
VK31 Sweden_Skara 194 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.375 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1 I4a
VK33 Sweden_Skara 175 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.938 Female N/A K1a4a1
VK34 Sweden_Skara 135 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.193 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2a1b1a4b1 HV+16311
VK35 Sweden_Skara 118 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.114 Male R1a1a1b1a3a T2f1a1
VK39 Sweden_Skara 181 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.164 Male G2a2b2a1a1b1a T2b4b
VK40 Sweden_Skara 106 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.874 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2b1c1b T1a1
VK42 Sweden_Skara 62 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 9.25 Male J2a1a1b2a1b1 T2b11
VK44 Faroe_17 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.454 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1a1a1a1a H3a1a
VK45 Faroe_18 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.112 Male R1a1a1b1a3a H3a1
VK46 Faroe_19 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 4.329 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2b1a H5
VK48 Gotland_Kopparsvik-212/65 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.49 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1a1a H10e
VK50 Gotland_Kopparsvik-53.64 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 6.231 Male I1a1a1a1a H1+16189
VK51 Gotland_Kopparsvik-88/64 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.62 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a U5b1e1
VK53 Gotland_Kopparsvik-161/65 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.803 Male I2a1a2b1a1 HV9b
VK56 Gotland_Frojel-001A98 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 1.064 Female N/A H6a1a
VK57 Gotland_Frojel-03601 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.214 Male R1b1a1b1a1a J1c6
VK58 Gotland_Frojel-03604 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 4.513 Female N/A I4a1
VK60 Gotland_Frojel-00702 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.786 Male R1a1a1b1a2b H13a1a1b
VK63 Gotland_Frojel-01499 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.187 Female N/A H56
VK64 Gotland_Frojel-03504 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.874 Male R1a1a1b1a2a I1a1
VK65 Denmark_Tollemosegard-BQ Denmark Sealand Tollemosegård Late Germanic Iron Age/early Viking 0.514 Female N/A V25
VK69 Denmark_Tollemosegard-DS Denmark Sealand Tollemosegård Late Germanic Iron Age/early Viking 0.779 Female N/A H2a2a1
VK70 Denmark_Tollemosegard-EW Denmark Sealand Tollemosegård Late Germanic Iron Age/early Viking 6.684 Male I1a1b1a1 H7d4
VK71 Denmark_Tollemosegard-BU Denmark Sealand Tollemosegård Late Germanic Iron Age/early Viking 0.174 Male I1 U5a1a
VK74 Greenland late-0928 Greenland West_Settlement V051 1408 CE 0.004 Female N/A U4b1b1b
VK75 Greenland late-0929 Greenland Western Settlement V051 1300 CE 0.274 Male R1b1a1b1a1 H54
VK76 Greenland late-0957 Greenland Western Settlement V051 1294 CE 0.003 Male? N/A U4a1
VK77 Greenland late-0959 Greenland Western Settlement V051 1301 CE 0.006 Female N/A I2
VK78 Greenland late-0960 Greenland Western Settlement V051 1301 CE 0.027 Female N/A H1i2
VK84 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 3 Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 1.173 Female N/A J1c2p
VK86 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 13 Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 0.007 Female N/A T1a1c
VK87 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 41b, sk PC Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 3.021 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2a1b1a K1c2
VK90 Denmark_Lejre Grav 902 Denmark Sealand Lejre 850-900 CE 0.32 Female N/A H3+152
VK92 Denmark_Lejre Grav 935 Denmark Sealand Lejre 850-900 CE 0.341 Female N/A H1c3b
VK94 Denmark_GI Lejre-A1861 Denmark Sealand Gl._Lejre 9-11th centuries CE 0.144 Female N/A U5a1b1
VK95 Iceland_127 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 1.319 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1a1a1a1a H6a1a3a
VK98 Iceland_083 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 2.491 Male I1a1b1a4a2 T2b3b
VK99 Iceland_104 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 0.735 Female N/A I2a1
VK101 Iceland_125 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 1.932 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2d1a1 U5b1g
VK102 Iceland_128 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 4.163 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1 J1c3f
VK108 Sweden_Ljungbacka Sweden Malmo Ljungbacka 9-12th centuries CE 0.866 Female N/A J2b1a
VK110 Iceland_115S Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 1.792 Male I1a1b1a1 H10+(16093)
VK111 Iceland_118 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 1.081 Female N/A H10+(16093)
VK113 Norway_Trondheim_SK223 Norway Nor_Mid Trondheim 12-13th centuries CE 0.117 Female N/A J1b1a1a
VK114 Norway_Trondheim_SK332 Norway Nor_Mid Trondheim 12-13th centuries CE 0.16 Female N/A R1a1a
VK116 Norway_Trondheim_SK372 Norway Nor_Mid Trondheim 12-13th centuries CE 0.005 Male F U6a3
VK117 Norway_Trondheim_SK328 Norway Nor_Mid Trondheim 12-13th centuries CE 0.231 Male R1b1a1b1a1 H1a3a
VK118 Norway_Trondheim_SK271 Norway Nor_Mid Trondheim 12-13th centuries CE 6.076 Female N/A H1bb
VK122 Iceland_A114 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 1.31 Female N/A H24a
VK123 Iceland_X104 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 1.148 Male R2a2b1 J1c9
VK124 Norway_Trondheim_SK356 Norway Nor_Mid Trondheim 12-13th centuries CE 0.198 Female N/A H10a1
VK125 Norway_Trondheim_SK367 Norway Nor_Mid Trondheim 12-13th centuries CE 0.003 Not_Assigned N/A U3a1c
VK127 Iceland_HDR08 Iceland Hringsdalur Hringsdalur 10th century CE 1.055 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2b H3g1b
VK128 Iceland_HDR111 Iceland Hringsdalur Hringsdalur 10th century CE 1.489 Female N/A H+195
VK129 Iceland_ING08 Iceland Ingiridarstadir Ingiridarstadir 10th century CE 3.62 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 U5b1b1a
VK133 Denmark_Galgedil KO Denmark Funen Galgedil 784-1018 CE 0.041 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2a1b1a K1a4a1a3
VK134 Denmark_Galgedil ALZ Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.64 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b1 H1cg
VK135 Denmark_Galgedil ALY Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.011 Female N/A H6a2
VK138 Denmark_Galgedil AQQ Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.39 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2b1c1 T2b5
VK139 Denmark_Galgedil ANG Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.556 Male R1a1a1b1a1a1c1 J1c3k
VK140 Denmark_Galgedil PT Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.016 Male G2a H27f
VK141 Denmark_Galgedil OMB/BFQ Denmark Funen Galgedil 10th century CE 1.908 Female N/A H1as
VK143 UK_Oxford_#7 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.041 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c1a2b U5b1b1+@16192
VK144 UK_Oxford_#8 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.159 Male I1 V1a1
VK145 UK_Oxford_#9 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.109 Male R1a1a1b H17
VK146 UK_Oxford_#10 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.182 Male I1a2a1a1d1a J1c3e1
VK147 UK_Oxford_#11 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.822 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 T1a1q
VK148 UK_Oxford_#12 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.043 Male I1 H6a1a
VK149 UK_Oxford_#13 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.008 Male I1 H1a1
VK150 UK_Oxford_#14 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.031 Male I2a1b1a2b1a2 H1+16239
VK151 UK_Oxford_#15 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.142 Male I1a1 T2b4+152
VK153 Poland_Bodzia B1 Poland Bodzia Bodzia 10-11th centuries CE 0.068 Male R1a1a H1c3
VK154 Poland_Bodzia B2 Poland Bodzia Bodzia 10-11th centuries CE 2.941 Female N/A H1c3
VK155 Poland_Bodzia B3 Poland Bodzia Bodzia 10-11th centuries CE 0.272 Female N/A H1c
VK156 Poland_Bodzia B4 Poland Bodzia Bodzia 10-11th centuries CE 0.961 Male R1a1a1b1a2a J1c2c2a
VK157 Poland_Bodzia B5 Poland Bodzia Bodzia 10-11th centuries CE 0.978 Male I1 H1c
VK158 Russia_Pskov_7283-18 Russia Pskov Pskov 10-11th centuries CE 0.039 Female N/A N1b1a
VK159 Russia_Pskov_7283-20 Russia Pskov Pskov 10-11th centuries CE 0.362 Male R1b1a1b1a1 U2e2a1d
VK160 Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3 Russia Kurevanikha Kurevanikha 10-13th centuries CE 1.776 Male R1a1a1b1a1a1c1c C4a1a+195
VK161 Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-4 Russia Kurevanikha Kurevanikha 10-13th centuries CE 0.023 Male F T2b
VK163 UK_Oxford_#1 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.019 Male I1 U2e2a1a1
VK164 UK_Oxford_#2 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.002 Male BT I3a1
VK165 UK_Oxford_#3 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.105 Male I1a1b1 U4b1b1
VK166 UK_Oxford_#4 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 4.498 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2a1b1a1 H3ag
VK167 UK_Oxford_#5 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.902 Male I1 H4a1a4b
VK168 UK_Oxford_#6 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.189 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1b H4a1a4b
VK170 Isle-of-Man_Balladoole IsleOfMan IsleOfMan Balladoole 9-10th centuries CE 1.22 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1b1a HV9b
VK171 Wales_Cardiff_burial#4 Wales Wales Glyn_Llanbedrgoch 10-11th centuries CE 0.11 Female N/A H2a2b4
VK172 UK_Oxford_#16 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.187 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 I1a1e
VK173 UK_Oxford_#17 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.23 Male I2a1b1a1a1 U5a1b+16362
VK174 UK_Oxford_#18 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.939 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2a1b1b1a H1+16239
VK175 UK_Oxford_#19 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.906 Male R1b1a1b1a1 H1a1
VK176 UK_Oxford_#20 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 2.415 Male I1a1b1a1 H10
VK177 UK_Oxford_#21 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 1.06 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2b H82
VK178 UK_Oxford_#22 UK Oxford St_John’s_College_Oxford 880-1000 CE 0.892 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2b K2a5
VK179 Greenland F2 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø029a 10-12th centuries CE 1.84 Male I1 K1a3a
VK180 Greenland F3 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø029a 10-12th centuries CE 0.009 Male IJ J1c3b
VK182 Greenland F5 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø029a 10-12th centuries CE 0.01 Male I H2a1
VK183 Greenland F6 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø029a 10-12th centuries CE 0.535 Male I1 T2b21
VK184 Greenland F7 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø029a 10-12th centuries CE 1.309 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 H4a1a4b
VK185 Greenland F9 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø029a 10-12th centuries CE 0.003 Male CT H4a1a1
VK186 Greenland KNK-[6] Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø64 Early Norse 0.813 Male I1 H1ao
VK187 Greenland KNK-[80] Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø64 Early Norse 0.906 Female N/A T2a1a
VK189 Greenland late-0992 Greenland Western Settlement V007 1394 CE 0.057 Female N/A H54
VK190 Greenland late-0996 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø149 1360 CE 6.495 Male I1a K1a+195
VK191 Greenland late-1000 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø149 1404 CE 0.03 Female N/A W
VK193 Greenland late-1061 Greenland Eastern Settlement Ø029a 10-12th centuries CE 0.048 Female N/A U3a1
VK196 Greenland late-0947_V051 Greenland Western Settlement V051 1080 CE 0.046 Female N/A U5b1e1
VK200 Poland_Czersk gr. 609 Poland Czersk Czersk 11-12th centuries CE 0.018 Male R J1b1a1b
VK201 Orkney_Buckquoy, sk M12 Orkney Orkney Buckquoy_Birsay 10th century CE 1.398 Male I2a1b1a H3k1a
VK202 Orkney_Buckquoy, sk 7B Orkney Orkney Buckquoy_Birsay 10th century CE 1.134 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a3a2a1d H1ai1
VK203 Orkney_BY78, Ar. 1, sk 3 Orkney Orkney Brough_Road_Birsay 10th century CE 1.308 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1 H4a1a1a1a1
VK204 Orkney_Newark for Brothwell Orkney Orkney Newark_Deerness 10th century CE 1.031 Male_(XXY?) R1b1a1b1a1a1b1a H1m
VK205 Orkney_Newark 68/12 Orkney Orkney Newark_Deerness 10th century CE 1.188 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1a H3
VK206 Orkney_Newark 71(13) Orkney Orkney Newark_Deerness 10th century CE 0.01 Female N/A J2b1a
VK207 Orkney_BY78, Ar. 1, sk 1 Orkney Orkney Brough_Road_Birsay 10th century CE 0.703 Female N/A U4b1b1
VK208 Orkney_BY78, Ar. 1, sk 2 Orkney Orkney Brough_Road_Birsay 10th century CE 0.065 Female N/A J1b1a1
VK210 Poland_Kraków-Zakrzówek gr. 24 Poland Kraków Kraków 11-13th centuries CE 0.045 Male I2a H5e1a1
VK211 Poland_Cedynia gr. 435 Poland Cedynia Cedynia 11-13 centuries CE 0.1 Male R1b1a1b W6
VK212 Poland_Cedynia gr. 558 Poland Cedynia Cedynia 11-12th centuries CE 0.339 Male R1a1a1b H1+152
VK213 Denmark_Gerdrup-A10 Denmark Sealand Gerdrup 400 CE 0.116 Female N/A H1
VK214 Denmark_Gerdrup-A12 Denmark Sealand Gerdrup 1800 BC 0.131 Female N/A X2c1
VK215 Denmark_Gerdrup-B; sk 1 Denmark Sealand Gerdrup 9th century CE 0.067 Male R1b1a1b J1c2k
VK216 Denmark_Gerdrup-B; sk 2 Denmark Sealand Gerdrup 9th century CE 0.031 Female N/A J1c2k
VK217 Sweden_Ljungbacka Sweden Malmo Ljungbacka 9-12th centuries CE 0.138 Male R1b1a1b1a1a J1b1b1
VK218 Russia_Ladoga_5680-4 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.582 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c H5
VK219 Russia_Ladoga_5680-10 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 992 ± 27 1.581 Male I1a1b1 T2b6a
VK220 Russia_Ladoga_5680-11 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 1.815 Male I1a1 J2b1a
VK221 Russia_Ladoga_5757-14 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 911+-27 1.953 Male I1a1b1 K1d
VK222 Russia_Gnezdovo 60-95 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.001 Male BT H63
VK223 Russia_Gnezdovo 75-140 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.35 Male I1a H13a1a1c
VK224 Russia_Gnezdovo 78-249 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.219 Male N1a1a1a1a1a H7a1
VK225 Iceland_A108 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 0.594 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2b H3v+16093
VK226 Iceland_A115-N Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 0.041 Female N/A H3a1a
VK227 Iceland_A117 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 0.544 Female N/A K1b2a2
VK228 Iceland_A120 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 0.053 Female N/A T2b4
VK230 Iceland_A123 Iceland Hofstadir Hofstadir 10-13th centuries CE 2.51 Female N/A H10+(16093)
VK232 Gotland_Kopparsvik-240.65 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.316 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1 N1a1a1
VK234 Faroe_2 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.707 Male R1b1a1b1a1a3b1a H3a1a
VK236 Faroe_14 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 1.446 Female N/A H3a1a
VK237 Faroe_15 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 1.637 Male R1a1a1b1a J2a2c
VK238 Faroe_4 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 1.355 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2a H3a1a
VK239 Faroe_5 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.027 Male R1b1a1b H5
VK240 Faroe_6 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.727 Female N/A H1ap1
VK241 Faroe_13 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.774 Female N/A H17
VK242 Faroe_3 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.595 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1f1 H3a1a
VK244 Faroe_12 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.537 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 H2a2a2
VK245 Faroe_16 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 1.079 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2b1a H3a1
VK247 Denmark_Lejre Grav 804 Denmark Sealand Lejre 850-900 CE 0.045 Female N/A H10e1
VK248 Faroe_22 Faroes Faroes Church2 16-17th centuries CE 0.076 Male I1 H49a
VK251 Gotland_Kopparsvik-30.64 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.043 Male R1 U5b1e1
VK252 Russia_Gnezdovo 78-258 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.003 Male? N/A H26a1
VK253 Russia_Gnezdovo 78-262 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.008 Female N/A V13
VK254 Russia_Gnezdovo 81-287 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.522 Female N/A HV0a1
VK255 Russia_Gnezdovo 81-292 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.074 Female N/A U4c1
VK256 UK_Dorset-3722 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.362 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 H1c7
VK257 UK_Dorset-3723 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.017 Male I1a1 H5a1c1a
VK258 UK_Dorset-3733 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.022 Male R1a1a1b1a3a K1a4a1
VK259 UK_Dorset-3734 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.183 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1b1a I2
VK260 UK_Dorset-3735 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 0.904 Male Q1b H1e1a
VK261 UK_Dorset-3736 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.049 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 H52
VK262 UK_Dorset-3739 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.22 Male I1a2a J1c4
VK263 UK_Dorset-3742 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.374 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a2b2b K1a4d
VK264 UK_Dorset-3744 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 0.991 Male R1a1a1b1a3a N1a1a1a2
VK265 Sweden_Karda 17 Sweden Karda Karda 9-11th centuries CE 1.154 Female N/A H13a1a
VK266 Sweden_Karda 19 Sweden Karda Karda 9-11th centuries CE 0.75 Female N/A V
VK267 Sweden_Karda 21 Sweden Karda Karda 9-11th centuries CE 0.056 Male R1b T2b4b
VK268 Sweden_Karda 22 Sweden Karda Karda 9-11th centuries CE 0.155 Male R1b1a1b K1c1
VK269 Sweden_Karda 24 Sweden Karda Karda 9-11th centuries CE 0.071 Male R1b1a1b H1e1a
VK270 Sweden_Karda 25 Sweden Karda Karda 9-11th centuries CE 0.039 Female N/A U4
VK272 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-241(g) Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.197 Female N/A K1b2b
VK273 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-255 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 1.092 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 U5a2a1b1
VK274 Denmark_Kaargarden 391 Denmark Langeland Kaagården 10th century CE 1.717 Male R1a1a1b1a2b3a T2b+152
VK275 Denmark_Kaargarden 217 Denmark Langeland Kaagården 10th century CE 0.448 Male I1c H
VK276 Denmark_Kaargarden BH Denmark Langeland Kaagården 10th century CE 0.118 Female N/A HV0
VK278 Denmark_Galgedil TQ Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.664 Female N/A U5a2a1
VK279 Denmark_Galgedil AXE Denmark Funen Galgedil 10th century CE 2.393 Male I1a1b I4a
VK280 Denmark_Galgedil UO Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.335 Male I2a1b1a H11a
VK281 Denmark_Barse Grav A Denmark Sealand Bårse 10th century CE 2.046 Male I1a1b1a1 T2
VK282 Denmark_Stengade I, LMR c195 Denmark Langeland Stengade_I 10th century CE 0.439 Male R1a1a1b1a2b H4a1a4b
VK284 Denmark_Grydehoj A2058 Denmark Sealand Trekroner-Grydehøj 9-11th centuries CE 1.105 Female N/A J1c5a1
VK285 Denmark_Kaargarden Grav BZ Denmark Langeland Kaagården 10th century CE 0.659 Female N/A H7a1
VK286 Denmark_Bogovej Grav BJ Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 0.809 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2b1a1 J1c+16261
VK287 Denmark_Kaargarden Grav BS Denmark Langeland Kaagården 10th century CE 0.499 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a2a1a1a1 T2b
VK288 Denmark_Bogovej Grav BA Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 0.825 Female N/A H3b3
VK289 Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav H, sk 1 Denmark Langeland Bødkergarden 9th century CE 0.805 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1a J2b1a
VK290 Denmark_Kumle Hoje Grav O Denmark Langeland Kumle_høje 10th century CE 1.422 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b1b3b I1a1
VK291 Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav D, sk 1 Denmark Langeland Bødkergarden 9th century CE 1.113 Male I1a1b1a4a U5a1a2b
VK292 Denmark_Bogovej Grav A.D. Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 0.1 Male R1a1a J1c2c1
VK294 Denmark_Bakkendrup losfund-2, conc.5 Denmark Sealand Bakkendrup 850-900 CE 1.132 Female N/A U5a1b1h
VK295 Denmark_Hessum sk 1 Denmark Funen Hessum 9-11th centuries CE 0.57 Male I1a T1a1
VK296 Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 1 Denmark Sealand Hundstrup_Mose 660-780 CE 0.458 Male I1a1b1a1 HV6
VK297 Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 2 Denmark Sealand Hundstrup_Mose 670-830 CE 0.667 Male I1a1b1 J1c2h
VK298 Denmark_Besser Grav III Denmark Sealand Besser 900 CE 0.398 Female N/A U5a1a1d
VK300 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 22, sk IR Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 0.508 Female N/A H3
VK301 Denmark_Ladby Grav 4 Denmark Funen Ladby 640-890 CE 0.731 Male I1a2a R0a2b
VK303 Sweden_Skara 27 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 2.502 Female N/A T2a1b1a1
VK304 Sweden_Skara 36 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.011 Male F K1a1b1e
VK306 Sweden_Skara 33 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.052 Male I1a H15a1
VK308 Sweden_Skara 101 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.455 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1b1a1 H1c
VK309 Sweden_Skara 53 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.305 Male R1a1a K1b1c
VK312 Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 1 Denmark Funen Rantzausminde 850-900 CE 0.363 Female N/A H13a1a1a
VK313 Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 2 Denmark Funen Rantzausminde 850-900 CE 0.315 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1 H1b
VK314 Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 5 Denmark Funen Rantzausminde 850-900 CE 0.297 Female N/A H6a1b2
VK315 Denmark_Bakkendrup Grav 16 Denmark Sealand Bakkendrup 850-900 CE 0.584 Male I1a1b1 T1a1b
VK316 Denmark_Hessum sk II Denmark Funen Hessum 9-11th centuries CE 1.458 Male I1 K1a4
VK317 Denmark_Kaargarden Grav BF99 Denmark Langeland Kaagården 10th century CE 1.233 Male J2a1a1a2b2 H2a2a1
VK318 Denmark_Hesselbjergmarken Grav B Denmark Langeland Hesselbjergmarken 900-950 CE 0.003 Male? N/A K1b2a2
VK319 Denmark_Ladby Grav 2 Denmark Funen Ladby 800 CE 0.562 Female N/A H1bq
VK320 Denmark_Bogovej Grav S Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 1.368 Male I1a1b U5a1a1
VK322 Denmark_Ribe 1 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.256 Female N/A K1a4a1c
VK323 Denmark_Ribe 2 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.348 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c1a2b1 K2a6
VK324 Denmark_Ribe 3 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.347 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b1b4 N1a1a1a2
VK325 Denmark_Ribe 4 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 0.593 Female N/A U5b3e
VK326 Denmark_Ribe 5 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.262 Male R1b1a1b1a1a U5b1+16189+@16192
VK327 Denmark_Ribe 6 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.164 Male I1a2a1a1a1a H6a1a5
VK328 Denmark_Ribe 7 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.142 Female N/A U5a1d2a
VK329 Denmark_Ribe 8 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.195 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2a1a1a2 H3+152
VK330 Denmark_Ribe 9 Denmark Jutland Ribe 9-11th centuries CE 1.059 Female N/A H3
VK332 Oland_1088 Sweden Oland Oland 858 ±68 CE 1.46 Male I2a1b1a2b1 T2b24
VK333 Oland_1028 Sweden Oland Oland 885 ± 69 CE 1.173 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2e H2a2a1
VK334 Oland_1058 Sweden Oland Oland 1049 ± 58 CE 0.554 Female N/A U5a2b
VK335 Oland_1068 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 1.058 Male R1b1a1b1a1a K1b2a3
VK336 Oland_1075 Sweden Oland Oland 853 ± 67 CE 1.213 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 K2a3a
VK337 Oland_1064 Sweden Oland Oland 858 ± 68 CE 2.042 Male I1a2a1a1a U5a1b3a
VK338 Denmark_Bogovej Grav BV Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 0.565 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b1a1b2 W3a1
VK339 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 16, sk GO Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 0.013 Female N/A T2a1a
VK340 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 5, sk V Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 0.633 Female N/A H1c
VK342 Oland_1016 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 1.397 Male I2a1b1a2b H2a1
VK343 Oland_1021 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 1.259 Male I1 H3h
VK344 Oland_1030 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 0.983 Male R1a1a1b1a J1c2t
VK345 Oland_1045 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 1.094 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1b2a1a1 H4a1
VK346 Oland_1057 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 1.259 Male J2 H2a2b
VK347 Oland_1065 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 0.015 Male I2a1b1 T2b28
VK348 Oland_1067 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 1.031 Male I2a1b1a2b1a2a T2b28
VK349 Oland_1073 Sweden Oland Oland 829 ± 57 CE 1.253 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a4b2c1a H1e2a
VK350 Oland_1086 Sweden Oland Oland 799 ± 68 CE 1.555 Female N/A H3n
VK352 Oland_1012 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 1.149 Male I1a1 H64
VK353 Oland_1024 Sweden Oland Oland 1049 ± 58 CE 1.304 Female N/A H1e1a
VK354 Oland_1026 Sweden Oland Oland 986 ± 38 CE 0.671 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2a1 H2a1
VK355 Oland_1046 Sweden Oland Oland 847 ± 65 CE 1.131 Male L2 U5b1b1a
VK357 Oland_1097 Sweden Oland Oland 1053 ± 60 CE 1.387 Male I1a2a1a1a J2b1a
VK358 Oland_1105 Sweden Oland Oland 853 ± 71 CE 1.032 Female N/A U3a1
VK359 Oland_1130 Sweden Oland Oland 700 CE 0.006 Male CT H1f+16093
VK361 Denmark_Bogovej BX Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 1.258 Female N/A X2b+226
VK362 Denmark_Bogovej LMR 12077 Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 0.64 Male E1b1b1a1b1a V7b
VK363 Denmark_Bogovej BT Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 1.337 Male I1a2a1a1a U4b1a1a1
VK364 Denmark_Bogovej BN Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 1.584 Female N/A H3u
VK365 Denmark_Bogovej BS Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 0.764 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 U8a2
VK366 Denmark_Bogovej BY Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 0.674 Female N/A J2a1a1a
VK367 Denmark_Bogovej D Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 1.053 Male I1 J1b1a1
VK368 Denmark_Bogovej T Denmark Langeland Bogøvej 10th century CE 1.255 Female N/A H26a1
VK369 Denmark_Bakkendrup losfund-2, conc.1 Denmark Sealand Bakkendrup 850-900 CE 1.137 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 H1a
VK370 Denmark_Galgedil ANO Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 1.307 Female N/A H7b2
VK371 Denmark_Galgedil UD-Vest Denmark Funen Galgedil 780-990 CE 0.656 Female N/A H1a1
VK372 Denmark_Galgedil KM Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 1.346 Female N/A U5a1a2a
VK373 Denmark_Galgedil BER Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 1.088 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2b1a1 J2b1a
VK379 Oland_1077 Sweden Oland Oland 700 CE 0.07 Male I1 U3b1b
VK380 Oland_1078 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 0.106 Male I1 H27
VK382 Oland_1132 Sweden Oland Oland 700 CE 0.06 Male I1a1b1a4a2 H3g1
VK383 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 11, sk DT Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 0.044 Female N/A H5c
VK384 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 14, sk EU Denmark Jutland Hesselbjerg 850-900 CE 1.205 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b1a1a1a H3g1
VK385 Denmark_Lejre Grav 321 Denmark Sealand Lejre 850-900 CE 1.529 Female N/A U4c1
VK386 Norway_Oppland 5305 Norway Nor_South Oppland 9-11th centuries CE 1.219 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1f1a J1b1a1
VK387 Norway_Oppland 3778 Norway Nor_South Oppland 10-11th centuries CE 1.091 Female N/A U5a1a1
VK388 Norway_Nordland 253 Norway Nor_North Nordland 8-16th centuries CE 0.975 Male I1 J1c5
VK389 Norway_Telemark 3697 Norway Nor_South Telemark 10th century CE 1.112 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2a1b1a4b T2b
VK390 Norway_Telemark 1648-A Norway Nor_South Telemark 5-6th centuries CE 1.447 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 K2a3
VK391 Norway_Telemark 1648-B Norway Nor_South Telemark 5-6th centuries CE 0.424 Female N/A I3
VK392 Norway_Telemark 1645 Norway Nor_South Telemark 8-10th centuries CE 1.048 Female N/A H1g1
VK393 Norway_Hedmark 4006 Norway Nor_South Hedmark 10th century CE 1.195 Female N/A U8a1a
VK394 Norway_Hedmark 4460 Norway Nor_South Hedmark 10th century CE 0.735 Male R1a1a1b1a3 H13a1a1a
VK395 Sweden_Skara 275 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.437 Male N1a1a1a1a1a2a1a2 X2c1
VK396 Sweden_Skara 166 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.192 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c1a1 J1c2t
VK397 Sweden_Skara 237 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.37 Male R1a1a1b1a3a J1b1a1
VK398 Sweden_Skara 231 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.291 Male T1a2b1 H1b1+16362
VK399 Sweden_Skara 276 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.708 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a H4a1a1a
VK400 Sweden_Skara 236 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.066 Male I1a1b H1+16239
VK401 Sweden_Skara 229 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.26 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2 H2a2b
VK402 Sweden_Skara 38 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.531 Female N/A J2a1a1
VK403 Sweden_Skara 217 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.49 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2a1b1a K1a4a1a2b
VK404 Sweden_Skara 277 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.425 Male I1a1b U4a2
VK405 Sweden_Skara 83 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.028 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1 K1a10
VK406 Sweden_Skara 203 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 1.296 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a K1a4a1
VK407 Sweden_Skara 274 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.233 Male I1 H1c21
VK408 Russia_Ladoga_5757-18 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.165 Male R1a1a1b1 H74
VK409 Russia_Ladoga_5680-14 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 10-12th centuries CE 0.168 Male I1a H3h
VK410 Russia_Ladoga_5680-15 Russia Ladoga Ladoga 1107+-27 0.129 Male I1 X2b+226
VK411 Denmark_Galgedil TT Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 0.019 Male F H1a1
VK413 Russia_Gnezdovo 81-290 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.027 Female N/A U5b1+16189+@16192
VK414 Norway_Oppland 1517 Norway Nor_South Oppland 10-11th centuries CE 1.225 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2a H6a1a
VK415 Norway_Oppland 1520 Norway Nor_South Oppland 8-11th centuries CE 1.22 Female N/A H6a1a
VK417 Norway_Oppland 2808-2 Norway Nor_South Oppland 7-11th centuries CE 1.145 Female N/A H7b
VK418 Norway_Nordland 1502 Norway Nor_North Nordland 4th century CE 0.93 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1b J1c2c1
VK419 Norway_Nordland 1522 Norway Nor_North Nordland 6-10th centuries CE 1.234 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a U5b1b1g1
VK420 Norway_Hedmark 2813 Norway Nor_South Hedmark 8-11th centuries CE 1.534 Male I1 I4a
VK421 Norway_Oppland 3777 Norway Nor_South Oppland 10-11th centuries CE 0.013 Male R1a1a U5b2c2b
VK422 Norway_Hedmark 4304 Norway Nor_South Hedmark 10th century CE 1.071 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2 J1b1a1a
VK424 Sweden_Skara 273 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.135 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b1 K2b1a1
VK425 Sweden_Skara 44 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.119 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2b U3a1
VK426 Sweden_Skara 216 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.118 Male R1b1a1b U6a1a1
VK427 Sweden_Skara 209 Sweden Skara Varnhem 10-12th centuries CE 0.111 Male I2a1b1a K1a4
VK428 Gotland_Frojel-00287 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.18 Female N/A K1a4a1a2b
VK429 Gotland_Frojel-01599 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 2.725 Female N/A H70
VK430 Gotland_Frojel-00502 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.178 Male N1a1a1a1a1a T1a1b
VK431 Gotland_Frojel-00487A Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.25 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 H2a1
VK432 Gotland_Frojel-00303 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.304 Female N/A J1b1a1
VK433 Gotland_Frojel-01798 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 2.206 Female N/A H5
VK434 Gotland_Frojel-01288 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.257 Female N/A U5b2a2
VK435 Gotland_Frojel-02500 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.058 Female N/A T1a5a
VK437 Gotland_Frojel-02303 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.023 Female N/A V
VK438 Gotland_Frojel-04498 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.215 Male R1a1a1b H1
VK439 Gotland_Frojel-02498 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.161 Female N/A U4a2a
VK440 Gotland_Frojel-003A88 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.071 Female N/A T2b+152
VK441 Gotland_Frojel-032A98 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.032 Female N/A J1c1b1a
VK442 Oland_1008 Sweden Oland Oland 847 ±-65 CE 1.239 Female N/A U2e1f1
VK443 Oland_1101 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 2.107 Male I1a2a1a1d2 U5b2b5
VK444 Oland_1059 Sweden Oland Oland 847 ± 65 CE 0.793 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2a1b1b1 K1a
VK445 Denmark_Gl Lejre-A1896 Denmark Sealand Gl._Lejre 9-11th centuries CE 1.363 Male I1a2a2 U3b
VK446 Denmark_Galgedil LS Denmark Funen Galgedil 9-11th centuries CE 1.531 Male I1a2a2 U5a1a1+16362
VK448 Norway_Hedmark 4005 Norway Nor_South Hedmark 8-11th centuries CE 2.231 Female N/A H5a2
VK449 UK_Dorset-3746 UK Dorset Ridgeway_Hill_Mass_Grave_Dorset 10-11th centuries CE 1.431 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1b H6a2a
VK450 Gotland_Kopparsvik-35 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.121 Female N/A J1c1b1a
VK452 Gotland_Kopparsvik-111 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.228 Male R1a1a1b1a T2b
VK453 Gotland_Kopparsvik-134 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.166 Male R1a1a1 H8c
VK454 Gotland_Kopparsvik-140 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.246 Female N/A HV9
VK455 Gotland_Frojel-03401 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 1.603 Female N/A U5a2c1
VK456 Gotland_Frojel-02404 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 1.389 Female N/A I1a1e
VK457 Gotland_Frojel-03299_1 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.188 Female N/A I5a
VK458 Gotland_Frojel-03299_3 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.18 Female N/A I1a1a3
VK459 Gotland_Frojel-02198 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.189 Female N/A W3a1
VK460 Gotland_Frojel-04898 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.288 Female N/A I3
VK461 Gotland_Frojel-025A89 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.273 Male N1a1a1a1a1a2a1a H7b
VK462 Gotland_Frojel-025B89 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.087 Female N/A H1e1a
VK463 Gotland_Frojel-019A89 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.268 Male R1a1a1b1a2b H1b5
VK464 Gotland_Frojel-019B89 Sweden Gotland Frojel 900-1050 CE 0.082 Female N/A H1
VK466 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-222 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.123 Male R1 H6a1a4
VK467 Gotland_Kopparsvik-181 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.011 Male CT H1a
VK468 Gotland_Kopparsvik-235 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 2.834 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2b1a H1a1
VK469 Gotland_Kopparsvik-260 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.225 Male R1b1a1b1a1a1c2b2a1b1a H3ac
VK470 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-212 Russia Gnezdovo Gnezdovo 10-11th centuries CE 0.027 Female N/A HV0
VK471 Gotland_Kopparsvik-63 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.215 Male R1a1 H1m
VK472 Gotland_Kopparsvik-112 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.064 Female N/A H13a1a1b
VK473 Gotland_Kopparsvik-126 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 1.396 Male I1a1b N1a1a1a1
VK474 Gotland_Kopparsvik-137 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 1.591 Male E1b1b1b2a1a4 J1d
VK475 Gotland_Kopparsvik-187 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 4.492 Male R1a1a1b1a2b H1a
VK476 Gotland_Kopparsvik-225 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 0.117 Female N/A X2+225
VK477 Gotland_Kopparsvik-228 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 1.166 Female N/A H1b1+16362
VK478 Gotland_Kopparsvik-271 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 1.582 Female N/A H1m
VK479 Gotland_Kopparsvik-272 Sweden Gotland Kopparsvik 900-1050 CE 1.817 Male G2a2b2a1a1b1a1a2a1a H1a1
VK480 Estonia_Salme_II-E Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 0.866 Male R1a1a1b1a2a U4a2a1
VK481 Estonia_Salme_II-F Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.421 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a T2a1a
VK482 Estonia_Salme_II-P Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.085 Male I1 H1a
VK483 Estonia_Salme_II-V Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.78 Male I1a2a1a1d1a H16
VK484 Estonia_Salme_II-Q Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.212 Male R1a1a1b1a2b3a H6a1a
VK485 Estonia_Salme_II-O Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 0.709 Male I1a2a1a1d1a H16
VK486 Estonia_Salme_II-G Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.778 Male R1a1a1b1a2b3a U4a2a
VK487 Estonia_Salme_II-A Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.932 Male R1a1a1b H17a2
VK488 Estonia_Salme_II-H Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 0.901 Male I1a1b1 H5c
VK489 Estonia_Salme_II-Ä Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.602 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a T2e1
VK490 Estonia_Salme_II-N Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 0.946 Male I1a2a1a1d1a1a H16
VK491 Estonia_Salme_II-Õ Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.433 Male I1a2a1a1d1a1a H6a1a
VK492 Estonia_Salme_II-B Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.015 Male I1a2a1a1d1a H1b5
VK493 Estonia_Salme_II-Š Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.828 Male R1a1a1b1 H2a2a1
VK494 Poland_Sandomierz 1/13 Poland Sandomierz Sandomierz 10-11th centuries CE 0.164 Male R1a1a X2c2
VK495 Estonia_Salme_II-C Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.143 Male I1a H1b
VK496 Estonia_Salme_II-W Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.978 Male I1a2a2a H1a
VK497 Estonia_Salme_II-Ö Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.447 Male I1a2a1a1d1a1a H16
VK498 Estonia_Salme_II-Z Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.219 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2a1 H1q
VK504 Estonia_Salme_I-1 Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 0.859 Male N1a1a1a1a1a H28a
VK505 Estonia_Salme_I-2 Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.136 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a J1b1a1b
VK506 Estonia_Salme_I-3 Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.233 Male I1a J1c2
VK507 Estonia_Salme_I-4 Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 0.823 Male I1a1b1 HV6
VK508 Estonia_Salme_I-5 Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.72 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a J1c5
VK509 Estonia_Salme_I-6 Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.328 Male I1a1b1 H1n+146
VK510 Estonia_Salme_I-7 Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.525 Male I1a1b1 H10e
VK511 Estonia_Salme_II-X Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.701 Male I1a1b1a1 T2a1a
VK512 Estonia_Salme_II-Ü Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.804 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a H2a2b1
VK513 Greenland F8 Greenland East_Settlement Ø029 Early Norse 2.256 Male R1a1a1 J1c1b
VK514 Norway_Nordland 5195 Norway Nor_North Nordland 6-10th centuries CE 1.034 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 K2b1a1
VK515 Norway_Nordland 4512 Norway Nor_North Nordland 10th century CE 0.636 Male I1a2a1a1d1a H52
VK516 Norway_Sor-Trondelag 4481 Norway Nor_Mid Sor-Trondelag 10th century CE 1.426 Male R1a1a1b1a3a2 H6a1a
VK517 Sweden_Uppsala_UM36031_623b Sweden Uppsala Skämsta 11th century 1.041 Male I2a1b1a2b1a2a J1c3f
VK518 Norway_Nordland 4689 Norway Nor_North Nordland 9th century CE 0.438 Female N/A U5b1b1a
VK519 Norway_Nordland 4691b Norway Nor_North Nordland 6-10th centuries CE 0.217 Male I1 HV0a1
VK520 Norway_Troms 4184 Norway Nor_North Troms 10th century CE 1.77 Female N/A U5b2a1a2
VK521 Sol941 Grav900 Brondsager Torsiinre Denmark Sealand Brondsager_Torsiinre 300 CE 4.538 Male I1a2a2a H16b
VK522 Oland 1052 24846 13 Sweden Oland Oland 386 ± 80 AD 7.142 Female N/A H1a3b
VK523 Norway_Sor-Trondelag 3699 Norway Nor_Mid Sor-Trondelag pre-11th century CE 1.005 Female N/A I1a1
VK524 Norway_Nordland 3708 Norway Nor_North Nordland 10th century CE 1.606 Male I1a2a1a1d1a HV0a1
VK525 Norway_Nordland 3709 Norway Nor_North Nordland 9th century CE 1.111 Female N/A U5a1a2a
VK526 Norway_Nordland 5317 Norway Nor_North Nordland 9th century CE 2.029 Female N/A J2b1a3
VK527 Sweden_Uppsala_UM36031_621 Sweden Uppsala Skämsta 11th century 1.116 Female N/A J1c3f
VK528 Norway_Troms 4049 Norway Nor_North Troms 8-9th centuries CE 1.599 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a4d1 K1a4a1b
VK529 Norway_Nordland 642 Norway Nor_North Nordland 8-9th centuries CE 1.813 Male I1a1b1a4a2 H7
VK530 Norway_Nordland 4511 Norway Nor_North Nordland 10th century CE 0.965 Female N/A H1as
VK531 Norway_Troms 5001A Norway Nor_North Troms 2400 BC 1.399 Male R1b1a1 U2e2a
VK532 Kragehave Odetofter XL718 Denmark Sealand Kragehave Odetofter 100 CE 4.013 Male I1a2a U2e2a1a
VK533 Oland 1076 28364 35 Sweden Oland Oland 9-11th centuries CE 4.831 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a H13a1a1e
VK534 Italy_Foggia-869 Italy Foggia San_Lorenzo 11-13th centuries CE 1.158 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2 H1
VK535 Italy_Foggia-891 Italy Foggia San_Lorenzo 12-13th centuries CE 1.238 Male R1b1a1b1b3a T1a5
VK536 Italy_Foggia-1240 Italy Foggia Cancarro 11-13th centuries CE 1.039 Female N/A H3h6
VK537 Italy_Foggia-1248 Italy Foggia Cancarro 11-13th centuries CE 1.385 Female N/A V
VK538 Italy_Foggia-1249 Italy Foggia Cancarro 11-13th centuries CE 1.203 Male L1a1b H+16291
VK539 Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8870-97 Ukraine Shestovitsa Shestovitsa 10-12th centuries CE 1.574 Male I1 V
VK540 Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8871-96 Ukraine Shestovitsa Shestovitsa 10-12th centuries CE 0.882 Female N/A V
VK541 Ukraine_Lutsk Ukraine Lutsk Lutsk 13th century 2.563 Male R1a1a1b1a1a1c1 H7
VK542 Ukraine_Chernigov Ukraine Chernigov Chernigov 11th century 1.204 Male I2a1a2b1a1a H5a2a
VK543 Ireland_EP55 Ireland Eyrephort Eyrephort 9th century CE 1.001 Male R1a1a1 I2
VK544 Ireland_FG254 Ireland Dublin Finglas 9th century CE 1.613 Female N/A H24a
VK545 Ireland_SSG12 Ireland Dublin Ship_Street_Great 7-9th centuries CE 1.852 Male R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1a1a1a1a1a H1bb
VK546 Ireland_08E693 Ireland Dublin Islandbridge 9th century CE 0.094 Male R1a1a1 HV6
VK547 Norway_Nordland 4727 Norway Nor_North Nordland 8-11th centuries CE 4.732 Male I1a1b1a4a2 V
VK548 Norway_Nord-Trondelag 3705 Norway Nor_Mid Nord-Trondelag 9th century CE 3.407 Female N/A A12a
VK549 Estonia_Salme_II-J Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.676 Male I1a1b1 T2b5a
VK550 Estonia_Salme_II-D Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.783 Male N1a1a1a1a1a1a1b V
VK551 Estonia_Salme_II-U Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 2.308 Male R1a1a1b1a3a1 J2a1a1a2
VK552 Estonia_Salme_II-K Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.379 Male I1a2a1a1d H10e
VK553 Estonia_Salme_II-M Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.264 Male I1a1b1 K1c1h
VK554 Estonia_Salme_II-L Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 0.933 Male I1 W6a
VK555 Estonia_Salme_II-I Estonia Saaremaa Salme 8th century CE 1.099 Male I1a2a1a1d1a U3b1b
VK579 Oland 1099 1785/67 35 Sweden Oland Oland 200-400 CE 0.126 Male N1a1a1a1a H1s
VK582 SBM1028 ALKEN ENGE 2013, X2244 Denmark Jutland Alken_Enge 1st century CE 0.103 Male I2a1b1a H6a1b3

VK337 и VK357 появились среди моих SNP-cовпаденцев. 30 и 39 SNP соответственно. Через них сразу же вылезло родство с кучей европейцев, по пачке новых SNP.
« Последнее редактирование: 26 Декабрь 2020, 19:41:54 от Uruzaner »

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Если погребенный предводитель и правда Ингвар Высокий, то мы теперь знаем игрек Инглингов...

прародителем рода Инглингов был скандинавский бог лета и плодородия - Фрейр
стало быть известна его гаплогруппа  :D
« Последнее редактирование: 28 Февраль 2021, 21:18:59 от пенелопа »


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